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 Your God King will be...

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Ryan Black
Raw/Smackdown Jobber
Raw/Smackdown Jobber
Ryan Black

Male Number of posts : 308
Age : 30
Registration date : 2009-10-07
Points : 1650

Your God King will be... Empty
PostSubject: Your God King will be...   Your God King will be... Icon_minitimeSat Dec 19, 2009 11:59 am

Your God King will be... Jq44ex

Let's hope this is not a distraction

He had called. The one to break first. He just had too. There was no hope she'd call him first, unless it was some super emergency like he was in the hospital. It had been at least three weeks since they had last seen eachother, on that dark day. The story was simple: man tries to mature from past, man likes girl and takes her to nice restaurant, man's crazy past ruins it, girl ditches man. It was hard for Ryan too feel much after that. Sure he wasn't doing all the crazy partying and shit he had been doing before, but he was doing his own fair share of it. He had been coaxed into doing it by his good friend, Immanuel Jackson, better known as 'E-Man'. Alone they both were brilliant, together they were a phobia to many. Even the Greek God of Gods, Zeus. Hence the name 'Zeus's Phobia'. This meeting that Ryan had planned with Tracy Lavine (the girl in the story) was too be just 4 days before the Main Event of Main Event's. Ryan Black and E-Man would be facing off against Theory of the Fallen, Steve Storme and Kyle Evers for the Fusion Tag Team Championships. It was no easy tasks, and this night be make a big impact on the match. Black could be shut down again, rejected, or he could fix it all up, start anew with this girl. If the former occured, he'd be pretty saddened, he expected and might not be up to the challenge of taking on Storme and Evers. If the latter was the outcome, then it was certain there would be new Fusion Tag Team Champions, and Ryan would be making a run as Double Champ once again. The LA Star was hoping it was the latter, but knew that he'd need to explain what had happened precisely, and explain it wasn't his fault the drunkie had done that. For now, Black at least just wanted to get on speaking terms with Lavine, and as a bonus was hoping it'd be another date, to redeem himself. Kind of how this match was a chance for both Storme and Evers to redeem themselves after both having lost to Black. (I went there Wink )

So the LA Star, Mr. Ryan Black, was driving down a busy street in his all white 2010 BMW M3 Coupe, with matching white 20 in. rims. It was the early hours of the day in Los Angeles, California, and Black was head to the destination in which he had set up this meeting. They were supposed to meet up at 12 pm for lunch, but Black was just under an hour early, wanting to get there faster, secure a place where he'd be most comfortable, and make up a suitable environment for himself. He closely arranged his thoughts inside his head, as his car pulled into the nearly desserted Denny's. Ryan parked his car in front of the restaurant, in clear view from inside, wanting to keep a close eye on it. He stepped inside the Denny's, walking straight up to the hostess who stood at the ready behind a booth. Black asked for a table for two, gave his name, and relaxed in a seat as his table was getting set up. A few casual glances at him were all the attention given to him, most of the people in the place were senior citizens, having an Early Bird special or something. Black shook his head at the old geezers, as he was guided to his seat by a short waiter. Ryan ordered a Coke, and waved the waiter off when he asked what he wanted too eat; the LA Star would wait until Tracy got there, if she did. And yes she did. Black saw her car pull up, and watched as she parked it in a parking space just down from where he had parked. She gave his car a short glance, and briskly walked into the restaurant. Black had told the waiter he was expecting somebody, and smiled as the waiter arrived at his table, being followed by a pretty looking Tracy Lavine. Getting up, Black smiles at her.

Hey, Trace. How've you been?

Alright. Just been busy with school and stuff.

She returned Black's smile, and as she sat down, so did Ryan. They kept quiet for a while, only speaking to the waiter who had taken her order for food and a drink. Ryan too ordered his food and watched Lavine closely as she looked around the place, uncertain of what to do. Finally she turned around and took a sip of her drink, a Lemonade, which had been brought to her almost immediately after the waiter had left them.

So how've things gone for you? You do anything huge yet on DXX:Recharged and Fusion? Think you might have by now.

Ryan grinned. She was trying to start some kind of conversation. So far so good for him, this showed she at least wanted to get through some things, even if they didn't end up together, it looked like they could still be friends.

Well everythings been looking up for me so far. I've beaten Jackson something in a first round match in a tournament, to advance and face off against Terrell Odom. On Fusion I beat Kevin Dahlia for the Ultra Violent title. Remember I had that match? Now me and E-Man have to face Evers and Steve Storme for the Tag Team titles. Tough competition but I've dealt with them both before.

Ryan nodded as he finished off, sounding very reassured of himself. Lavine smiled and looked at him, knowing full well this was important for him. She had heard Black talk much about Steve Storme; Ryan spoke highly of him.

