THE BLOG.Or am I not allowed to do these anymore because The Entourage says so?
Swearing? None in this blog. Just for you Takedown clowns/censorship-whores.
I'm CGS Hall of Famer 2009 for a reason... because I’m more rawrsome than the rest. That includes my Fusion opponent Black Dagger Luke McCoy. Sorry kid but I've beaten you like four times at least and you've pinned me a grand total of zero. I SHALL BE THE NEXT CGS ULTRAVIOLENT CHAMPION AND NOTHING AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME!11~1!~!!!
In conclusion for today's brief yet crucial intrawebz-based learning session for all these brain-dead kiddies: Steve Storme is
the man.
One more thing: Ryan Evans [I think that's your name...], you'll be hearing from my legal team. It turns out you can't go round making the kinda accusations you made in that promo where you felt round underaged girls breasts. Oh the hypocrisy!
End transmission.
OOC: Luke doesn't have time to RP so that's why this RP is short.