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 Celebrities who have more sense than Vince McMahon

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3 posters
Wrestling Veteran
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Celebrities who have more sense than Vince McMahon Empty
PostSubject: Celebrities who have more sense than Vince McMahon   Celebrities who have more sense than Vince McMahon Icon_minitimeThu Apr 24, 2008 10:28 pm

Hey guys, if you think that Vince McMahon is a good businessman, then think again:

There are celebrities that have more sense than Vince McMahon and they don't showoff their butts and they make money by doing what is right and not what is wrong!

Dick Clark has more sense than Vince McMahon
Ed McMahon has more sense than Vince McMahon
Bill Cosby has more sense than Vince McMahon
Hilary Clinton has more sense than Vince McMahon
Judge Joe Brown has more sense than Vince McMahon
Judge Hatchett has more sense than Vince McMahon
Judge Maria Lopez has more sense than Vince McMahon
Tom Selleck has more sense than Vince McMahon
Henry Winkler has more sense than Vince McMahon
Wink Martindale has more sense than Vince McMahon
Dixie Carter has more sense than Vince McMahon
Ron Luce from Battlecry has more sense than Vince McMahon
Joel Osteen has more sense than Vince McMahon
Nancy Grace has more sense than Vince McMahon
Will Smith has more sense than Vince McMahon
Mariah Carey has more sense than Vince McMahon
Steve Harvey has more sense than Vince McMahon
Arnold Schwarzenegger has more sense than Vince McMahon
Mark L. Walberg has more sense than Vince McMahon
Fred Dryer has more sense than Vince McMahon
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FnF Up!
FnF Up!

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PostSubject: Re: Celebrities who have more sense than Vince McMahon   Celebrities who have more sense than Vince McMahon Icon_minitimeThu Apr 24, 2008 11:31 pm

Wow, out of hundreds of thousands of celebrities, only these selecty few have more sense than Vince? Well, you must think highly of him.

Note: Just because I know you won't, notice the sarcasm.
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IC/US Champion
IC/US Champion

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Celebrities who have more sense than Vince McMahon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Celebrities who have more sense than Vince McMahon   Celebrities who have more sense than Vince McMahon Icon_minitimeFri Apr 25, 2008 2:30 am

Sry if you find this as flaming but well Your probably some sad old boy he never watches WWE watches TNA and then searches for stuff that Defame Vince.You make it seem like EVERYTHING HE HAS DONE IS WRONG!
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PostSubject: Re: Celebrities who have more sense than Vince McMahon   Celebrities who have more sense than Vince McMahon Icon_minitime

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