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 WWE Fatal Four Way Results (6/20):

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Concrete Jesus
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Concrete Jesus

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WWE Fatal Four Way Results (6/20): Empty
PostSubject: WWE Fatal Four Way Results (6/20):   WWE Fatal Four Way Results (6/20): Icon_minitimeSun Jun 20, 2010 11:08 pm

Quote :

Posted by: Farook Razak

Fatal Four Way begins with Drew McIntyre ordering SmackDown GM Teddy Long to come to ringside and witness this match first hand as he faces Kofi Kingston for the Intercontinental Title.

Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston (c)

Intercontinental Title match

The match goes back and forth early on as the commentary trio of Cole, King and Matt Striker tell of Drew McIntyre's arrogance since getting the personal backing from WWE Chairman Mr Vince McMahon. As the match goes on with McIntyre on top we focus on Teddy Long as he looks worried for his own future should Drew McIntyre not get what he wants at the outcoe of this match. McIntyre has Kofi down and he taunts toward the fans mocking Kofi's clap that he does before the Boom Drop. Kofi tries getting back into it, but McIntyre stays on top for much of the match. He focusses on Kofi's arm and does a Codebreaker like move right on the injured arm of the Intercontinental Champion. Kofi and McIntyre go back and forth and trade an exchange of near falls. Kofi tries and succeeds to hit some excellent moves including a swinging DDT. Kofi gets a near fall and McIntyre manages to get his foot on the rope. After that Kofi goes and takes McIntyre to the corner and Kofi leaps to the turnbuckle and throws some punches, but McIntyre turns it into an emphatic powerbomb! Another near fall! Kofi Kingston hits the SOS and One, Two - McIntyre kicks out! Kofi and McIntyre exchange blows before Drew McIntyre inadvertently knocks out the referee. McIntyre then hits the Future Shock DDT! The referee though is out cold! McIntyre then can't wake the referee up so he goes and manhandles Teddy Long into the ring. McIntyre strips the referee's jersey off the ref and makes Teddy Long wear it. Kofi is still down and Drew has the cover; One, Two - but Teddy Long doesn't count Three! After that Drew threatens Teddy, but with that we see Matt Hardy show up out of nowhere and hit the Twist Of Fate on Drew McIntyre! Matt slides out of the ring, Teddy sees the whole thing as he's now the ref. Kofi's back up and he hits McIntyre with the Trouble In Paradise!

Winner: Kofi Kingston!

Backstage we have an interview with The Hart Dynasty. They're out of sorts after what happened to RAW GM Bret Hart this past Monday night. They say though that they are focussed and will do Bret Hart proud against their opponents tonight.

Maryse vs. Gail Kim vs. Alicia Fox vs. Eve Torres (c)

Fatal Four Way Diva's Title match

The Diva's whale on each other early on and the match is typically frantic early on. We have the Diva's put submission moves on one another and we can clearly hear them screaming at the top of their lungs. The match is a good one, but fairly quick. Gail Kim does an impressive dropkick off the top rope. Maryse and Alicia Fox face off and then go at it at one stage and we later have Eve pull off a neckbreaker followed by a moonsault on Maryse. Alicia Fox though dumps Eve out of the ring and makes the cover herself. One, Two, Three.

Winner and new Diva's Champion: Alicia Fox!

We cut backstage to see Big Show approach Rey Mysterio in the locker room. Rey says that he will become Champion here tonight and Show tells Rey that some mountains are just too high to climb.

