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 WWE: A New Era

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Wrestling Student
Wrestling Student

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WWE: A New Era Empty
PostSubject: WWE: A New Era   WWE: A New Era Icon_minitimeSun Apr 06, 2008 4:36 pm

Hello Everyone. This is my first time so go easy on me. I will show the entire WM24.

Wrestlemania 24
Live at Orlando, Florida

The opening promo of WM opens and it highlights the main matches. The Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship, The World Heavyweight Championship, The Career Threating Match & The Best vs. The Biggest Match. We are welcomed by JR & King, Michael Cole & Coach and Joey Styles & Tazz.

1st Match: Smackdown vs. Raw

Batista comes out first to a huge pop. Umaga comes out to a chorus of boos.

The two men lock up and both men try to out strength each other but fail. Both stop and just stare at each other. Batista bounces on the ropes and tries a shoulder barge but Umaga is unphased. Umaga bounces on the rope and tries a shoulder barge but Batista is unphased. This time both try it and both men are unphased once again. Batista then hits a right followed by a right from Umaga the two punch each other until Batista catches a punch from Umaga and irish whips him. Batista goes for a clothesline but Umaga ducks and bounces off the rope to hit a spinning kick. Batista is down and Umaga punches Batista. Umaga picks him up and body slams him. He then goes up to the top rope but Batista is up and throws him down. Batista goes to the top and hits a shoulder barge from the top. He then picks Umaga up and locks in a bearhug. Umaga struggles to get out as it is a first that Umaga has found someone just as strong as him. Umaga starts to faint and the referee checks on Umaga. Umaga is out and the ref picks up his hand. It falls. 1...2...Umaga stops it and starts to struggle. Batista then charges at the turnbuckle which stops Umaga. He then hits a few shoulder thrusts. He then backs away and goes for a clothesline but Umaga puts a foot up. He then clotheslines Batista. He then puts a nerve hold on Batista. Batista tries to get Umaga's fingers off him but Umaga just puts more pain in it. After a while Batista starts to faint but then he gets up and hits a few shoulders into the gut of Umaga. Umaga then kicks Batista in the head taking him down. 1..2..KICK OUT! Umaga screams at the referee. He then picks up Batista and puts him in the tree of woe. He runs and hits a headbutt. He then puts Batista in the corner and hits the running but slam. Then he picks Batista and hits the Samoan Spike. 1...2...KICK OUT! Umaga is shocked and picks Batista up again about to hit another Spike but Batista stops the Spike and then backdrops Umaga. As Umaga gets up Batista spears him. He then picks him up and hits Umaga with the Batista Bomb. 1...2...KICK OUT! Batista is shocked and picks Umaga up again and goes for another Batista Bomb but Umaga backdrops Batista. He sets to do a Samoan Spike but as he goes at Batista he hits a Spinebuster. 1...2...KICK OUT! Batista grows angry and picks Umaga yet again and hits him with another Spinebuster. 1...2...KICK OUT! Batista is shocked once again. He picks Umaga once again who is dazed and hits him with a third Spinebuster. 1...2...3!

Winner: Batista

Batista raises his hands up but looks at Umaga with a shocked look. He celebrates in the middle of the ring as the crowd cheers. Batista leaves the ring where Candice Michelle goes to him.

"Batista, you just proved that Smackdown is better than Raw but what is your thought to the match?"

"Well it's simple. I put my best out there and Umaga took it. I have to say I usually call Raw guys weak but Umaga put me to a new level I thought I never would go to."

Batista leaves the area with cheers.

Backstage Segment

Lena Yada is backstage with ECW Champion, Chavo Guerrero.

"Chavo during the Pre-Show we found out that you will be defending the ECW Title against Tommy Dreamer. What are your thoughts?"

"My thoughts? Did you see last ECW? I beat Dreamer and tonight I will defeat him again and remain ECW Champion."

"Yes, You did beat him last ECW but have you forgotten that he went through a huge 12 Man Tag Team Match before?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten. I mean he had the same sort of match earlier and I will do what I do best and that's make Winners turn into Losers."

2nd Match: Belfast Brawl

JBL comes out to a chorus of boos as he just ignores it. Finlay comes out to a huge cheer.

The bell rings and JBL hits Finlay with a boot. He then starts hitting him with left and rights. He goes outside and goes under the ring and gets a trashcan out. He is about to put it in when Finlay baseball slides into it. He then grabs the lid of it and hits JBL with it several times. He then picks JBL up and irish whips him in the steel stairs. Finlay then gets a steel chair and hits JBL square in the face. JBL is busted wide open. Finlay then punches at the wound which makes JBL scream. Finlay then takes out the monitor and smashes JBl's face with it. Finlay then grabs a ladder but when he turns round JBL hits him with the very same chair that he used earlier. JBL then smashes the chair over and over and over. He throws Finlay in the ring and brings the ladder with him. He smashes the ladder into Finlay's face. Finlay is now busted open. JBL then hits Finlay with the powerbomb. 1...2...KICK OUT! JBL is cross and then goes outside and gets a table out. He puts it in the ring and sets it up in the ring. He goes to powerbomb Finlay through it but Finlay backdrops JBL through it. 1...2...KICK OUT! Finlay gets the shillelagh and hits JBL in the ribs which makes JBL retreat outside. Finlay follows and goes for another shot but JBL moves out the way and pushes Finlay into the post. He then throws Finlay in the ring. He gets another table and throws it in. He sets it up and this time succeeds in powerbombing Finlay through the table. 1...2...KICK OUT! JBL can't believe it. He sees Finlay's shillelagh on the floor outside and he smiles. He throws all the other weapons out and goes outside to get the shillelagh but then a hand comes out of the ring and grabs it. JBL looks under the ring where he gets poked in the eyes by Hornswoggle. Hornswoggle goes to enter the ring but JBL grabs him. JBL is about to hit him when Hornswoggle stamps on JBL's foot. Hornswoggle then runs around the ring as JBL chases after him. Hornswoggle enters the ring and passes the shillelagh to Finlay. Unknown to what has happened JBL enters the ring going after Hornswoggle and is then hit with the shillelagh in the ribs and then a shot at the head. Finlay drops the shillelagh and grabs the ladder. He places it in the center of the ring and then picks up JBL. He then loads him up and hits JBL with the Celtic Cross on the ladder. 1...2...3!

Winner: Finlay

Hornswoggle enters the ring as Finlay is on his knees. The two look at each other and then they hug.

Backstage Segment

Lena Yada is backstage with the Number One Contender for the ECW Title, Tommy Dreamer.

"Tommy, Tonight you will get the chance to win the ECW Title. How does it feel?"

"It feels great and tonight I can finally do two things since I came back in one fell swoop. Win the ECW Title and be at Wrestlemania."

3rd Match: ECW World Heavyweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero the champion comes out all confident. Then follows Dreamer who gets a huge ovation.

The two hook up and Dreamer overpowers Chavo. Chavo goes back into a lock up and once again Dreamer overpowers Guerrero. Chavo grows frustrated and slaps Dreamer but he just smiles and punches Chavo down. Dreamer puts Chavo in a headlock. Chavo gets up and bounces Dreamer off on the ropes and goes for a dropkick but Dreamer stops and Chavo falls on the floor. Dreamer picks up Chavo and bodyslams Chavo. 1...2...KICK OUT! Dreamer puts Chavo to the corner and chops him. He then starts hitting him with haymakers while on the top rope but then Chavo picks him up and lands him on the turnbuckle. Chavo starts hitting him in the back which starts to slow Dreamer. Chavo then hits a dropkick on Dreamer. 1...2...KICK OUT! Chavo picks up Dreamer and prepares a Gory Bomb but Dreamer backdrops him. Chavo rolls to the outside and garbs his title. He goes to leave as Dreamer and the ref watch. But Colin Delaney comes from behind Chavo and throws him in the ring. Tommy hits a three punch combo. 1...2...KICK OUT! Dreamer becomes frustrated and gets set to plant a DDT but Chavo holds the rope. 1...2...STOPPED. The referee sees Chavo's feet on the rope. Chavo turns and goes after Delaney and throws him into the ringpost. Chavo enters the ring but is hit by a clothesline by Dreamer. Dreamer goes for the DDT but out of nowhere Jerry Lynn enters the ring to distract Dreamer who is shocked and then Delaney enters the ring and hits Dreamer from behind. Chavo then hits a brainbuster on Dreamer. He climbs the top rope and hits the frogsplash. 1...2...3!

Winner & STILL ECW Champion: Chavo Guerrero

Chavo raises his hand in victory and Lynn then enters the ring and shakes Delany's hand. He then picks up Dreamer and hits the Cradle Piledriver knocking Dreamer out cold.

Backstage Segment

Kim Kardashian is there.

"Hello everybody and coming up next will be the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Now with me is one of the superstars who will compete in the match, he is the Intercontinental Champion and the creator of the Money in the Bank, Chris Jericho."

"Hello sweet cheeks, Tonight is a special night. Why? because the sexy beast, Y2J will prove why he is Money in the Bank and then go on to become World Champion?"

He then leaves.

4th Match: Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Mr Kennedy comes out to a chorus of boos. He presents his hand and a microphone comes down.

"Ladies & Gentleman, The winner of the match for the second time in a row, MRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR KENNEDY...... KENNEDY"

He then enters the ring. Then MVP comes out followed by John Morrison, CM Punk, Shelton Benjamin, Carlito & Chris Jericho.

