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 DX Survives the Backlash

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PostSubject: DX Survives the Backlash   DX Survives the Backlash Icon_minitimeMon Apr 28, 2008 8:44 am

Hey guys, just to let you know:

DX survives the Backlash

Here's what happend:

Special Guest Referee: Chris Jericho
Shawn Michaels vs. Batista

Jericho comes out in full referee gear, black pants and all. Having just finishing his book last week, I know that he is throughly enjoying this. Jericho has the ear piece in and everything.

Batista comes out to his pyro exploding. He gets a pretty big cheer from the crowd. Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross (who sounds stopped up) talk about the match that we are about to see.

Shawn Michaels' music starts and he comes out to a pop from the fans as well. HBK has his normal cut up t-shirt on and cowboy hat along with his normal ring gear. Michaels says his prayer and the pyros explode as he makes his way down the ramp.

The bell rings and Michaels and Batista circle one another. Michaels comes out with a lot of momentum but Batista seems to get the upper hand, eventually sending Michaels to the outside. They both attempted finishers far too early. Michaels gets back in the ring for a restart.

Michaels tries to use his quickness but Batista counters with his power. HBK tries to whip Batista but Batista whips Michaels in the corner and follows with a clothesline. Batista puts his foot on Michaels' throat for a count of three when Jericho makes him break it. Michaels gets a chop block on Batista. HBK uses leverage and the strength of his legs to slow down The Animal. Michaels works on the triceps of Batista as he works over his right arm. Submission hold from HBK onto Batista on the mat. Jericho checks for submission.

Jericho continues to ask Batista if he wants to tap. HBK's shoulder hits the mat and Jericho is forced to count. Batista uses his power to counter with the leg hold still locked on his arm. Batista stands up with HBK locked on his arm. HBK counters and goes over the top rope with the hold on Batista. Batista sells his arm on the outside. Jericho starts the double count out.

Michaels works over Batista on the steel ring post. Referee Jericho orders Michaels back into the ring. Batista rolls back in to break Jericho's count out. HBK goes back to work on the arm and shoulder of Batista. Shawn locks a hammerlock submission on Batista. HBK works over the arm of Batista. Several more holds applied by Michaels. Batista battles back with a boot to the midsection of HBK. Right hand from Batista. Michaels counters with rights of his own. Michaels continues to work on Batista's arm on the mat. Batista finally tosses HBK into the ropes. Shawn locks that arm hold back on Batista over the ropes. Michaels breaks the hold and falls to the outside. Batista sells in the ring.

Michaels, instead of getting back in, goes to the top rope and nails a double axe handle on Batista. Michaels back to work on Batista's arm. Out of nowhere Batista puts HBK over his head in what looked to be a Samoan Drop. Heat on Batista. Michaels ends up countering and chops away at Batista's chest. Batista hits a big clothesline on Michaels. Both men are down as Jericho starts the double count out.

Back to their feet, the fight ensues with Batista utilizing his power. Big power slam by Batista for a near fall. The Animal goes for the Batista Bomb to a course of boos. He gets Michaels up but Michaels counters with the cross-face. Jericho checks for submission. Michaels wrenches back on the cross-face as Jericho continues to play the perfect referee. HBK finally breaks the hold and goes for a cover. He gets a two count and reapplies the cross-face.

Michaels wrenches back on Batista with the cross-face. Batista gets to the ropes, Jericho asks HBK to break the hold. Jericho ends up pulling HBK off Batista. They have words as Batista ends up hitting a sideslam on Michaels. He gets a two count and another near fall.

Michaels is able to get back to his feet and ends up taking a spear from Batista. The only way Michaels does not get beat is Michaels gets a foot on the ropes. The fight ensues on the top rope. Michaels ends up knocking Batista off as Michaels goes off for an elbow drop. Michaels connects to the head of Batista.

Michaels dials up Sweet Chin Music. He walks right into a spinebuster from Batista. Batista goes for the Batista Bomb, Michaels counters and went right to the mat selling his right knee. Ross says he may have an abrupt end to this one. Jericho calls Batista off and checks on Michaels. Batista goes after Michaels but Batista backs him away again. Michaels ends up getting up and nails Sweet Chin Music. Jericho delivers the three count. Shawn wins.