Chris Jericho vs. Evan Bourne

Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring and speaks on the microphone before Bourne comes out. Jericho tells that he was once a young hungry superstar that worked his way through WCW and then made an impact on the WWE after arriving and confronting the biggest dog in the yard at the time; The Rock. Now though in WWE Chris Jericho is the best at what he does and Even Bourne is the young kid trying to make a name off the veteran Chris Jericho. Bourne's music hits and he makes his way to the ring. Chris Jericho wrestles Evan well, but Evan Bourne keeps up the pace and does a variety of high-flying moves on Jericho from atop the top turnbuckle and all the way to the outside. Jericho is typically cocky in his demeanor, but this is not a good tactic as Evan Bourne continues to surprise Jericho and the fans. Jericho goes to the top turnbuckle, but Bourne leaps up above his own head and does a standing Frankensteiner on Jericho all the way down to the mat. Bourne gets a near fall and not long after Chris Jericho hits the Walls on Evan Bourne. Bourne gets to the ropes and gets out of the ring, but Jericho follows and then smashes Bourne's head off the commentary table. Jericho then sets Bourne up by the stairs and charges at him, but Bourne dodges him and Jericho goes into the stairs. Bourne gets back in the ring as the match goes on. The two superstar's go toe to toe and exchange near falls back and forth! Bourne goes for the Air Bourne and lands on his feet as Jericho gets up to hit the Codebreaker! One, Two - and Bourne has his foot on the rope! Jericho demands at Bourne that he stay down, but Bourne keeps fighting as we hear that Long Island has a great following for Chris Jericho. Back and forth they go and eventually after blocking an attempt at a superplex, Bourne knocks Jericho down to the mat and hits a picture perfect Air Bourne to the back of Chris Jericho! He turns him over for the One, Two, Three!

Winner: Evan Bourne!

Evan celebrates quite possibly his biggest win in WWE to date.

We see a video package that outlines how The UnderTaker was forced out of the World Heavyweight Championship match at tonight's pay-per-view. We see the majority of The UnderTaker's brother's speech as Kane claims that he will get vengeance for the demise of The UnderTaker. We then see Kane corner various superstars and then we see how Kane has systematically taken apart the four competitor's in the World Heavyweight Championship match here tonight. Kane has promised vengeance after claiming that all four of these superstars may have gotten together to take out his brother and put him in a vegetitive state.

Big Show vs. CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Jack Swagger (c)

Fatal Four Way World Heavyweight Championship match

The match begins with Swagger and Punk getting thrown to ringside early and Rey Mysterio shows that he's not intimidated as he goes at Big Show. Show though goes for the Knock-Out punch early to which Rey gets out of dodge. Big Show is on top for the early stages as he does well to take out both CM Punk and Rey Mysterio. Rey though manages to put a DDT on Show and we have a Two count. Jack Swagger then does his version of the Vader Bomb on Big Show. The match continues and goes back and forth. Swagger and Mysterio are in the centre of the ring jostling back and forth. Swagger had him in a submission, but Rey breaks it to send Swagger to the middle rope. Rey goes for the 6-1-9 but can't do so success full as CM Punk catches him with a cross body as he flies in from the ring apron and springboards off the top rope. The match goes back and forth and Punk has Mysterio from behind, Swagger then gets Punk from behind and there's then a two-way German suplex! Rey Mysterio gets up to get in control and he goes for a 6-1-9 but that doesn't connect as Big Show grabs his legs and brings him to the outside. Show then lifts Rey up and does the snake eyes on Mysterio off the comentary table. Big Show gets in the ring to clean house. Later we see CM Punk in control of the Champion Jack Swagger and Punk puts a GTS on Swagger. He can't get the cover soon enough and with that *BOOM* explosion on stage, red lights around the arena and the Big Red Machine is seen wheeling a casket down to the ring. Kane gets in the ring and the commentary team wonder who he's going after and it's CM Punk! Kane takes Punk to ringside and chokeslams him into the casket! Kane tries closing the casket, but Punk blocks it. Mean while Luke Gallows comes to the aid of CM Punk. Meanwhile we see that Rey has Swagger in position; 6-1-9 finally hit! A springboard from the apron and off the top rope for a body splash and *BAM* Rey Mysterio completes the sequence and for the second time in his career he becomes the Champion of the World!

Winner and new World Heavyweight Champion: Rey Mysterio!

Backstage we have Josh Mathews interview WWE Champion John Cena and he asks him whether he fears any involvement from the NXT Season 1 rookies here tonight. Cena says that he's not afraid of the rookies and that the WWE locker-room has an unspoken agreement to deal with the rookies at any cost.

