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 UFC 107: Penn vs Sanchez

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2 posters
FnF Up!
FnF Up!

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UFC 107: Penn vs Sanchez Empty
PostSubject: UFC 107: Penn vs Sanchez   UFC 107: Penn vs Sanchez Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 6:15 pm

Main Card
Lightweight Championship bout: B.J. Penn (c) vs. Diego Sanchez
Heavyweight bout: Frank Mir vs. Cheick Kongo
Welterweight bout: Jon Fitch vs. Mike Pierce
Lightweight bout: Kenny Florian vs. Clay Guida
Heavyweight bout: Paul Buentello vs. Stefan Struve

Preliminary Card
Middleweight bout: Alan Belcher vs. Wilson Gouveia
Lightweight bout: Matt Wiman vs. Shane Nelson
Welterweight bout: Johny Hendricks vs. Ricardo Funch
Middleweight bout: Rousimar Palhares vs. Lucio Linhares
Welterweight bout: DaMarques Johnson vs. Edgar Garcia
Welterweight bout: Kevin Burns vs. TJ Grant

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Concrete Jesus
Wrestling Legend
Wrestling Legend
Concrete Jesus

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UFC 107: Penn vs Sanchez Empty
PostSubject: Re: UFC 107: Penn vs Sanchez   UFC 107: Penn vs Sanchez Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 6:18 pm

Now that Penn is back in his weight class, I think he is going to want to make a statement. I also think Sanchez will want to make a statement, so I don't see this one going to a decision.
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FnF Up!
FnF Up!

Male Number of posts : 9908
Location : T-Dot
Registration date : 2007-06-23
Points : 119640

UFC 107: Penn vs Sanchez Empty
PostSubject: Re: UFC 107: Penn vs Sanchez   UFC 107: Penn vs Sanchez Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 6:23 pm

As much as I'd like to see Sanchez running to the middle of the octagon and just throw bombs like he did against Guida, doing that against Penn and his jab will probably be dangerous territory. Unfortunately, I see Penn by TKO.

Mir vs Kongo, like I said in the bookie thread, if the fight goes to the ground, it's over (unless they're on the ground because Kongo dropped Mir...).

Fitch vs Pierce, all Fitch. He's the #2 welterweight in the world IMO and to go from Alves to Pierce, he's a huge favourite now in my books.
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