The bell rings and all seven men leave the ring to gets a ladder. Benjamin stops Morrison by hitting him the back and throwing him into the side of the ring. Carlito kicks MVP in the midsection and cracks his head onto the ladder. Punk & Jericho enter the ring with ladders and they to hit each other with them but all it does is make them rebound which allows Kennedy & Benjamin to pull down the rope which makes them fall out of the ring. Kennedy enters the ring with a ladder while Benjamin enters the ring and dropkicks Kennedy. He then sets the ladder and starts to climb it but Carlito climbs the turnbuckle and dropkicks it down. Punk enters the ring to plant a GTS on Carlito but he squirms out of it and hits Punk with a Backstabber. Carlito is smiling when MVP hits him with a giant Boot. MVP turns to get a ladder shot to the head by Morrison. Morrison climbs the turn buckle and jumps off hitting MVP with an elbow drop. But as Morrison turns he is hit by a Codebreaker by Jericho. Jericho sets the ladder up and starts to climb it when he is pulled down by Benjamin who then hits him with the jumping face plant. Benjamin then starts climbing the ladder while all the others are down. It seems as Benjamin is about to get it when Punk garbs his leg. Punk climbs up and starts hitting Benjamin in the head. Punk is about to grab the briefcase when Benjamin hits him the gut and then flips into a sunset flip to powerbomb Punk right on top of MVP. Benjamin gets up but is then kicked by Morrison who then hits him with the corkscrew neckbreaker. Morrison starts climbing the ladder when Kennedy pulls him down and picks him up to do a mini-version of the Plunge from Green Bay. Kennedy climbs up but is stopped by Carlito. the duo start punching each other until Carlito ducks a punch and dropkicks Kennedy out of the ring. Carlito is then thrown out of the ring by Jericho. Jericho starts climbing the ladder when MVP pushes the ladder and Jericho falls and lands on Kennedy & Carlito. MVP climbs the turnbuckle and goes to splash the three men outside but they scatter and MVP lands on the mat. Punk then hits a suicide dive on the three men which leaves Benjamin & Morrison in the ring. Benjamin goes to hit Morrison with a clothesline but Morrison throws him out of the ring where he lands in the pile outside. Morrison grabs the ladder and climbs the turnbuckle. As all of the other men get up, Morrison hits a corkscrew moonsault on all of the while holding the ladder which lands on all of them. Morrison enters the ring gingerly and sets the ladder up. He starts climbing it but has difficulty due to him hurting his back. As he starts to climb it Benjamin jumps off the ropes and lands on the other side of the ladder and punches Morrison in the head. He then hits a T-Bone Suplex from the top of the ladder which makes Morrison scream in pain. Benjamin is then met by Jericho who then locks in the Walls of Jericho on Benjamin. Benjamin is tapping out when Kennedy hits the Mic Check on Jericho. Kennedy starts climbing the ladder when Punk hits him with the ladder which is pay back from the previous Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Carlito then enters the ring and dropkicks Punk. He goes to hit a backstabber on Punk but Punk counters and is about to hit a GTS on him but Carlito struggles and both men fall out of the ring over the top rope. MVP then gets up and has a huge smile as everyone else is out. He starts to climb in the ring when a masked man comes out of nowhere and pulls him down and then kicks MVP in the groin. He then throws MVP into the stairs followed by a vicious kick into the arm. The masked man unveils himself and it is Matt Hardy. Matt then takes out of the safety mats and then hits MVP with the Twist of Fate onto the concrete floor. Matt leaves the area as MVP is knocked out. Punk re-enters the ring but Benjamin comes running at him and grabs his head and jumps out of the ring rebounding Punk of the rope. Benjamin re-enters the ring and starts climbing the ladder. Benjamin is near the top of the ladder when Jericho pulls the ladder from the bottom and Benjamin lands on the outside mat with a thud. Jericho sets the ladder when Kennedy hits him with the Mic Check. He then hits a Mic Check on Punk, Morrison & Carlito. Kennedy goes to climb the ladder when out of nowhere Shelton Benjamin appears and spears Kennedy. Benjamin grabs Kennedy and throws him out of the ring with a thud. Benjamin leaves the ring and then and hits Kennedy with T-Bone Suplex onto the concrete that Matt Hardy had unveiled earlier. Benjamin crawls into the ring and slowly climbs the ladder but his leg is pulled by Punk which makes Benjamin fall and Punk catches him and hits the GTS. Punk goes to climb the ladder when Carlito stops him and goes to hit him with a Backstabber but Punk grabs the rope and Carlito lands on the floor. Punk then kicks Carlito in the head which makes him fall out of the ring. Morrison then pushes him out and starts to climb the ladder but on the other side is Jericho. The duo start punching each other in the head while Punk re-enters the ring with a ladder. He hits both men with the ladder in the gut and he sets it up as stairs onto the other ladder. Punk then runs up the ladder and clotheslines both Jericho & Morrison. Punk then climbs the ladder and this time no one is there to stop him as he grabs the briefcase and frees it.

Winner: CM Punk

Punk celebrates on the top of the ladder as the EMT's arrive to help out all the seven men.


Last edited by dan333 on Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:40 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Wrestling Student
Wrestling Student

Male Number of posts : 43
Registration date : 2008-04-06
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WWE: A New Era Empty
PostSubject: Wrestlemania 24 Part 2   WWE: A New Era Icon_minitimeSun Apr 06, 2008 4:36 pm

The promo for the WWE Championship Match comes up highlighting what has happened the last few months.

5th Match: Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship

Triple H comes out first to a huge ovation. John Cena follows with a mixed reaction and Randy Orton comes out with a chorus of boos. Orton poses with the title.

The bell rings and HHH & Cena instantly tackle Orton with lefts and rights. Orton is able to squirm out but Cena & HHH follow. Cena starts hitting some haymakers, but then HHH pushes him and lays in some of his own haymakers, Cena pushes HHH and haymakers to Orton. HHH pushes Cena and both give each other death glares. They both the punches Orton. Cena takes Orton to the announce table and plants Orton's head on it. HHH then does it. Both men try to out beat each other by doing it six times each. They both then grabs Orton's head and hits one last shot. HHH goes for a pedigree on Orton but Cena clotheslines him. Cena goes to pick Orton up but Orton pokes Cena in the eye. Orton enters the ring but is followed by Cena. Orton attempts a clothesline but Cena ducks and hits the spinning backdrop. He unveils his hand for the Five-Knuckle Shuffle but as he bounces on the rope, HHH pulls the rope down. As Cena gets up he gets clotheslined by HHH. HHH re-enters the ring and hits Orton with a knee drop. 1...2...KICK OUT! HHH picks him up but Orton hits him an inverted backbreaker. Orton then locks in a headlock but it is broken up by Cena. Cena goes to pick Orton up but he is hit by a uppercut. Orton sets Cena up for the RKO but Cena pushes him back and into a Spinebuster by HHH. Cena goes for a clothesline on HHH but he ducks and spinebusters Cena onto Orton. HHH picks Cena up and goes for a pedigree but Cena backdrops HHH. He then clotheslines HHH out of the ring. He turns round and is hit by an RKO. 1...2...KICK OUT! Orton screams in frustration. He goes outside and grabs hit title. he enters the ring and hits Cena with it. 1...2...KICK OUT! Orton can't believe it. He then sets to hit Cena with the RKO onto the title belt but Cena pushes him off and sets him up for the FU but Orton gets out and hits the inverted backbreaker. HHH re-enters the ring and pedigrees Orton out of nowhere. 1...2...FEET ON THE ROPE! HHH grabs Orton's foot. 1...2...KICK OUT! HHH picks Orton up and throws him out of the ring. HHH goes to pedigree Cena but it is countered into a FU. 1...2...KICK OUT! Cena goes for another FU but HHH counters and goes for a pedigree but it is countered by Cena into an STFU. HHH struggles but after a while he grabs the rope. Cena lets go but as he turns round he gets RKO'd. 1...2...KICK OUT! Orton screams in anger. HHH turns round and is hit by an RKO, but HHH falls out of the ring. Orton goes to hit Cena with another RKO but Cena counters and hits a FU. 1...2...KICK OUT! Cena then turns Orton and locks in the STFU. As Orton struggles HHH goes under the ring and grabs a sledgehammer. He enters the ring and hits Cena in the back of the head with it. He leaves it on the floor and pedigree's Cena. But as he turns round Orton hits HHH in the ribs with the sledgehammer and is then hit by an RKO. 1...2...3!

Winner & STILL WWE Champion: Randy Orton

Orton raises his hands up until CM Punk enters the ring. he gives the briefcase to the referee.

6th Match: WWE Championship

The Bell Rings and Orton is picked up and hit by a GTS. 1...2...3!

Winner & NEW WWE Champion: CM Punk

We have a new WWE Champion in CM Punk. Punk celebrates with the title as Cena, HHH & Orton look on.

Backstage Segment

Todd Grisham is backstage with World Heavyweight champion Edge.

"What a shocker! CM Punk who won the MITB Ladder Match is now the NEW WWE Champion beating Randy Orton but speaking about Money in the Bank and Titles I have with me the World Heavyweight Champion, Edge. Now Edge what did you think of what just happened?"

"What do I think? I think it's brilliant. You see I thought Punk was one of those guys who have skill and no brains but I finally see that he and I have something in common. We're opportunists. And Tonight I'm going to do something that not even CM Punk can do and that's beat The Undertaker tonight at Wrestlemania and the streak will end with 15 and 1."

Snoop Dog & Kim Kardashian enter the ring and they pump up the crowd introducing the Bunnymania match.

7th Match: Bunnymania Lumberjill Match

Melina & Beth Phoenix enters out first with a mixed reaction. They are followed by Maria & Ashley. Then the lumberjacks enter.

The bell rings and Ashley hits Melina with some forearms. Melina though counters with some kicks to the mid-section. Melina then pulls Ashley down by the head and then wrenches her arms. Ashley gets up and hits Melina in the mid-section and then backdrops her. Ashley tags in Maria who enters the ring and clotheslines Melina several times. But Melina kicks Maria in the mid-section and then tags in Beth. Beth knocks Maria down and starts working on Mara's back. she taunts Ashley who finally has enough and gives Beth Phoenix a right handed punch to Beth. Maria tags in Ashley and Ashley spears Beth. 1...2...STOPPED. Melina kicks Ashley and Maria spears Melina out of the ring. Ashley hits Beth with several right forearms. Ashley kicks Beth in the mid-section and bounces on the rope but Beth catches her and belly to belly suplexs her. She then hits the Fisherman Suplex and pins her but the referee is trying to keep control of the other divas who are now having a brawl. He turns and sees the pin attempt. 1...2...KICK OUT! Beth becomes frustrated and pus Ashley onto the top turnbuckle. Beth sets to do a Fisherman Suplex from the top until Mickie James kicks Beth in the head and then Candice comes in and hits a powerbomb. Beth is down and Ashley hits her with the Starstruck Elbow Drop. The referee turns. 1...2...3!