I missed a lot in this last few weeks haven't I. I mean, we haven't spoken since err... well you know.

Since that incident at the restaurant. Yeah it was pretty stupid. But you gotta understand I didn't intend to be molested by some drunken girl.

Black tried to laugh it off with a chuckle, but Tracy still looked a little uncertain. Ryan turned serious after drinking some of his coke. All the thinking he had done before getting here and while waiting for Tracy had gone down the drain, but he still knew what his objective was. He still knew it wasn't he who had meant to ruin their night.

Come on, you gotta remember I was kind of stupid and crap 'til just a few nights prior, Trace. I guess that kinda of caught up to me, but I really wanted to have something going between us. Still kind of do. I really do actually.

She just stared at Black somewhat, as if she was x-raying his mind, trying to find out if he just didn't want to take advantage of her. She knew Ryan wouldn't do that, no matter how immature he had ever been in his life.

It'd be great to try and build something again, but we'd have to begin at the bottom again. Nothing crazy for a while. I know you're famous and all with your career, but let's try keeping it on the down low. Okay?

Ryan nodded, grinning ear to ear. He wanted to say something to Tracy, but was interrupted by the food that had arrived. It'd wait for another day, although the LA Star was dying to say it. This seemed to be another challenge Ryan conquered, and facing Odom, Evers and Storme seemed to be a little be easier and much more manageable now that he'd done this. He was going to be prepared. He always did what he'd say he'd do, and beating those three men was one thing he was prepared to do!

Interviews are for the famous, not the idiots. Why am I leaving is the meaning of life.

It had been announced. A huge bomb dropped on the asses of DXX: Recharged Superstars, fans and anybody who was remotely close to Ryan Black, the LA Star. He'd be leaving DXX: Recharged, not for long, just until better competition, someone challenging for the LA Star to face off against, was signed. Black had been already looking at footage of past Odom matches, learning his style, when he saw stale type of movements by Odom. He called it quits then and there. It'd be too much of a hassle to have to lift somebody in a match. Making the match spectacular wasn't a one man thing, even if it was someone like Black, and nobody in the company seemed capable to carry themselves. It would be a futile effort by Ryan to keep it all going that way, and he'd rather just leave for a while, then keep on doing it.

Fusion, in the CGS company, was going to be his main focus now. One match a week, no overexageration of opponents in a week. This would mean Ryan would easily be more dominant than he currently was. Right now he was a clear 10 on the scale from 1-10. He'd break the fucking scale now. Evers and Storme better fucking watch out, Ryan Black would figuratively kill their asses in in-ring competition with the effort he was going to put into the match.

This fine day, one day before his match, people wouldn't and couldn't guess what the LA Star was doing. The clear answer would be partying and doing something stupid, but once again Ryan had matured or whatever, for now. No, right now, Black was concentrating on what was too be his very last community service hour. He had been doing community service for the last few months, almost a year, since he was involved in a huge brawl, arrested and then let off on what the judge called 'a weak punishment'. Black was now at the home stretch. All he needed was the signature from the man watching over him, and a few others, and Ryan would be free to go. He had been helping out at a homeless shelter, serving them food, cleaning the place up a bit, and just talking to the homeless.

It was a task nobody wanted too do, but at the end of it you felt good about doing it. Ryan didn't really care about anything, but just swept passed everybody as he went through the double doors and out onto the street. He'd finally be done with the community service, no more waking up early as hell and doing tasks that sucked ass. But just as Black was sticking his hands into his jeans pockets, a lady reporter (as seen by the cameraman walking behind her) appeared and went up to Ryan, not caring for personal space or even asking if they could interview him.

Black looked disgustedly from the elderyly lady who seemed to think she was still young by the short mini-skirt and dress shirt she wore, but she couldn't pull it off. Sarah Palin maybe, Lisa Ann certianly, but not this lady. The cameraman's hair was greased and combed back, wearing a black vest over a navy blue t-shirt and khaki shorts. The tackiest kind of outfit out there, was the conclusion Black came too after seeing the guy. Ryan tried to walk past them, but they followed, sticking a microphone in his face, nearly sticking it up his nose. The LA Star would not be surprised if he left a few bogies on it.

Ryan seriously tried to ignore them, they probably would ask some stupid ass questions about why he quit, if it was for personal reasons more than professional reasons. All the usual shit. It was like reading a Kyle Evers' blog, stupid, ignorant, and full of shit that isn't backed up. Finally wanting these people to leave them along, Black just rounded on them, looking a little mad. The people didn't seem to care, and the woman checked that the camera was working properly before turning to face Ryan and asking him some questions.

Old Lady who is annoying
Mr. Black, would you care to explain why you're no longer with the DXX: Recharged company. Is this anything to do with the rumors of signing an exlusive deal with CGS, after winning the UltraViolent Championship, some say was handed too you?

