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 Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed.

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Concrete Jesus
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Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed. Empty
PostSubject: Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed.   Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed. Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 6:32 pm

Quote :
partial source:

-- The official WWE website has announced that tonight's Raw will kick off with with the anonymous General Manager announcing the consequences of The Nexus' attacks on John Cena, Bret Hart, Vince McMahon and the WWE Legends.

-- It's interesting to note that Wade Barrett is today's "Superstar
of the Day" on

-- A commercial promoting Friday Night SmackDown's forthcoming Syfy debut is scheduled to air tomorrow, likely during NXT.

-- The Undertaker, who takes his role with WWE very seriously, ultimately did not attend Saturday's UFC 116 event due to the ongoing "vegetative state" storyline. Meanwhile, a photo of his recent wedding to Michelle McCool surfaced online over the weekend.

It sounds like the Nexus storyline will come to a head tonight. This angle has been great and I hope it continues to be great.

One of the things I love about Taker is he puts the WWE at the top of his priorities. He is staying out of public to sell a WWE angle. There is no WWE Superstar that is more committed to the WWE.
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Wrestling Veteran
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Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed.   Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed. Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 10:32 pm

Taker's always been that committed to the company and always put the kayfabe above everything else. Truly one of a kind.
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Concrete Jesus
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Concrete Jesus

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Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed.   Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed. Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 11:05 pm

Next to HBK, Taker is the greatest WWE Superstar of all-time. For nearly 20 years, Taker has done everything he can for the WWE. How many times has he come back early, to fill in for another top card talent? How many times has he sacrificed his body for the WWE and the fans? Taker doesn't keep doing this for the money. Taker keeps doing this because WWE needs him and fans want to see him and this is one of the reasons I dislike Mysterio so much. He won the WHC at Fatal 4 Way and he couldn't be bothered to show at SD the next Tuesday. Why? Well, because he already scheduled a vacation. I am going to see SD next week and I would love to see Taker come into the arena carring the WHC, but I will have to see Mysterio and hear another of his goddamn spanglish promo's.
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Wrestling Veteran
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Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed.   Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 06, 2010 1:49 pm

Ah, Taker is always awesome in this aspect. Even though I've grown tired of his character (albeit this recent storyline is bringing my former love for it back, as well as his match with Shawn) and I still rather not have him as World Champion (once again, the recent storyline with Kane could change that) but there is no one in wrestling history I respect more than Taker. Although, kind of wish he didn't marry Michelle, now she is definitely going to keep getting pushed.
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Concrete Jesus
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Concrete Jesus

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Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed.   Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 06, 2010 2:15 pm

I don't know why people get re-married anyway. The last one ended in terribly, so why not just be togther? Why put the "married" stamp on it.

I don't want to see Taker win the WHC ring now either, though I will never be mad if he does. I would however, rather see Taker with the WHC and not Mysterio. When I bought my SD ticket, Mysterio was going on vacation and Taker was coming back early. 2 months later, I am stuck seeing that damn Mysterio next week.
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FnF Up!
FnF Up!

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Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed.   Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 06, 2010 6:55 pm

He should've participated in the wedding in a vegetative state.
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Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed.   Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed. Icon_minitime

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Undertaker note, Opening segment for tonights Raw revealed.
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