Winners: Maria & Ashley

Ashley & Maria celebrate as Melina & the heel divas are in shock.

Backstage Segment

Josh Matthews is backstage with the NEW WWE Champion CM Punk.

"Ladies & Gentleman, I give to you a man who has won two Wrestlemania Matches in One Wrestlemania, the NEW WWE Champion, CM Punk. Now Punk are you worried that people will call you a cheap champion by the way you won the title."

"I could be but then again I did beat a cheap champion to win this. I mean Orton was handed this title and then he had to have HHH be beating to an inch of his life before he could win it. Then he get's DQued against HBK and then has the Sweet Chin Music barred. Then he gets disqualified against Y2J and doesn't even give back a rematch. So if people think I'm a cheap champion then meet me in the ring and we'll see who's the cheap champion"

A Promo for the Mayweather-Big Show match comes on.

8th Match: The Biggest vs. The Best Mixed Martial Arts Match

The Big Show enters the ring with huge cheers. he waves to the crowd. Then Floyd Mayweather comes out to a mixed reaction.

The bell rings and Big Show goes for Mayweather but he ducks and punches Show in the back but it doesn't affect him. Show goes for Floyd but he ducks again and this time hits show in the jaw. Show touches his jaw. Show goes charging at Floyd but he pulls the rope down and Big Show falls down. He becomes angry and throws the stairs into the ring. Mayweather dropkicks the stairs into Show's legs and then punches Show multiple times in the head. He goes for a final punch when Show grabs him and hits him with a giant chokeslam. 1...2...3!

Winner: The Big Show

Big Show raises his hands but then he grabs Mayweather. He then chokeslams Mayweather onto the steel steps. He then puts him into the cobra clutch and throws him around like a rag doll. He then goes over to the ECW announce table and sets to put Mayweather through the table but he is then hit from behind by The Great Khali. Khali chops Show in the head and then locks in the Vice Grip. Mayweather is helped out while this goes on. Khali then hits Show with the Khali Bomb through the announce table. He then raises his hands as the crowd boos.

Backstage Segment

Todd Grisham is with Shawn Michaels

"Tonight Shawn you go into what will be your biggest match to date as you go one on one with The Nature Boy Ric Flair and if you beat him then it will be the end of Ric Flair."

"You know what Todd. I have been struggling with this for a long time. I know if I win I will end the career of one of the best but if I go out there and don't attempt to win and then Ric will always see me as a coward."

HHH then enters the scene. "Hey Shawn, I just want to say that even though you don't want to end his career you will have to attempt to because Flair wants you at your best. And even if you do beat him at least he went down fighting like he always has his entire live. And I don't care who wins, Me and you will always be the best of friends."


Last edited by dan333 on Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Wrestling Student
Wrestling Student

Male Number of posts : 43
Registration date : 2008-04-06
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WWE: A New Era Empty
PostSubject: Wrestlemania 24 Part 3   WWE: A New Era Icon_minitimeSun Apr 06, 2008 4:37 pm

A promo for the World Heavyweight Championship Match comes up highlighting the last year where Edge has been able to escape the Undertaker.

9th Match: World Heavyweight Championship

Edge comes out and poses like he is the greatest. Then comes out the Undertaker who walks in slowly.

The bell rings and the two lock up. Taker is able to out power Edge into the corner. Taker goes for a punch but Edge moves out the way and hits a few right hands himself but it doesn't affect Taker and he throws Edge into the corner. He then hits Edge with lefts & rights. Undertaker picks him and hits Snake Eyes and then goes for a big Boot but Edge ducks and Taker goes flying into the ring ropes. Edge goes for a spear but Taker moves out the way and Edge runs into the rope. The Undertaker picks him up and sets for a tombstone but Edge squirms out and dropkicks Taker out of the ring. Edge baseball slides Taker into the safety wall. Edge climbs the turnbuckle and jumps at taker but Taker catches him and runs his back into the ringpost. Taker throws him into the ring but has his head sticking out. He elbows Edge's head and then Taker climbs onto the side of the ring. He goes for the legdrop but Edge moves and Taker hits the ring instead. He holds his leg and Edge leaves the ring and chopblocks the leg. Edge then throws Taker in the ring and locks in a Half Boston Crab. Taker scream in pain but he drags himself and reaches the ropes. Edge elbows the leg. He then sets taker up for a spear but taker catches him and hits Edge with a chokeslam. Taker though is in pain and holds onto his leg which allows edge to get up. Taker grabs Edge's throat but Edge kicks Taker's leg. Edge locks in a figure-four leg lock. Taker screams in pain again but he grabs the rope again. Edge becomes frustrated and sets for a spear. But this time Taker puts up a boot and Edge runs into it. But the boot was the hurt leg and Taker goes into pain again. Edge gets up and baseball slides Taker's leg. He climbs the turnbuckle and elbows the leg. He then pulls the leg. Taker reaches the rope once again and Edge finally spears Taker. 1...2...KICK OUT! Edge picks Taker up and hits him with an implant DDT. 1...2...KICK OUT! Edge argues with the ref which allow Taker to sit up. Edge turns and gets chokeslammed. 1...2...KICK OUT! Taker picks Edge up and goes for a Last Ride. Edge squirms out and spears Taker. 1...2...KICK OUT! Edge climbs the turnbuckle and jumps but taker catches him and hits Edge with the Last Ride. 1...2...KICK OUT! Taker gives the ref a death glare. Taker grabs Edge's hand and locks in the Gogaplata Submission. Edge struggles but then rolls through. 1...2...KICK OUT! Taker then punches Edge and signals for a tombstone but then Curt Hawkins & Zach Ryder enters the ring but Taker grabs them and hits them both with a Double Chokeslam. Edge then spears Taker yet again. 1...2...KICK OUT! Edge starts hitting the floor and then Spears the referee. Smackdown General Manager Vicki Guerrero comes down with a steel chair. she throws it to Edge who plants Taker with it. Edge has the pinfall but the referee is out. Another referee comes running down. 1...2...KICK OUT! Edge grabs another chair and sets Taker up for the Con-Chairto but the referee grabs it. He gives it back to the announces when Taker grabs Edge by the throat. Vicki gets up on the apron and Taker throws Edge away. He then grabs Vicki but then he sidesteps out of the way as Edge spears Vicki. He turns round and Taker picks him up and hits the Tombstone Piledriver. 1...2...3!

Winner & NEW World Heavyweight Champion: The Undertaker

The Undertaker is the NEW World Heavyweight Champion. He celebrates doing his normal knees down pose.

Backstage Segment

Kim Kardashian is backstage with The Nature Boy Ric Flair.

"Ladies & Gentleman, Wrestlemania has been one great night but there is only one more match to go and that is the Career Threating Match between The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels and my guest, The Nature Boy Ric Flair. Now Ric how does it feel to be in the main event of what could be your final Wrestlemania?"

"How does it feel? It feels great. It could be my last night but I will prove to everyone why I am the Kiss Dealing, Limousine Riding, Jet Flying, Son of a Gun. I will give Shawn Michaels the best match he has ever had. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

The promo for the Career Threating Match comes up which shows Flair's Highlights of his entire Career and all of his career threating matches against Randy Orton, Umaga, Triple H, MVP, Mr Kennedy & Vince McMahon.

Main Event: Career Threating Match

Shawn Michaels comes out first to a mixed reaction. Ric Flair follows with a huge ovation.

The bell rings and Flair goes to lock up but Flair pulls back and taunts HBK. The two finally lock up and Flair pushes HBK to the corner. He then gives woo to Michaels. Michaels retaliates with a chop but Flair responds with a more harder chop. Flair irish whips Michaels to the turnbuckle and Flair backdrops Michaels. He then chops Michaels who is on his knees. Michaels gets up and punches Flair in the head several times and irish whips him on the ropes and clotheslines him. He then suplexs him. 1...2...KICK OUT! Michaels picks Flair up and chops him which is booed by the fans. Michael’s irish whips Flair but Flair counters with his own irish whip. Michaels lands in the turnbuckle and Flair goes after him but Michaels backdrops him out of the ring. Michaels goes to the top turnbuckle and flies off the top and lands on Flair. He then irish whips Flair into the steel stairs. Shawn picks him up and throws him in the ring. He body slams Flair several time and then he climbs the turnbuckle and hits the elbow drop. he signals for the Sweet Chin music but when he is about to hit flair he stops and flair takes advantage and locks in the Figure Four Leg Lock. The referee checks on Michaels who scream in pain while flair grabs the ropes for leverage. Michaels struggles but finally reaches the rope. As Michaels gets up, flair chopblocks him. He then hits him with a knee smash. Flair goes for the Figure Four again but Michaels rolls him up. 1...2...KICK OUT! Flair chops Michaels down. He goes for a figure Four but Michaels sends him into the ring post. Flair is outside the ring and in front of the Smackdown Announce Table and Michaels moonsaults off the ropes and he lands on Flair and they go through the table. Michaels throws Flair into the ring. 1...2...KICK OUT! Michaels picks Flair up by the hair which the referee tells him not to. Michaels pushes the ref away and Flair low blows Michaels. Flair gets up and gets the attention of the ref and hits a low blow yet again unknown to the referee. Flair locks in the Figure Four again. 1...2...SHOULDER UP! Michaels goes for the ropes but Flair rolls through and they are back in the centre of the ring. Michaels is in pain and is attempting to grab the rope but can't reach it. Michaels is able to pull just enough to reach the ropes which makes Flair have to let go of the Figure Four. Flair awaits Michaels to stand up before he goes after him but Michaels hits him with Sweet Chin Music. Michaels struggles to reach Flair but just when he does he hesitates to pin him. He finally does. 1...2...KICK OUT! Michaels picks Flair up but Flair hits a chop which Michaels retaliates with Sweet Chin Music again. 1...2...KICK OUT! Michaels is shocked and goes to the corner to set for one final kick. Flair gets up and Michaels goes for Sweet Chin Music but Flair ducks and chopblocks Michaels leg. He then hits a running knee drop and gives a woo. He then does a strut. Michaels gets up and Flair shocks him with a Superkick. 1...2...KICK OUT! Flair brings Michaels legs outside and wraps them around the post. He then locks in a sharpshooter using the post. Michaels screams in pain as the ref tells Flair to let go. after a while, Flair lets go as Michaels tries to get to the centre of the ring. As Flair gets in the ring, Michaels goes for Sweet Chin Music but he stops as his leg is in pain which allows flair to pull him down. Flair then locks Michaels into a sharpshooter. Michaels struggles with the pain and almost reaches the rope but Flair brings him back to the centre of the ring. Michaels pushes up and manages to make Flair fall down. Michaels then gets up and locks in a sharpshooter but his leg gives way and he falls down. Flair gets up and knee drops Michaels legs. Flair looks to the entrance ramp where he sees that many of the WWE Superstars Past & Present are out watching the match in person. Flair sets up for a Figure Four but Michaels attempts to Roll Up but flair counters the roll up with a roll up of his own. 1...2...KICK OUT! Flair gets up and Michaels goes for Sweet Chin music again but flair ducks but the referee doesn't and he gets kicked in the chops. Michaels gets up and Flair grabs Michaels groin which makes his eyes open up and he screams in pain. Flair then chops Michaels several times, he then knocks down Michaels and locks in the Figure four. Michaels is stuck in the middle of the ring and taps out but the referee is knocked out. Flair sees this and lets go. He wakes up the referee but as he turns round he gets hit by Sweet Chin Music. 1...2...KICK OUT! Michaels is shocked that Flair kicked out. He goes for the inverted figure four but Flair rolls Michaels up. 1...2...KICK OUT! Michaels goes for Sweet Chin Music again but Flair ducks and rolls Michaels up. 1...2...KICK OUT! Michaels then trips Flair up and finally locks in the inverted figure four. Flair tries to reach the ropes but can't reach. Flair tries to roll through but Michaels just puts him through more pain. Flair is close to tapping out but Flair shakes his head no. Flair almost reaches the rope but Michaels drags him along and puts more pain in it. flair is in for several more minutes before he faints through the pain. The referee checks on Flair and puts his arm up. 1......2......3!

