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 Details on the Opening of Tonight's iMPACT! Revealed?

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Details on the Opening of Tonight's iMPACT! Revealed? Empty
PostSubject: Details on the Opening of Tonight's iMPACT! Revealed?   Details on the Opening of Tonight's iMPACT! Revealed? Icon_minitimeMon Mar 08, 2010 6:38 pm

The big board backstage at the iMPACT Zone lists an opening segment for tonight as an in-ring angle with the participants of tonight's main event - Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Abyss and AJ Styles.

TNA officials are keeping specific information off the backstage board today so it's possible that there's more to the opening segment than what's listed on the board.

TNA has been heavily hyping the "first 5 minutes" of the show which leads some to believe there may be more to it. It's possible that TNA is keeping things a secret and something is planned to open the show that will push back the in-ring angle with the four wrestlers mentioned. Maybe a former WWE star as a guest ref. in the main event? It could be something along those lines.
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Details on the Opening of Tonight's iMPACT! Revealed?
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