Ryan Black was sick of stupid reporters throwing the negatives at you. They did it by jamming twenty nine freaking questions in your face. In the so called 'one question' the reporter had asked, it was combined out of 4. It reminded Ryan of how he, Alex Briganti and Tristagi had started randomly adding people to Death Row. It was pretty annoying, and Black went ahead and played the stereotypical star; rude as fuck and not caring about you. He'd be made out that way anyway, so why not do what you're being blamed of doing.

DXX: Recharged was becoming pathetic. Who was there to face off against? Terrell Odom was a dud, I've seen him and his kind before. Kyle Deathlocke, maybe, but I got him here in CGS too. James Manson? Not exactly screaming competition. Izzy, Jackson, Johnson, Wolfe, Awesome, Crisis, Cube, Kompiler, King, Ross? I've pretty much beaten everybody or don't think anybody's up to my level. Call me cocky, I don't fucking care. Better than sugar coating every bit of every fucking thing! I saw fuck them all, want a piece of me, you know where to find me. And for those idiot nerds sitting at home in their mother's basements, writing stupid ass shit cause they couldn't make it, no I haven't exclusively signed with anybody, not even CGS. I never will sign exclusive contracts unless they're likely to make me a billionaire, which I deserve, but won't happen. Being handed the UltraViolent title? The second highest ranked title in CGS? My ass, I worked, or well, beat the shit out of Dahlia for it. Not really handed if you ask me.

The reporter didn't really seem taken aback by the harsh level of Black's words, but clearly was ready to move onto more questions. Black just wanted to get into his car and leave.

Old Lady who is annoying
So are you willing to sign an exclusive contract with either CGS or DXX?

Didn't I just specifically state there is not fucking way that I'm signing exclusive deals or are you just fucking retarded? Pay fucking attention, its your fucking job. This shits stupid, I'm outta here. Shit's more of a waste of time than facing Kyle Evers in the ring.

Ryan snarled at the camera, and dove into his. He backed up, not caring if the reporter or cameraman were behind him. They jumped out of the way. Black didn't care if he'd get a subpoena for attempting to run them over, he sort of wanted to anyway.

Why the fuck would you do that? How the fuck DO you do that? Idiot. (Blog)

The sun is shining through the only window in the room, past the red and gold curtains and into the room, which wasn’t all too quiet at 10:30 in the morning, on this Thursday Morning. On one wall of the spacious, but still cozy room, was the light cedar door, wide open, and off to its left was a book case. Of course, all the books had never been there and were just there as a decoration, the case was cedar, too mach the door. The wall adjacent to the book case had a chair leaned up against it. In front of the other wall adjacent to it, sat a cedar desk, with a rolling chair, a MacBook Laptop, some office type supplies, and the thing making the room not too quiet, an Ipod dock. A purple and good Ipod Touch rested on it, blaring ‘Forever’ by Drake, Kanye West, Lil Wayne and Eminem. The next wall was where the window was holed in. From the window, you could see the whole backyard of the Bloomington, California property, and on one side, throughout the far side of the yard, was a pool. The water was pretty calm, hardly any wind to get it movin’ and on the paved part of the backyard, the full court basketball court was of no use either, or had just been used. Wearing only basketball shorts and a pair of worn out Jordan I’s, Black shook his head, as the song on the dock switched too ‘Drop the World’ by Lil Wayne and Emine. From the chair sitting behind the desk Black grabbed an all black t-shirt, which would have gone well with the silver and black basketball shorts, and hit a button on his laptop, turning it on. Ryan wiped the sweat from his face and bare chest, and put the shirt around his neck, cooling it. The LA Star sat in the chair, and sighed, going straight for the built in mini-fridge that seemed to be a normal drawer at first. From inside, Ryan pulled out a nice, cold Lemonade Gatorade, one of his favorites. Black easily removed the top, and took a long swig of it. By the time he was done drinking, half of it was gone.

Fuckety fuck fuck. That's what Lil Wayne is fucking saying. His Rebirth Album was leaked out by stupid Amazon, like they usually do. Stupidest fucking site ever. Seriously, how do you fuck something like that up. God, or whatever created the damn universe, only knows what level of stupidity it took to do something like that. Won't be surprised if it was Kyle 'fucking' Evers working his second job cause he isn't good enough to be paid top dollar. Just a little bitch saying how professional wrestling has gone to the dumps. If you think that way, then shut your fucking mouth up and just leave already.