Winner: Shawn Michaels

Michaels lets go and is announced the winner. Michaels struggles to get on his two feet as Triple H & Batista enters the ring. The duo help Flair up. Flair has tears in his eyes as does all the superstars. Flair looks at Michaels and walks to him. He helps Michaels up and hugs him. Batista then comes behind Flair and picks him up o his two shoulders. The entire crowd is going nuts as all the superstars’ claps as Fireworks go off as Flair is surrounded by all the WWE Superstars of Raw, Smackdown & ECW.

Last edited by dan333 on Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Wrestling Student
Wrestling Student

Male Number of posts : 43
Registration date : 2008-04-06
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WWE: A New Era Empty
PostSubject: Raw Preview   WWE: A New Era Icon_minitimeSun Apr 06, 2008 4:37 pm

RAW General Manager William Regal has informed WWE.Com that there will be three things happening on Raw.

There will be Championship Presentation to NEW WWE Champion CM Punk

There will be a Farewell Speech by Ric Flair

And also a Wrestlemania Rematch as Raw's Umaga will face off with Smackdown's Batista

Last edited by dan333 on Thu May 22, 2008 2:00 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Wrestling Student
Wrestling Student

Male Number of posts : 43
Registration date : 2008-04-06
Points : 0

WWE: A New Era Empty
PostSubject: Monday Night Raw   WWE: A New Era Icon_minitimeSun Apr 06, 2008 4:38 pm

Monday Night Raw -31st March 2008
LIVE at Orlando, Florida

of what happened on the RAW Side of Wrestlemania XXIV Including the
Triple Threat WWE Title Match, Punk vs. Orton, Raw vs. Smackdown Match,
The Mayweather-Show Match & the Career Threating Match.

RAW General Manager William Regal is in the ring.

Ladies & Gentleman, Last Night at Wrestlemania, History was made as
we had two WWE Title Matches. So let me introduce you to the NEW WWE
Champion: C.M. Punk."

CM Punk comes out with the WWE
Championship on his shoulder to a huge ovation. Punk enters the ring
and shakes William Regal's hand. He then poses for the crowd.

CM Punk, As everyone knows that WWE Title is in fact the John Cena
Spinner Belt. But now that we have a wrestling champion I want to
present you with the Original WWE Championship Belt."

presents the WWE Title which was last worn by JBL. Punk takes the title
and gives the Spinner Belt to Regal. He then gets the Microphone.

know, it feels great being WWE Champion and I would like to say that
whoever has a problem with me being WWE Champion, come out here right
now and talk to me face to face."

Randy Orton comes out with a chorus of boos.

done Punk. You won the WWE Title from properly one of the best
Champions in WWE when he went through a killer match. I mean I
understand why you did it. I mean John Cena, Triple H, Shawn Michaels,
Chris Jericho or Jeff Hardy couldn't beat me when I was 100% so it is
ironic that you attack me after I was out of my game. It's simple. You
can't beat me when I'm 100%."

"Really well how about me and you for the WWE Championship tonight?"

smiles and nods his head. Orton then slaps Punk who retaliates with
punches. He irish whips Orton who counters with his own irish whip.
Punk goes for a clothesline but Orton ducks. When Punk turns round
Orton hits him with the RKO. Orton stands over Punk and holds the WWE
Title over his head.

Backstage The Heart Break Shawn Michaels is coming to the ring to have a match next.

Cut to Commercial
Back from Commercial

DH Smith is in the ring with a microphone.

1997 my Uncle Bret "The Hitman" Hart was screwed out of the WWE
Championship by Shawn Michaels. Now 11 years later I DH Smith will
finally get revenge for me and my family."

1st Match: One on One

Shawn Michaels comes out to a mixed reaction.

bell rings and DH slaps Michaels. Michaels retaliates with a chop to
DH. Then he irish whips DH who then counters with his own irish whip
but Michaels hits a flying clothesline. Michaels then nips up and hits
an atomic drop followed by a punch and then a body slam. He goes onto
the top turnbuckle and lands an elbow. Michaels tunes the band for
Sweet Chin Music and goes for it but DH covers his face so Michaels
trips DH up and puts in the inverted figure four. DH taps out.

Winner: Shawn Michaels

Michaels celebrates when HHH comes out. He gets the microphone.

know what Shawn, last night I told you to do what Ric wanted and that's
put the best match possible. But what you did in that match was you
tapped out and you got away with it and screwed Flair out of the match."

"Look Hunter, I know what happened and if the referee doesn't see it, it doesn't count."

right Shawn, It's like this, Flair didn't win because you knocked out
the referee. And you ended the career of everyone's icon and it's like
this me and you are done. Our friendship is through and you best watch
out because I will break you in half."

HHH leaves as Michaels watches.

Highlights of the Smackdown vs. Raw Match is shown and shows how it took three spinebusters to defeat Umaga

2nd Match: Smackdown vs. Raw Wrestlemania Rematch

Batista comes out to a huge ovation. Umaga comes out with boos.

bounces on the rope for a clothesline but Umaga ducks and bounces on
the rope to hit a spinning kick. Umaga splashes Batista. he picks him
up and goes for a Samoan Spike but Batista blocks it and goes for a
Spinebuster but Umaga hits Batista in the back. Umaga hits a throat
thrust which makes Batista fall down. Umaga puts Batista in a nerve
hold. Batista starts to get up and elbows Umaga but Umaga knees Batista
in the back and puts more pressure on Batista. Batista gets up and
picks Umaga up and hits a Spinebuster. 1...2...KICK OUT! Batista goes
for another but Umaga knees Batista in the face. Umaga charges Batista
and both me fall out of the ring.

Cut to Commercial
Back from Commercial

has a bear hug on Batista. Batista faints and the ref check his arms.
He the n picks his arm up. 1......2......Batista stops his arm and
elbows Umaga in the back of the neck. Umaga lets go and Batista hits
Umaga with a spear. 1...2...KICK OUT! Batista signals the Batista Bomb
and sets it up but Umaga backdrops Batista. Umaga sets a Samoa Spike
but Batista counters it into a Spinebuster. 1...2...KICK OUT! Batista
picks Umaga up and picks him up for the Batista Bomb but Umaga throat
thrusts Batista and he falls back. 1...2...KICK OUT! Umaga gets up and
clotheslines Batista. He then hits a samoan drop. He climbs the top
turnbuckle and goes off with a splash in mind but Batista moves out of
the way. Batista hits Umaga with a Spinebuster. 1...2...KICK OUT!
Batista picks Umaga up and goes for another Spinebuster but Umaga hits
him the back. Umaga then hits Batista with a hard headbutt. Umaga then
throws Batista into the steel post head first. Umaga then picks him up
and puts him in the tree of woe. He runs and hits a flying headbutt. He
then picks Batista up and hits him with the Samoan Spike but he isn't
finished. He lifts the top half of Batista up so he is sitting and hits
him in the throat with the Samoan Spike in the throat several times
until he is bleeding. 1...2...3!

Winner: Umaga

Umaga celebrates while the EMT's check on Batista.

Backstage CM Punk is preparing for his WWE Championship match.

Beth Phoenix & Ashley are walking to the ring area on a split screen.

3rd Match: WWE Women's Championship

Beth Phoenix comes out holding her championship up high. Ashley follows after her playing to the crowd.

bell rings and Beth clotheslines Ashley. She picks her up and throws
her around like a rag doll. She then powerslams Ashley. She picks her
up once again and hits the Fisherman Suplex. 1...2...3!

Winner & STILL Women's Champion: Beth Phoenix

celebrates until Mickie James comes out and the two fight each other.
The two are finally separated by all the other WWE Divas.

John Cena is on his way to the ring.

4th Match: One on One

Cena comes out to a mixed reaction. The Great Khali enters the area
with boos. A Recap of what Khali did to The Big Show is shown.

bell rings and Cena punches Khali which have no reaction. Khali
headbutts Cena which takes him down. Khali then chops Cena. He then
garbs Cena around the throat and slams him down with a Khali Bomb.

Khali celebrates until The Big show comes out. The
two giants punch each other Khali goes for a Khali Bomb but The Big
Show punches Khali right in the face. He then chokeslams Khali in the
middle of the ring. Big Show shows his dominance.