The Miz (c) vs. R-Truth

United States Championship match

The Miz comes out and tells everyone that he has new lyrics to R-Truth's theme tune. Music kicks in and Miz raps by "dropping a beat" and changing the words 'What's up' for 'The Miz!' The Miz tells everyone he's awesome and R-truth makes his entrance. The match begins with Miz on top. Truth gets back into it, but only for a moment as Miz decks Truth to the outside. The referee counts to Ten and lands on Nine before Truth gets back into the ring. The Miz then does a number on Truth and performs his clotheline to the corner where his legs go through the gap between the top/middle ropes. Miz goes for a cover, but Truth kicks out after Two. Another exchange happens with Miz still on top and another cover followed by a kick out. The Miz keeps R-Truth down and often performs chokeholds on Truth and doesn't break the holds right away as the referee counts to Four and a half. Miz has been on top for the vast majority of the match. Truth manages to get a cover or two, but Miz is still very much in control. A spulex from Miz and a little playing to the audience as they boo the United States Champion. Truth though gets up to hit a facebuster on Miz. He gets a Two count, but Miz then again gets up to go at R-Truth. Truth though hits a dropkick on Miz from the middle turnbuckle. Truth yells 'What's up' before nailing the Flatliner and getting a Two count. Truth then hits a perfect suplex-stunner and again gets a Two count. The match goes back and forth for a moment, but it's not long before Miz again has control. Miz goes for a move to the corner, but Truth gets out the way and comes back at Miz to hit a modified scissor kick! Truth goes for a cover and gets a Two count as Miz gets his foot on the rope. Truth spends some time on top and gets a series of near falls on Miz, before The Miz rolls through to have Truth down, his body sat on Truth and both Truth's legs hooked and The Miz retains the United States Championship.

Winner: The Miz.

Edge is interviewed backstage and he depicts why neither of his opponents will be victor here tonight and that he will be the one who leaves the arena as the new WWE Champion.

Nattie Neidhart, DH Smith and Tyson Kidd vs. Tamina, Jimmy and Jay Uso

Mixed Tag Team action

The Diva's start the match and this contest goes back and forth and back again with both tag teams doing well to tag in and out of the ring. The Uso's think they have control, but Tyson Kidd gets some momentum as he goes high-flying off the ropes against Jimmy Uso. Jimmy falls to the outside and as Tyson cross body's from the apron, Jimmy Uso catches Kidd and falls back into an excellent Samoan Drop right into the barricade. The Uso's are on top and they proceed to do a number on Tyson Kidd, singling him out and making sure he stays away from his corner. Tyson tries and tries to make a tag, but for a long time can't do it as The Uso's exchange more tags to keep one another fresh. Jimmy Uso then goes for a Rikishi-esque backside move to the corner, but Kidd gets out the way. He goes for the tag, but Jay Uso rushes in to knock DH Smith off the apron. Tyson though tags in Natalya and that makes Tamina automatically legal. The Diva's tussle as Tyson Kidd leaps from the middle of the top rope to launch off and dive on the Uso's at ringside! Meanwhile Tamina sets Natalya up for the Snuka Splash, but she misses and as she gets up Nattie Neidhart knocks her down with tornado clothesline!

Winners: The Hart Dynasty!

The commentary trio of Michael Cole, Jerry 'The King' Lawler and Matt Striker talk about WWE's next pay-per-view extravaganza; the Money In The Bank!

We see a video package that shows us the build-up to tonight's WWE Championship match.

Randy Orton vs. Edge vs. Sheamus vs. John Cena (c)