What, have to get the last words in? 'Big words from an overglorified, cocky idiot trying to be gangster with no talent'. Those will probably be the words. No I'm not gangster, wangster whatever, and don't try to be one. Yes I have talent, or how else could I have beaten you last week? Then again, there's not too much talent involved in that, is there? I mean, come one, that was a pitiful effort. Like DJ Hipp trying to be black. You told Steve to watch as his friend was decimated, destroyed and shit, but then again, the only way you beat me down is by being a fucking pussy and taking me out after the match, when it doesn't count! The saying is 'you are what you eat', but that isn't true. You're a pussy, but doubt you eat that.

I don't give a damn what you say about me, didn't seem to help you on Saturday. You can call me 'generic', playing the hero. Everybodies fucking generic. You think you're the first idiot who thinks he can argue, wears lipstick and eyeliner and spouts his mouth off? There've been plenty. Example with the Brotherhood. Everybody there seems to act the same, everybody in this fucking planet is generic. The most generic people, are the one's who say they aren't generic!

You trashed the UltraViolent Championship, when it's holder trashed you. You talk shit, but then it all backfires on you. I've seen you as of late. Being a little dick, and throwing bitch fits ever since Steve beat you. I was glad he did, gives me some competition to strive for when I face off against him for the title in the near future. I know I will be victorious in this match, but if for some reason Deathlocke, the new GM of this damn show, decides to interfere, it'll only be because of that, and because you've got someone of Storme's stature on your side. That's the only way you'll win. I'm not going to trash talk too much know, I've seen how it blows up in people's faces. So we'll be meeting again in the ring Evers.

Steve Storme. Personal lives and friendships are two things that do not count in matches. We've faced off twice. Each of us has split the decision, but then again, Tristagi held me down in that match you won with Myles. E-Man won't hold me down here though. Imma look for a match bar none. But Storme, our friendship is gone this week, and won't be back til the bell is rung at the end of the match Saturday. You're a great competitor, but (and this isn't much of a surprise is it?) I think I'm better. Yes, everybody, hate and say that I 'think' this, but I've shown it countless times. Wanna know why I haven't even mentioned shit about the tag titles? Because I don't give a rats ass about them. They'll just be another championship belt to add to the glass cage at home.

Hell I really don't give a shit about my UltraViolent title either. I wouldn't give a shit if I won the World Title, something of which I'm capable of doing. I'm done getting worked up about titles. All I want to do is step into rings and kick some ass. If it gets me titles, then AWESOME, I'll take them. Other than that, hand my the next competitor and I'll deliver a match worth watching. This one looks to be one of those matches. Pshh. One of those matches that's hyped as hell and then fails, cause somebody gets knocked out at the start. I think I'll make the connection to that Pacman and De La Hoya fight a while back. This time, Zeus's Phobia will be the one laying The G-Rated Horrow SHow out. It'll be you guys that'll be requesting for the match too stop, too bad it won't, and we'll keep bringing the blows.

Thinking about this, they shouldn't call it a match. More like a trial. A trial to see if Steve Storme and Kyle Evers can withstand keeping their thrones at the top. Storme, I have confidence in, Evers on the otherhand, is just a fucking prick who got to where he's at because of who he knows. Having to get into or create a stable to make himself look stronger. Reminds me of many fakes in the business. I seem to have run a course with the insults I think. Ehh oh well, guess I'll have to take it too fists I guess. 'Uncivilized' Evers might call it. Using long words only found in dictionaries to make himself feel better. All he can do for himself to keep him from committing suicide. 'Evers is greater than all of us'. Yeah right, how'd I beat you then? There are no such things as flukes you imbecil, and I'll be showing you how much of an idiot I am in the ring.

Another reason I'll kick some ass is because I've got one of the greatest up-and-coming stars signed to the pathetic roster. Immanuel Jackson is as tough and talented as they come. He's got just as much determination to destroy Evers and Storme as I do. He's got more talent than Evers, and that's without reaching his full potential. Jackson's beaten some of the best, and even though he started out with the pathetic excuse for a man, DJ Hipp, E-Man's turned into one of the best. Any doubts? Ask the list of guys who've fallen to him. I even lost to him once, underestimating him will cost you. Hope X-Rated Horrow Blow remembers that. Steve you know that me and Jackson are amazing, and at the surface, you think you'll win. But at the very bottom of your soul, you know we'll be the ones' raising our hands. And the tag titles, but I don't care much for those. After that, it'll be me versus you, one on one. Too see who's the better man. It can be for your title to add to the whole hype and shit, but Non-Title on Fusion is good enough for me. Anywhere, lets just make it happen!

Because starting at this specific moment, I won't be a threat anymore. I will be the one threatened. Evers has become a threat now, the guy challenging and no longer being challenged. The God King has fallen from his throne, and like in the middle ages, there's someone there to claim it. Me, Ryan Black. The LA Star, will take the throne of the God King. Hell I'll even take that as my nickname. It fits better than God King Kyle Evers. But I'll save the nickname change til later, after I've gotten to face Steve Storme, one on one.

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