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 Raw and Impact Ratings for the month of March

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Concrete Jesus
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Concrete Jesus

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Raw and Impact Ratings for the month of March Empty
PostSubject: Raw and Impact Ratings for the month of March   Raw and Impact Ratings for the month of March Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 6:46 pm

Quote :
WWE RAW Rating* - 3.6
TNA iMPACT! (Live) Rating** - 1.45

* Bret Hart makes his WWE Return after 12 Years.

** TNA test the waters with their first ever live iMPACT! (3 Hours) against WWE RAW (2 Hours) Hulk Hogan made his debut with a rating peak of 2.2


WWE RAW Rating - 3.4
TNA iMPACT! (Live) Rating** - 1.0

* TNA iMPACT! officially moves to Monday Night with a live show every other week.

** TNA iMPACT! Reply (3/11) Scored 1.0 Rating. Combined with the live iMPACT! the rating would be roughly a 2.0


WWE RAW Rating* - 3.7
TNA iMPACT! (Taped) Rating**r - 0.84

* Steve Austin returns to host RAW
** First Taped TNA iMPACT! Monday Broadcast
r SpikeTV reply the show (3/18) (not originally scheduled) The rating matched that of the taped show.


WWE RAW Rating* - 3.24
TNA iMPACT! (Taped) Rating** - 0.86

* Last Monday Night RAW before Wrestlemania 26
** There is no TNA iMPACT! Replay this week.

Raw ratings were down because of the guest host shit. Wrestling fans want to see Stone Cold, but they don't want to see Pete Rose. The guest host are what is making the ratings go up and down.
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Raw and Impact Ratings for the month of March
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