Fatal Four Way WWE Championship

Randy Orton gets a huge ovation from the crowd as he makes his entrance. Edge follows and the crowd are indifferent. Sheamus comes out to a chorus of boo's and then The Champion enters to a great reception from the crowd. The announccements are made as to who the competitor's are and the referee lifts the Title aloft as we see that the prize is the WWE Championship! Michael Cole tells us that among the four superstars in the ring so far they have collectively amassed 25 World Championships and main evented a dozen WrestleMania's. Striker's favorite is Edge to win, King is going for Cena as Michael Cole calls the action. Edge and Sheamus are knocked to ringside early as Cena and Orton exchange a near Attitude Adjustment and a near RKO. Sheamus comes in after John Cena and Edge and fights Orton on the outside. The match goes back and fourth between the four competitor's before Randy Orton hits his DDT on both Sheamus and John Cena as both their sets of legs hang on the middle rope. Orton gets a near all as Edge then comes in to take control. Edge goes for a spear on Cena, but Cena moves to do his vinatge set up for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. He nails it and the match continues. Cena and Sheamus then exchange blows as Sheamus then falls awkwardly to ringside. Cena gets Edge in an STF and Edge is in the middle of the ring! The Rated R SuperStar stuggles and eventually makes it to the ropes. Cena pulls him to the middle and puts the move on again before Sheamus comes back into the ring to break the hold. Sheamus then covers a hurting Edge and he gets a Two count. Back and forth the match goes and John Cena has Edge up for the Attitude Adjustment, but Edge gets out of it and Cena walks into an RKO! One, Two - but Sheamus shoves the referee to break the Three count! Randy Orton nearly had this match won. Edge then hits Orton with a huge spear! A near fall and we cut backstage to see R-Truth, Evan Bourne and the Hart Dynasty watching a monitor and watching the match. But then the NXT rookies attack them from behind! Jerry Lawler says that the rookies are attacking the entire locker room! The NXT guys then come down to the ring and rush the four competitor's, but while they attack Edge on the outside we see Sheamus run in and pin the fallen John Cena!

Winner and new WWE Champion: Sheamus!

Sheamus exits through the crowd as the NXT guys pound Cena into dust. Wade Barrett does his signature and Justin Gabriel performs a 450 splash on the now former Champion. Up on the stage we see Sheamus come out and raise the WWE Title, but he hops to it as the NXT guys run out of the ring and up the ramp at Sheamus. We end Fatal Four Way with shots of Edge and Orton laid out at ringside while John Cena is once again put down by NXT in the ring.

I had to miss this one, so, for now, I can only go off the results. I am not happy at all that Mysterio is the WHC, but I am very happy that Sheamus is the WWE Champion. Now come the bitching because the obvious angle here is, HHH returns somewhere down the road, and he takes out Sheamus and takes his WWE Championship.
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Wrestling Veteran
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WWE Fatal Four Way Results (6/20): Empty
PostSubject: Re: WWE Fatal Four Way Results (6/20):   WWE Fatal Four Way Results (6/20): Icon_minitimeSun Jun 20, 2010 11:19 pm

Not so sure about that. At least, not for now. Triple H's injuries are apparently more serious than first anticipated and he's still shooting "The Chaperone" so I don't expect him to come back until after Summerslam.

This is so screaming Vince McMahon backing up the NXT Rookies.
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Concrete Jesus
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Concrete Jesus

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WWE Fatal Four Way Results (6/20): Empty
PostSubject: Re: WWE Fatal Four Way Results (6/20):   WWE Fatal Four Way Results (6/20): Icon_minitimeSun Jun 20, 2010 11:25 pm

I wonder who will get a WWE Championship match next? I would like to see Cena not cash in the re-match clause and go right after Barret and the NXT Rookies.
This results look good and I can't wait to see what happens on Raw tomorrow. I am going to see SD on July 13, so I guess I am stuck with seeing WHC Mysterio.....GODDAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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WWE Fatal Four Way Results (6/20): Empty
PostSubject: Re: WWE Fatal Four Way Results (6/20):   WWE Fatal Four Way Results (6/20): Icon_minitimeSun Jun 20, 2010 11:30 pm

Either they're gonna do Cena vs Barrett or they're gonna do some sort of 6-men or 8-men tag at Summerslam with Team WWE vs Team NXT. Perhaps Team NXT's WWE contracts could be on the line. Then, you can unveil who's been backing NXT since their invasion.
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Concrete Jesus
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WWE Fatal Four Way Results (6/20): Empty
PostSubject: Re: WWE Fatal Four Way Results (6/20):   WWE Fatal Four Way Results (6/20): Icon_minitimeMon Jun 21, 2010 2:20 pm

At some point, I am sure that it is going to come down to Barret vs. Cena, but you are probably right about a Team WWE vs. Team NXT.
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