Cut to Commercial
Back from Commercial

Main Event: WWE Championship

Randy Orton comes out with boos and jeers. CM Punk comes out with a huge ovation once again.

starts things off with attempting a GTS but Orton gets away. Punk
taunts Orton that he was so close. They go to tie up but Orton goes for
an RKO but Punk slips out. Orton taunts Punk that he was so close. Punk
then kicks Orton in the leg. Orton goes for a clothesline but Punk duck
and punches Orton with several shots. Punk irish whips Orton and then
hits a powerslam. 1...2...KICK OUT! Punk picks up Orton and hits him
with knees to the head. He then puts a headlock but Orton bounces Punk
off the rope and hits a dropkick. Orton then pulls Punks arms back with
his knee in Punks back. Punk screams while Orton is smiling. Punk is
able to get out of it and kicks Orton in the head. He then rolls him
up. 1...2...KICK OUT! Orton hits a short clothesline. 1...2...KICK OUT!
Orton locks in a headlock. Punk is in the headlock for several minutes
but punk gets on his knees and elbows Orton in the ribs. Orton counters
by turning the headlock into the inverted backbreaker. 1...2...KICK
OUT! Orton complains to the ref. Orton goes to pick Punk up but Punk
kicks Orton in the face which sends him outside. Punk gets up and hits
Orton with a suicide dive.

Cut to Commercial
Back from Commercial

flies over the rope and hits Orton with a clothesline. 1...2...KICK
OUT! Orton hits Punk with an uppercut and then a RKO. Randy is smiling
like he has already won. 1...2...KICK OUT! Orton is shocked that the
RKO didn't work and he complains to the referee. He complains so much
that Punk sneaks up behind him and rolls him up. 1...2...KICK OUT!
Orton goes for a short clothesline but Punk ducks and the referee is
taken out. Punk loads Orton up and hits a GTS. Punk has the win but the
referee is out. As the referee comes too, Orton low blows Punk and
rolls him up by pulling the tights. 1......2......KICK OUT! Orton
becomes frustrated and signals for an RKO. Orton goes for it but Punk
pushes him off and hits a kick to the head. Orton goes down. Punk goes
to the top turnbuckle but Orton stops him. He goes for a superplex but
Punk manages to pull his body over Orton so that Orton gets hurt.
1...2...KICK OUT! Punk can't believe it and goes for a GTS but Orton
sneaks out and hits the inverted backbreaker. 1...2...KICK OUT! Orton
picks Punk up and throws him outside. Orton climbs the turnbuckle and
goes for a crossbody but punk dropkicks him and he lands with a thud.
Punk throws Orton back into the ring and climbs the turnbuckle. He hits
a flying clothesline. 1...2...KICK OUT! Punk picks Orton back up and
pushes him to the turnbuckle. He runs and hits the knee strike. He goes
for the bulldog but Orton throws Punk into the turnbuckle. He then hits
a neckbreaker. 1...2...KICK OUT!

Cut to Commercial
Back from Commercial

is setting Punk for the RKO but Punk sees and kick Orton away. Orton
goes for a clothesline but Punk counters with a flapjack to guillotine
Orton to the rope. 1...2...KICK OUT! Punk becomes frustrated and
hammers away at Orton. The ref pulls him but Punk throws the ref onto
the floor accidentally but this allows Orton to act and he sends a
forearm right into the groin of Punk. 1...2...KICK OUT! Orton climbs
the top rope and jumps off for a crossbody but Punk rolls through and
has a hold of Orton. He puts Orton on his shoulders and goes for a GTS
but Orton squirms out and goes for an RKO but Punk counters with a knee
to the back. He then locks in the Anaconda Vice. Punk pulls with all
his might but Orton is able to reach the rope. Punk lets go and Orton
hits Punk in the face. He then goes for an RKO but Punk counters by
pushing him off but Orton's legs land on the top rope and Punk takes
advantage and picks up Orton and hits the GTS. 1...2...3!

Winner & STILL WWE Champion: CM Punk

Punk celebrates until the Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho comes out. Jericho grabs the microphone.

done Jnr. You beat Randy Orton. You know I have to say how you won that
title was great. Taking it after he retained the title. I have to say I
was thinking the very same thing. You see I had Orton beat for the WWE
Title at Armageddon until JBL came out and booted me in the head. So
therefore I won but I never did get my championship rematch. So I had
the plan to win the Money in the Bank and then go on to win the
Championship later after that monkey's match. But of course the only
problem with my plan was you. So seeing as your rid of Orton now, Cena
just wants to get his ass handed to him by giants and HHH has a bit of
personal problem with HBK how about you go one on one with the Sexy
Beast Chris Jericho."

Punk smiles. "You know what Jericho. You’re on. Let's do it right now."

Jericho takes off his title belt and the two are prepared to fight until Raw General Manager William Regal comes out.

wait here you two. I can't have Raw running wild. It's like this
Jericho you weren't booked for a match tonight and you Punk you just
had a big match against Randy Orton. But you know what I will do? I
will set the first match for Next Month's Pay Per View backlash it will
be CM Punk defending the WWE Championship against the Intercontinental
Champion Chris Jericho." Both men smile.

Cut to Commercial
Back from Commercial#


Last edited by dan333 on Thu May 22, 2008 2:02 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Wrestling Student
Wrestling Student

Male Number of posts : 43
Registration date : 2008-04-06
Points : 0

WWE: A New Era Empty
PostSubject: RAW - LIVE   WWE: A New Era Icon_minitimeSun Apr 06, 2008 4:38 pm

Monday Night Raw -31st March 2008
LIVE at Orlando, Florida

Clips of what happened on the RAW Side of Wrestlemania XXIV Including the Triple Threat WWE Title Match, Punk vs. Orton, Raw vs. Smackdown Match, The Mayweather-Show Match & the Career Threating Match.

RAW General Manager William Regal is in the ring.

"Hello Ladies & Gentleman, Last Night at Wrestlemania, History was made as we had two WWE Title Matches. So let me introduce you to the NEW WWE Champion: C.M. Punk."

CM Punk comes out with the WWE Championship on his shoulder to a huge ovation. Punk enters the ring and shakes William Regal's hand. He then poses for the crowd.

"Now CM Punk, As everyone knows that WWE Title is in fact the John Cena Spinner Belt. But now that we have a wrestling champion I want to present you with the Original WWE Championship Belt."

Regal presents the WWE Title which was last worn by JBL. Punk takes the title and gives the Spinner Belt to Regal. He then gets the Microphone.

"You know, it feels great being WWE Champion and I would like to say that whoever has a problem with me being WWE Champion, come out here right now and talk to me face to face."

Randy Orton comes out with a chorus of boos.

"Well done Punk. You won the WWE Title from properly one of the best Champions in WWE when he went through a killer match. I mean I understand why you did it. I mean John Cena, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho or Jeff Hardy couldn't beat me when I was 100% so it is ironic that you attack me after I was out of my game. It's simple. You can't beat me when I'm 100%."

"Really well how about me and you for the WWE Championship tonight?"

Orton smiles and nods his head. Orton then slaps Punk who retaliates with punches. He irish whips Orton who counters with his own irish whip. Punk goes for a clothesline but Orton ducks. When Punk turns round Orton hits him with the RKO. Orton stands over Punk and holds the WWE Title over his head.

Backstage The Heart Break Shawn Michaels is coming to the ring to have a match next.

Cut to Commercial
Back from Commercial

DH Smith is in the ring with a microphone.

"In 1997 my Uncle Bret "The Hitman" Hart was screwed out of the WWE Championship by Shawn Michaels. Now 11 years later I DH Smith will finally get revenge for me and my family."

1st Match: One on One

Shawn Michaels comes out to a mixed reaction.

The bell rings and DH slaps Michaels. Michaels retaliates with a chop to DH. Then he irish whips DH who then counters with his own irish whip but Michaels hits a flying clothesline. Michaels then nips up and hits an atomic drop followed by a punch and then a body slam. He goes onto the top turnbuckle and lands an elbow. Michaels tunes the band for Sweet Chin Music and goes for it but DH covers his face so Michaels trips DH up and puts in the inverted figure four. DH taps out.

Winner: Shawn Michaels

Michaels celebrates when HHH comes out. He gets the microphone.

"You know what Shawn, last night I told you to do what Ric wanted and that's put the best match possible. But what you did in that match was you tapped out and you got away with it and screwed Flair out of the match."

"Look Hunter, I know what happened and if the referee doesn't see it, it doesn't count."

"Yeah right Shawn, It's like this, Flair didn't win because you knocked out the referee. And you ended the career of everyone's icon and it's like this me and you are done. Our friendship is through and you best watch out because I will break you in half."

HHH leaves as Michaels watches.

Highlights of the Smackdown vs. Raw Match is shown and shows how it took three spinebusters to defeat Umaga

2nd Match: Smackdown vs. Raw Wrestlemania Rematch

Batista comes out to a huge ovation. Umaga comes out with boos.

Batista bounces on the rope for a clothesline but Umaga ducks and bounces on the rope to hit a spinning kick. Umaga splashes Batista. he picks him up and goes for a Samoan Spike but Batista blocks it and goes for a Spinebuster but Umaga hits Batista in the back. Umaga hits a throat thrust which makes Batista fall down. Umaga puts Batista in a nerve hold. Batista starts to get up and elbows Umaga but Umaga knees Batista in the back and puts more pressure on Batista. Batista gets up and picks Umaga up and hits a Spinebuster. 1...2...KICK OUT! Batista goes for another but Umaga knees Batista in the face. Umaga charges Batista and both me fall out of the ring.