Winner: Shawn Michaels

WWE Heavyweight Championship
Fatal 4 Way Elimination Match
Randy Orton vs. Triple H vs. Johm Cena vs. JBL

Before the match begins Lawler and Ross show the results of a poll conducted on of who would win. Cena 48 percent, Triple H with 36, Orton with 12, and JBL with 4.

In the ring, Lilian explains that after three men are eliminated, the one person standing will be the WWE Champion. Hunter comes out first followed by John 'Bradshaw' Layfield.

John Cena's music starts as does his mixed reaction. Cena screams, 'understand that we are here to do business' at the top of the ramp. He salutes and makes way down the ramp. Cena gets in the ring and raises his arms to the fans before bouncing off the ropes with all his trademark poses.

WWE Champion Randy Orton is out last for his slow yet confident walk to the ring.

Lilian gives the formal introductions with this being a title match. JBL is announced first (he still has some weight to lose or plastic surgery to have but he looks better). Triple H is announced next followed by Cena. Cena's reaction is 50/50 pretty much. The WWE Champion Randy Orton is introduced last.

When the bell rings, Orton takes the WWE Championship belt from the referee and tries to hit Hunter/JBL with it. He is sent to the outside. Meanwhile JBL dukes it out with Cena in the ring. Triple H comes over and gives JBL a suplex. Cena goes back to work on Hunter. Cena is whipped into the turnbuckles and rolls to the outside. Bradshaw works on Hunter in the ring as Cena assaults Orton on the outside. Cena is kicked out of the ring and lands face-first on the announcer's table. JBL and Orton double team Hunter in the ring.

JBL gets a quick cover on Triple H. Him and Orton exchange blows. Cena is still selling on the outside. Orton stomps the midsection of Hunter. Hunter is whipped off the ropes and ends up hitting a double clothesline. Hunter sends JBL to the outside with a right. He works on Orton.

Orton ends up hitting the steel ring post with his shoulder as the fight goes to the outside. Hunter throws JBL in the ring stairs. He attempts a pedigree but JBL pushed him down where he hit his head on the ramp. Orton and Cena are fighting in the ring. Cena buries Orton's head into the mat with a blockbuster. Cena off the top with a huge leg drop on Orton. STFU on Orton!

JBL gets back in the ring, looks like he's going to go for offense but stops and laughs when he sees what is happening. JBL taunts Orton but ends up getting a cross-face from Hunter. Cena breaks his hold on Orton after a counter. Now Orton taunts JBL who is in a Hunter cross-face. Eventually Cena is sent to the outside, Hunter is down, and JBL scores a cover on Orton. Don't ask me how all that happened, it was quick as can be. JBL hits huge rights on Orton followed by a stiff right boot. Orton is whipped from corner to corner but gives JBL a kick that he eats. Orton counters with a clothesline on Bradshaw.

Orton goes to the top but it taken off by JBL. Hunter is still down on the inside, Cena on the outside. JBL sets Orton up on the top, goes for what appears to be a suplex. Hunter and Triple H team up and help JBL get the superplex on Orton. Cena and Hunter get respective covers as there are two officials. Now Cena and Hunter exchange very believable right hands.

Superb right hands from Cena as he nails a fisherman's suplex on Hunter for a two count. Cena follows his assault by slamming Hunter to the mat. Looks like Cena is going for the five knuckle shuffle. He is hit with a spinebuster. Hunter kicks Cena and goes for the Pedigree. JBL interferes and Cena goes for the FU. FU on JBL from Cena. Hunter goes for a Pedigree on Cena. Cena tosses him to the outside. John Cena gets JBL to tap in the STFU.

JBL eliminated

Out of nowhere Orton kicks Cena in the head and scores the cover.

Cena eliminated

After a stare down, Hunter delivers several right hands and a suplex. Leg drop by Triple H. He gets a two count after a lateral press and a knee drop. Orton fights right back and bounces off the ropes. Hunter throws him to the outside over the top. Triple H slams Orton's head off the announcer's table. Orton counters by whipping Hunter into the steel ring steps. The fight ensues in front of Mick Foley and Michael Cole. Orton sends Hunter face first over the security wall, outside of the ringside area.

