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 Pre-Tourney Madness

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Bolty B
Main Eventer
Main Eventer
Bolty B

Male Number of posts : 1889
Location : Dark Side of the Moon
Registration date : 2008-10-12
Points : 4706

Pre-Tourney Madness Empty
PostSubject: Pre-Tourney Madness   Pre-Tourney Madness Icon_minitimeSun Jan 04, 2009 10:16 pm

Cody Sexthy is seen in the backstage, with his new Christian Bale face and a camcorder.

Cody Sexthy

I'm in a tournament! And I think that's supposed to be the point where I can be crowned the new number one contender! But hey, I've got a new face, so why bother with that latino manwhore Jose Montaya?

Cody sees a lady walk by and turns his camcorder on.

Cody Sexthy

I love when this happens.

TBC: Anyone in the tournament.
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