Cut to Commercial
Back from Commercial

Umaga has a bear hug on Batista. Batista faints and the ref check his arms. He the n picks his arm up. 1......2......Batista stops his arm and elbows Umaga in the back of the neck. Umaga lets go and Batista hits Umaga with a spear. 1...2...KICK OUT! Batista signals the Batista Bomb and sets it up but Umaga backdrops Batista. Umaga sets a Samoa Spike but Batista counters it into a Spinebuster. 1...2...KICK OUT! Batista picks Umaga up and picks him up for the Batista Bomb but Umaga throat thrusts Batista and he falls back. 1...2...KICK OUT! Umaga gets up and clotheslines Batista. He then hits a samoan drop. He climbs the top turnbuckle and goes off with a splash in mind but Batista moves out of the way. Batista hits Umaga with a Spinebuster. 1...2...KICK OUT! Batista picks Umaga up and goes for another Spinebuster but Umaga hits him the back. Umaga then hits Batista with a hard headbutt. Umaga then throws Batista into the steel post head first. Umaga then picks him up and puts him in the tree of woe. He runs and hits a flying headbutt. He then picks Batista up and hits him with the Samoan Spike but he isn't finished. He lifts the top half of Batista up so he is sitting and hits him in the throat with the Samoan Spike in the throat several times until he is bleeding. 1...2...3!

Winner: Umaga

Umaga celebrates while the EMT's check on Batista.

Backstage CM Punk is preparing for his WWE Championship match.

Beth Phoenix & Ashley are walking to the ring area on a split screen.

3rd Match: WWE Women's Championship

Beth Phoenix comes out holding her championship up high. Ashley follows after her playing to the crowd.

The bell rings and Beth clotheslines Ashley. She picks her up and throws her around like a rag doll. She then powerslams Ashley. She picks her up once again and hits the Fisherman Suplex. 1...2...3!

Winner & STILL Women's Champion: Beth Phoenix

Beth celebrates until Mickie James comes out and the two fight each other. The two are finally separated by all the other WWE Divas.

John Cena is on his way to the ring.

4th Match: One on One

John Cena comes out to a mixed reaction. The Great Khali enters the area with boos. A Recap of what Khali did to The Big Show is shown.

The bell rings and Cena punches Khali which have no reaction. Khali headbutts Cena which takes him down. Khali then chops Cena. He then garbs Cena around the throat and slams him down with a Khali Bomb. 1...2...3!

Khali celebrates until The Big show comes out. The two giants punch each other Khali goes for a Khali Bomb but The Big Show punches Khali right in the face. He then chokeslams Khali in the middle of the ring. Big Show shows his dominance.

Cut to Commercial
Back from Commercial

Main Event: WWE Championship

Randy Orton comes out with boos and jeers. CM Punk comes out with a huge ovation once again.

Punk starts things off with attempting a GTS but Orton gets away. Punk taunts Orton that he was so close. They go to tie up but Orton goes for an RKO but Punk slips out. Orton taunts Punk that he was so close. Punk then kicks Orton in the leg. Orton goes for a clothesline but Punk duck and punches Orton with several shots. Punk irish whips Orton and then hits a powerslam. 1...2...KICK OUT! Punk picks up Orton and hits him with knees to the head. He then puts a headlock but Orton bounces Punk off the rope and hits a dropkick. Orton then pulls Punks arms back with his knee in Punks back. Punk screams while Orton is smiling. Punk is able to get out of it and kicks Orton in the head. He then rolls him up. 1...2...KICK OUT! Orton hits a short clothesline. 1...2...KICK OUT! Orton locks in a headlock. Punk is in the headlock for several minutes but punk gets on his knees and elbows Orton in the ribs. Orton counters by turning the headlock into the inverted backbreaker. 1...2...KICK OUT! Orton complains to the ref. Orton goes to pick Punk up but Punk kicks Orton in the face which sends him outside. Punk gets up and hits Orton with a suicide dive.

Cut to Commercial
Back from Commercial

Punk flies over the rope and hits Orton with a clothesline. 1...2...KICK OUT! Orton hits Punk with an uppercut and then a RKO. Randy is smiling like he has already won. 1...2...KICK OUT! Orton is shocked that the RKO didn't work and he complains to the referee. He complains so much that Punk sneaks up behind him and rolls him up. 1...2...KICK OUT! Orton goes for a short clothesline but Punk ducks and the referee is taken out. Punk loads Orton up and hits a GTS. Punk has the win but the referee is out. As the referee comes too, Orton low blows Punk and rolls him up by pulling the tights. 1......2......KICK OUT! Orton becomes frustrated and signals for an RKO. Orton goes for it but Punk pushes him off and hits a kick to the head. Orton goes down. Punk goes to the top turnbuckle but Orton stops him. He goes for a superplex but Punk manages to pull his body over Orton so that Orton gets hurt. 1...2...KICK OUT! Punk can't believe it and goes for a GTS but Orton sneaks out and hits the inverted backbreaker. 1...2...KICK OUT! Orton picks Punk up and throws him outside. Orton climbs the turnbuckle and goes for a crossbody but punk dropkicks him and he lands with a thud. Punk throws Orton back into the ring and climbs the turnbuckle. He hits a flying clothesline. 1...2...KICK OUT! Punk picks Orton back up and pushes him to the turnbuckle. He runs and hits the knee strike. He goes for the bulldog but Orton throws Punk into the turnbuckle. He then hits a neckbreaker. 1...2...KICK OUT!

Cut to Commercial
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Orton is setting Punk for the RKO but Punk sees and kick Orton away. Orton goes for a clothesline but Punk counters with a flapjack to guillotine Orton to the rope. 1...2...KICK OUT! Punk becomes frustrated and hammers away at Orton. The ref pulls him but Punk throws the ref onto the floor accidentally but this allows Orton to act and he sends a forearm right into the groin of Punk. 1...2...KICK OUT! Orton climbs the top rope and jumps off for a crossbody but Punk rolls through and has a hold of Orton. He puts Orton on his shoulders and goes for a GTS but Orton squirms out and goes for an RKO but Punk counters with a knee to the back. He then locks in the Anaconda Vice. Punk pulls with all his might but Orton is able to reach the rope. Punk lets go and Orton hits Punk in the face. He then goes for an RKO but Punk counters by pushing him off but Orton's legs land on the top rope and Punk takes advantage and picks up Orton and hits the GTS. 1...2...3!

Winner & STILL WWE Champion: CM Punk

Punk celebrates until the Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho comes out. Jericho grabs the microphone.

"Well done Jnr. You beat Randy Orton. You know I have to say how you won that title was great. Taking it after he retained the title. I have to say I was thinking the very same thing. You see I had Orton beat for the WWE Title at Armageddon until JBL came out and booted me in the head. So therefore I won but I never did get my championship rematch. So I had the plan to win the Money in the Bank and then go on to win the Championship later after that monkey's match. But of course the only problem with my plan was you. So seeing as your rid of Orton now, Cena just wants to get his ass handed to him by giants and HHH has a bit of personal problem with HBK how about you go one on one with the Sexy Beast Chris Jericho."

Punk smiles. "You know what Jericho. You’re on. Let's do it right now."

Jericho takes off his title belt and the two are prepared to fight until Raw General Manager William Regal comes out.

"Now wait here you two. I can't have Raw running wild. It's like this Jericho you weren't booked for a match tonight and you Punk you just had a big match against Randy Orton. But you know what I will do? I will set the first match for Next Month's Pay Per View backlash it will be CM Punk defending the WWE Championship against the Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho." Both men smile.

Cut to Commercial
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PostSubject: ECW Preview   WWE: A New Era Icon_minitimeSun Apr 06, 2008 4:41 pm

ECW Preview at Miami, Florida on 1st April 2008

Last Night at Wrestlemania XXIV, before the event started Tommy Dreamer won the 24 Man Battle Royal to earn a Title Shot against ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero. But things went bad for Dreamer when he was shocked with the return of ECW Original Jerry Lynn and Colin Delaney turning on him which allowed Chavo to retain the ECW Title. What will Dreamer do? Will he try to gain revenge against Delaney & Lynn or will he try to challenge Guerrero again for the ECW Title?

Also ECW Superstar CM Punk won the Money in the Bank Ladder Match and then cashed it in that very same night to win the WWE Championship? Punk is now a superstar of RAW. With Punk now gone from ECW who will be next for a ECW Title Shot?

Also Stevie Richards & Kelly Kelly lost to Mike Knox & Layla. Will the duo attempt to gain revenge on their separate rivals?

Find out on ECW

Last edited by dan333 on Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: WWE.Com - ECW   WWE: A New Era Icon_minitimeSun Apr 06, 2008 4:41 pm

ECW General Manager Armando Estrada made some major announcements concerning Backlash & ECW.

Tommy Dreamer will face Colin Delaney on ECW and will face Jerry Lynn at Backlash

A Fatal Four Way Elimination Match will be set between Kofi Kingston, Elijah Burke, Shelton Benjamin & John Morrison in which the Winner will face ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero at Backlash for the Title

Also Stevie Richards & Kelly Kelly will get a re-match from last week against Layla & Mike Knox

Last edited by dan333 on Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: ECW - LIVE   WWE: A New Era Icon_minitimeSun Apr 06, 2008 4:42 pm

ECW - 1st April 2008
LIVE at Miami, Florida

Clips of the Pre-Show Battle Royal & The ECW Championship Match including Lynn's return and Delaney turning on Dreamer.

ECW World Heavyweight Champion is ringside with Joey Styles & Tazz.

1st Match: Fatal Four Way Elimination Number One Contenders Match

Kofi Kingston enters the ring with a huge pop. Elijah Burke enters with a boo, Shelton Benjamin enters with a mixed reaction and John Morrison enters with a swagger which every one boos at.