Orton is up but he's slow to follow Triple H in the crowd. Orton locks Hunter in and hits a suplex back to the ringside area. Hunter sells while Orton gets to his feet and poses. Randy Orton rolls Triple H back into the ring. Orton gets a two count. Orton stomps on Triple H as he screams in pain. Triple H starts to cough as Orton continues to give it to him. The referee checks for submission.

Triple H is selling big time as the referee checks. Orton stands above Hunter and poses. Orton connects a kick and a right hand and gets a cover and another near fall. Orton whips Hunter off the ropes and gives him a knee to the midsection. He gets another two count. Triple H finally counters with a kick but Orton counters with right hands. Right hands from Hunter but Orton hits an inverted backbreaker. Orton gets a quick cover.

Orton goes for a sleeper hold as the action goes to the mat. Orton tries to utilize body scissors in essence but really has more of a choke hold around Hunter's neck. The crowd cheers Hunter to his knees but Orton wrenches back on his hold. The referee checks for submission. Finally the referee checks Triple H for a knockout but he's still up. The crowd cheers him back to life as he connects some right hands. Hunter goes off the ropes and Orton hits a powerslam. It looks like Orton is going to go for the RKO. He's in a stalking position.

Hunter gets to his feet, Orton goes for the RKO, but Hunter counters it. Both men are down to start the double count out. Both men back to their feet as they exchange right hands. Hunter whips Orton off the ropes, Orton ends up eating a high knee from The Game.

Triple H gets a facebuster on Orton. He gets a 2 1/2 count and a near fall. Hunter sends Orton the outside with a clothesline. Triple H goes to work on Orton on the outside. Triple H sends Orton over the Raw announce table close to 'The' Tazz. Hunter bounces Orton's head off the announce table. He sets him up on the SmackDown table and pulls him off. Orton ends up countering by sending Triple H into the security wall on the outside.

Orton sets up a set of steel ring stairs. It looks like he's going for a piledriver. Hunter counters and gives him a spinebuster type maneuver on the steel stairs. Orton rolls back in the ring. Triple H follows and hits his spinebuster.

Triple H stalks Orton, he gets up, Hunter goes for the Pedigree. Orton counters out. Orton goes for the RKO but Hunter counters, sending Orton into the referee. Hunter went over towards the referee and out of nowhere Orton hits the RKO. Orton crawls to Triple H and gets an arm over him for a two count.

Triple H is down in the ring, Orton is now standing over him. Orton went for a kick on Triple H. Hunter counters for a Pedigree try, he doesn't get it. RKO try from Orton, Hunter counters and hits the Pedigree. Hunter hits it and gets the pinfall!

Winner and NEW WWE Heavyweight Champion: Triple H

Afterward, Hunter was handed the belt and he pumped his fist while trying to catch his breath. "The age of Orton is over," Ross declared. Hunter then celebrated with the belt while a fireworks display shot off to close the PPV.

after the Backlash PPV went off the air, new WWE Heavyweight Champion Triple H continued his celebration in the ring as confetti rained down in the arena. Nothing beyond that, nothing involving other talents.

Thanks to Billy Krotchsen for his help.


and one added note:

Triple H is now a 7x WWE Heavyweight Champion

He and The Rock are tied with the most reigns as WWE Heavyweight Champion.
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DX Survives the Backlash Empty
PostSubject: Re: DX Survives the Backlash   DX Survives the Backlash Icon_minitimeMon Apr 28, 2008 10:58 am

Triple H is better than the rock - so good for him.

Also, you do realise his real name is Paul and not Hunter, right?
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DX Survives the Backlash Empty
PostSubject: Re: DX Survives the Backlash   DX Survives the Backlash Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2008 6:45 pm

Woot for HHH and HBK. Legends.
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PostSubject: Re: DX Survives the Backlash   DX Survives the Backlash Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2008 7:06 pm

Slash wrote:
Woot for HHH and HBK. Legends.
I feel like I'm about to shit myself from the next response to this post.
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PostSubject: Re: DX Survives the Backlash   DX Survives the Backlash Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2008 7:49 pm

Nothing To Add
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Dark Match Wrestler
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DX Survives the Backlash Empty
PostSubject: Re: DX Survives the Backlash   DX Survives the Backlash Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2008 8:55 pm

While I'm not a mod, that would be called spamming. Don't do it please.
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