The bell rings and Burke & Morrison tie up. Morrison kicks Burke in the mid-section and throws him over the rope. Morrison poses for the crowd. Burke enters the ring and slaps Morrison. Morrison goes for a punch which Burke ducks and kicks him in the mid-section. Burke twists Morrison's arm and tags Benjamin. Benjamin jumps up and hits a double axe handle on Morrison. Benjamin then hits a backbreaker. 1...2...KICK OUT! Benjamin locks Morrison in a headlock. Morrison is able to get up and bounces off Benjamin. Morrison hits a kick to Benjamin's mid-section and goes for the corkscrew neckbreaker but Benjamin elbows Morrison and backdrops him. Benjamin goes for an irish whip but Morrison counters with one of his own but Kofi blinds tags in as Morrison takes down Benjamin with a clothesline and when he turns round he is hit by the Jamaican Buzzsaw. 1...2...3! JOHN MORRISON IS ELIMINATED. Burke goes for a clothesline but Kofi ducks and hits him with the Jamaican Buzzsaw. 1...2...3! ELIJAH BURKE IS ELIMINATED. Benjamin hits Kofi from behind and goes for an irish whip but Kofi jumps up and flips Benjamin over but Benjamin lands on his feet. Benjamin goes for a kick but Kofi catches it and throws it off but Benjamin hits the dragon whip. 1...2...KICK OUT! Benjamin picks up Kofi but Kofi hits him in the midsection. Kofi then goes for the Jamaican Buzzsaw but Benjamin ducks and hits the Jumping Faceplant DDT. 1...2...KICK OUT! Benjamin screams and picks Kofi up. He goes for a T-Bone Suplex but gets elbowed in the head by Kofi. Kofi then hits the Jamaican Buzzsaw. But then The Miz comes out of no where and distracts the referee. Morrison then renters the ring and hits Kofi with his tag title belt, followed by the corkscrew neckbreaker. Morrison leaves the ring as Benjamin puts an arm over Kofi. 1...2...3!

Winner & Number One Contender: Shelton Benjamin

Chavo enters the ring and hits the Three Amigos on Benjamin. He then climbs the top rope and hits the Frog Splash. Chavo celebrates with his ECW Title.

Cut to Commercial
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A recap of the ECW Title belt is shown including the aftermath with Jerry Lynn hitting Tommy Dreamer with the Cradle Piledriver.

Lena Yada is backstage with Jerry Lynn & Colin Delaney.

"Everybody, here with me is ECW Original Jerry Lynn & Colin Delaney. Now Jerry everyone is wondering why did you help Chavo Guerrero retain the ECW Title?"

"Why? Well it's simple because I came back to ECW to make an impact and my impact is simple. I will take down the biggest ECW guy that is here and that is Dreamer. You see all my old enemies have already gone from RVD to Sabu to Sandman. It's simple I came here to destroy the ECW Originals. Why? Because I Can and at Backlash I will take Dreamer out."

"Well thank you but Colin why did you turn on your mentor?"

"That's funny, my mentor. If you remember back in teh Extreme Rules Tag Match, I took more damage then Dreamer and what happens the following week? Dreamer takes a night off because he's hurt and leaves me to fight Chavo. It's simple Tommy is a coward and I chose the one ECW Original that would steer me right."

Lynn smiles. "That's right kid let's go."


Morrison & Miz are walking backstage laughing when they see someone.

"Hey Morrison look there?"

Morrison looks and the duo sees Ron Killings.

"Hey DAWG. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for a friend."

Miz laughs. "You friends, the only people you could be friends with are ugly people not like us because we're chick magnets and there's no girl that wouldn't want us."

"That's funny but if I'm correct, didn't Kelly Kelly ditch you for a guy who has more teeth then brain cells"

The duo stop laughing. "You starting something?"

Then all of a sudden Kofi Kingston arrives. What are you two doing here?"

"Oh hey how was your FIRST loss?" Morrison laughs.

"Pretty bad because of you but I'm here to inform you that you'll be in a tag team match next week as it will be me & Ron here facing you two."

The smiles from Miz & Morrison stop and they look worried.

Cut to Commercial
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2nd Match: Mixed Tag Team Match
Kelly Kelly comes in followed by Stevie Richards. Then Layla comes out followed by Mike Knox

Highlights of Last week's Match is shown.

The bell rings and Knox & Richards tie up. Knox pushes Richards down like he is nothing. Richards then kicks him in the mid-section. He puts Knox in a headlock but Knox throws him off. Richards goes for a superkick but Knox ducks and clobbers him with a clothesline. Knox starts kicking Richards when Layla just tags in. Knox is surprised but Layla starts kicking Richards which have no affect. Richards catches Layla and tags in Kelly who tackles Layla down. Kelly bodyslams Layla and goes to the top turnbuckle. Knox gets in Kelly's face which allows Layla to stop Kelly. Layla goes for a suplex but Kelly throws down Layla. She then jumps and hits a flying clothesline. 1...2...KICK OUT! Kelly gets up and slaps Knox which only angers him. He enters the ring but Stevie hits him with a superkick taking him out of the ring. Layla rolls Kelly up. 1...2...KICK OUT! Layla goes for a clothesline but Kelly ducks and rolls up Layla. 1...2...KICK OUT! Kelly kicks Layla and goes for a famasser but Layla flips Kelly over and kicks Kelly in the mid-section. Layla then DDT's Kelly. 1...2...KICK OUT! Layla screams and picks up Kelly. Meanwhile Know throws Stevie into the ring. He goes for a boot which Stevie ducks but hits Kelly. Layla pushes Knox who runs into Richards knocking him down. 1...2...3!

Winners: Layla & Mike Knox

Layla leaves the ring with a smile on her face. Knox is shocked while Stevie checks on Kelly. Knox then kicks Richards back and then hits him with a big boot. He then hits Stevie with a Reverse STO.

Cut to Commercial
Back from Commercial

The Backlash Card for the moment is shown.

Extreme Rules Match
Tommy Dreamer vs. Jerry Lynn

WWE Championship - Champion vs. Champion
CM Punk (c) vs. Chris Jericho

ECW Championship
Chavo Guerrero (c) vs. Shelton Benjamin

Main Event: One on One

Colin Delaney comes out with Jerry Lynn and then followed by an angry Tommy Dreamer.

When the bell rings, Colin tries to punch Dreamer but Dreamer blocks it and hits him down. Dreamer then clotheslines Colin. He points at Jerry as he picks Colin up and ties him in the corner in the tree of woe. He goes to the other corner and hits a baseball slide. He then garbs Colin and hits the DDT. 1...2...3!

Winner: Tommy Dreamer

Right after the bell Lynn attacks Dreamer and starts hitting him with lefts and rights. But Dreamer makes a comeback and starts to punch Lynn. He backdrops Lynn and goes to DDT him but then Colin hits Dreamer from behind with a chair. Lynn then takes the chair and smashes it on Dreamer's head. Lynn then leaves the ring and pulls out a table. He puts it in and sets it up in the middle of the ring. He puts Dreamer on it and has Colin on the turnbuckle. He then launches Colin and he lands on Dreamer putting him through the table. Lynn then picks Dreamer up and hits the Cradle Piledriver onto the chair. Lynn then mimics Dreamer as the show goes off air.

Last edited by dan333 on Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Smackdown Preview   WWE: A New Era Icon_minitimeSun Apr 06, 2008 4:42 pm

Smackdown Preview at Miami, Florida on 1st Apil 2008

At Wrestlemania XXIV, The Undertaker kept his streak going to a staggering 16-0 when he defeated Edge to win the World Heavyweight Championship in a very close fought match. But even with the help of Curt Hawkins, Zach Ryder & the love of his life Vicki Guerrero, Edge still couldn't beat The Undertaker. Now that The Deadman is the Number One Man to Beat, What will Happen? Will Edge attempt to reclaim his gold or will there be new challengers?

Also at Wrestlemania Smackdown reigned supreme when Batista defeated The Samoan Bulldozer Umaga in a close match but Umaga will get revenge the following night on Raw when Umaga hit Batista several times with the Samoan Spike which made Batista bleed from the mouth and allow Umaga to beat Batista. What is the condition of Batista?

Also we saw the return of Matt Hardy when he got involved in the MITB Ladder Match when he attacked MVP taking him out of the match. What will MVP do now that his arch-nemesis is back?

Also Tonight we will see which diva will win the motorcycle. Will it be Cherry or Michelle McCool?

Tune in on Smackdown

Last edited by dan333 on Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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WWE: A New Era Empty
PostSubject: WWE.Com - Smackdown   WWE: A New Era Icon_minitimeSun Apr 06, 2008 4:43 pm

Smackdown General Manager Vicki Guerrero made some major announcements concerning this weeks Smackdown

Vicki Guerrero is demanding that NEW World Heavyweight Champion make a public apology to her after putting his hands on her.

She also reveals that she and RAW General Manager William Regal have made a deal and has signed Batista vs. Umaga III for a rubber match in a Two Out of Three Falls Match. The Falls have yet to be announced.

Also there will be a contract signing between MVP & Matt Hardy for a United States Championship Match at Backlash
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PostSubject: SMACKDOWN - AIRED   WWE: A New Era Icon_minitimeMon Apr 07, 2008 4:02 pm

WWE Smackdown - 4th April 2008
AIRED - Miami, Florida

Clips of all the Wrestlemania action on the Smackdown side including the World Title Match & The Raw vs. Smackdown Match.

Edge comes out to a chorus of boos and alongside him is Zach Ryder & Curt Hawkins. He is not in a happy mood after losing his title. He grabs a microphone.

The crowd gets on his nerves by saying "16-0" over and over again.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, Go on make fun off me. Because it will be the last of it. you see at Wrestlemania 24, a travesty happened, you see the greatest champion in the history of the WWE was screwed out of his title. You see The Undertaker put his hands on the woman that I love. And then I being the great champion that I am tried to stop him but the coward ran then face me and then he had my love, Vicki Guerrero get hurt and then he took advantage and attacked me from behind and took my World Heavyweight Championship. The Undertaker may be the champion but in my books he is thief and a coward. So Taker hold on to the championship as long as you can, delve in it as come April 27th at Backlash, the night that I cash in my championship rematch, I will become the NEW World Heavyweight champion and you will go back to where you belong, to the grave."

Edge is shocked when the WWE Champion CM Punk enters the ring.

"You know what Edge, I have to say you are the biggest bitch in the whole of WWE as every time you lose a championship you bitch and moan until someone throws you a bone. I'm here tonight to sort things out. You see during my time in this company I never had the chance to beat you because you always had the help of your buddies Ryder & Hawkins and true you have a World Title match at Backlash but seeing as you are free tonight how about you go one on one with me?"

Edge smirks. "You want a match, okay I'll give you a match....BUT only if you put the WWE Championship on the line."

Punk shrugs his shoulders. "Okay." The two then just have a stare down.


1st Match: Tag Team Match

Kofi Kingston comes out alongside Ron Killings. They enter the ring and get a major pop from the crowd.

Then Deuce n' Domino enter the arena to a chorus of boos. They enter the ring.

The bell rings and Killings & Deuce lock up. Killings pulls Deuce down and then instantly nips up. Deuce goes after him but killings does the splits and ducks under Deuce. When Deuce gets up, Killings does a twisting dropkick. This throws Deuce outside who goes mad and kicks the stairs. Domino tries to calm down Deuce. Deuce eventually calms down and enters the ring. He then slaps Killings which makes Killings smile and he slaps Deuce back hard. Deuce goes for a clothesline which killings ducks and Kofi hits Deuce. Killings then hits a clothesline. He then tags in Kofi who comes in. He body slams Deuce and then bounces off the rope but domino kicks him the back. Kofi turns and hits Domino off but when he turns around he gets clothesline by Deuce. deuce then tags in Domino. He body slams Kofi and then tags in again. Deuce goes on the top rope and elbows Kofi. He then irish whips Kofi into the turnbuckle. he goes for a clothesline but Kofi moves out of the way he then jumps at Deuce and lands on the turnbuckle and Deuce and hammers away at him. He then gets off and chops Deuce down. Domino enters the ring but Kofi chops him down as well. Kofi tags in Killings. Both men clothesline their opponents. Deuce gets up and Kofi hits him with a bodyslam. Both Deuce and Domino are lying next to each other and Kofi & Killings bounce off the rope and does a double boop-boop legdrop. Deuce & Domino gets up and Kofi hits Domino with the Jamaican Buzzsaw as Killings hits Deuce with a Axe Kick. 1...2...3!

Winners: Kofi Kingston & Ron Killings.

The duo celebrate as they are set for their match against Morrison & Miz next week on ECW.

Backstage Batista is walking to the ring area with a determined look.

Cut to Commercial
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Batista comes out to a major ovation as he enters the ring highlights of his match against Umaga at Wrestlemania and Raw are shown.

Batista has the microphone in hand.

"At Wrestlemania, I had one of the biggest matches in my career when I represented my brand, Smackdown against Raw. And like always I won and Smackdown showed their supportability. But then I was challenged by Umaga for a re-match which I accepted but during the match Umaga hit my throat so many times that i couldn't breath and I was so close from my life's work from being taken away from me. So it has been announced me and Umaga will have one last match which will be on April 27th at Backlash in a 2 Out of 3 Falls Match but seeing as The General Managers have agreed to what matches they will be, i will inform you of them. You see the first fall will be contested in a Street Fight, the second fall will be contested in a 16 foot high steel cage and of course if we are tied the third fall will be a Last Man Standing Match and I am praying that we go to a third fall because after Backlash Umaga, I will have beat you in a rubber match and I will have also destroyed you."

Batista leaves.


2nd Match: One on One

The Great Khali enters the ring with the crowd booing him.

Then Kane enters the ring.

The Bell rings and the two lock up. Khali pushes Kane down. Kane gets up and hits Khali but it shows hardly any effect. Khali chops Kane which takes him down. Khali then picks Kane up and hits a headbutt. Khali then grabs Kane's throat and goes for a Khali bomb until The Big Show comes out. Khali lets Kane go and awaits Big Show but is hit from behind by Kane as Khali is distracted Big Show enters and kicks Khali the face. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner by DQ: The Great Khali

Big Show then picks Khali up and powerslams him down. He then gets Kane's attention and give each other a nod. Khali gets up and both Kane & Show grabs Khali's throat. They then hit a double chokeslam. Big Show & Kane smile.

Cut to Commercial
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Michelle McCool & Cherry are in the ring with Teddy Long.

"Hello everybody, now for the last few weeks you have all voted for your favorite diva and week after week the other divas in the contest were eliminated which has left us with two divas left. But there can only be one winner and that is either Michelle or Cherry. So I will announce the winner........MICHELLE McCOOL."

Michelle smiles and thanks the fans while Cherry shrugs but then Chuck Palumbo comes out. Chuck enters the ring and looks to about to get Michelle when Jamie Noble comes out and starts attacking Chuck. It doesn't take long before security stops them.

"You know what playas since you two want to fight, get a referee out here."

A referee comes out.

3rd Match: One on One

The bell rings and the two men lock up. Chuck throws Jamie down. Jamie gets up but Chuck big boots Jamie down. He then picks Jamie up and spears him into the turnbuckle. He then punches the hell out of Noble. He then picks Noble up but noble slips out and dropkicks Chuck's leg. He starts working on it but Chuck pushes him off. Michelle is still outside and cheers on Noble. Noble goes for Chuck but he big boots Noble. He then picks him up and hits him with the Full Throttle but that isn't enough as Chuck picks him up again and hits another Full Throttle. 1...2...3!

Winner: Chuck Palumbo

Chuck all of a sudden then grabs Michelle and drags her in. He then shouts at her. He then throws her into the turnbuckle. He then gets her again and hits her with the Full Throttle. He smiles and goes over to the bike that Michelle won. He then starts it up and leaves with it while the EMT's come out to see how Michelle is.

Backstage MVP is with a load of slick people in suits as the Contract Signing comes up.


MVP comes out while holding his title and body after what happened to him during the MITB Ladder Match. He enters the ring. Then Matt Hardy comes out.

MVP grabs the mic. "Okay Hardy, You got my attention. You see at Wrestlemania you cost me the chance of being World Champion and that doesn't settle well with me MVP. So I have decided to give you a chance for my United States Championship because I know I can beat you because I've done it before and I can sure as hell do it again. The reason for that is because I'm better then you. You see I'm the longest reigning United States Champion because I've beating Ric Flair, Kane, Rey Mysterio, Finlay, hell I've beaten a Former World Champion in Batista. So I'm giving you this shot because you have no chance in beating me because I'm Better Then You."

MVP then signs the contract. Matt gets the Mic.

"You know what MVP. Ever since you injured me, sending me to the hospital. I've been on a mission to come back and get revenge. I got a part of that at Wrestlemania after I cost you the Money in the Bank and at Backlash I will take the United States Championship from you because I Am Better Then You."

Matt signs the contract. MVP and Matt gets into each other face when one of MVP's men garbs Matt from behind allowing MVP to attack Matt. Matt though eventually low blows the man and then punches MVP but the other men stop him and Matt battles them while MVP escapes. Matt then hits them all with Side Effects and then gets the one that grabbed him and hits a Twist of Fate. He then motions the championship.

Cut to Commercial
Back from Commercial

Main Event: WWE Championship

Edge comes out alongside Curt Hawkins & Zach Ryder. He is then followed by WWE Champion CM Punk.

The bell rings and the duo hook up. Edge knees Punk in the stomach and irish whips him but Punk ducks a clothesline and springboards of the rope and hits a clothesline. He then dropkicks him out of the ring which annoys Edge. Edge reenters the ring and goes after Punk but he kicks Edge in the legs. He then locks in a headlock. Edge bounces him of the ropes and goes for a clothesline which Punk ducks and tries to springboard off the rope but Hawkins trips him up. The ref sees this and sends Hawkins out. Edge can't believe it but continues on why Ryder is on the other side of the ring. Edge kicks Punk in the ribs. He then goes for an implant DDT but Punk counters and rolls up Edge. 1...2...KICK OUT! Punk is kicked off and he goes through the ropes right into Ryder. Edge distracts the ref while Ryder starts hitting Punk but Punk spears him into the stairs. Edge climbs out and jumps at Punk but he catches him and charges him into the ring apron. He then throws Edge into the ring. He gets up and prepares for a springboard clothesline but Ryder grabs his foot. Punk kicks Ryder off and goes for the Springboard Clothesline but Edge catches him into a Spear. 1...2...KICK OUT! Edge can't believe it and goes to the corner ready to hit a big spear. He goes at Punk but he jumps over Edge. He then sets Edge up for the GTS but Ryder gets up on the apron. Punk grabs Ryder and throws him in. Edge goes for a spear on Punk but he moves and Ryder gets the spear. Punk then hits Edge with the GTS. 1...2...KICK OUT! Punk can't believe it as the ref takes Ryder out of the ring.

Cut to Commercial
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Edge has a headlock on Punk but Punk gets out of it but Edge kicks him in the face. He prepares a Spear but Punk jumps out of the way and hits an enziguri. 1...2...KICK OUT! Punk picks Edge up and irish whips him into the corner. He then hits the running knee lift and hits the bulldog. He picks Edge up for the GTS but Edge slips out. Punk goes for a clothesline but Edge ducks and hits a Spear. 1...2...KICK OUT! Edge can't believe it and prepares for one last spear when the lights go out. The lights come back on when Edge sees The Undertaker at the ramp with Vicki Guerrero. Edge is shocked and shouts at Taker to let her go. Instead The Undertaker picks up Vicki and hits her with the Tombstone Piledriver. Edge can't believe it but is then kicked in the head by Punk. Punk turns him around and hits the GTS. 1...2...3!

Winner & STILL WWE Champion: CM Punk

Punk celebrates while Undertaker walks down the ramp. Undertaker's Druids then enters and carries Vicki away. Taker enters the ring as Punk leaves. He gives the Rest In Peace sign and picks Edge up. He then hits the Tombstone Piledriver. The show then goes off the air.
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WWE: A New Era Empty
PostSubject: WWE.Com News   WWE: A New Era Icon_minitimeMon Apr 07, 2008 4:04 pm

After Friday Night Smackdown Vicki Guerrero was found in a basement. She was then taken to the hospital where she suffered from huge trauma. WWE Chairman Vince McMahon has told us that Vicki is not to enter a WWE Arena until further notice with this he has elevated Teddy Long back to full time General Manager status. With this Teddy Long has announced a match for Backlash with The Great Khali facing off with The Big Show.
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PostSubject: Re: WWE: A New Era   WWE: A New Era Icon_minitimeSun Apr 13, 2008 8:06 am

this is good man nice job
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PostSubject: Re: WWE: A New Era   WWE: A New Era Icon_minitimeThu May 22, 2008 1:32 pm

WWE Heat Results

Val Venis def. Snitsky
Carlito def. Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Super Crazy def. Santino Marella
World Tag Team Champions Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes def. Paul London & Brian Kendrick & Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch in a Triple Threat Match to retain the World Tag Team Championship
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