Kane vs. Rey, I'm assuming Taker will show up during that, and that's the only way the match interests me. I've never been a big fan of Kane vs. Mysterio, and the fact I don't like Mysterio is a reason to that, but I don't like the matches period.
Kingston vs. Dolph is getting a bit tiresome, but the whole angry streak in Kingston has been good to see. So, this could be a really good match.
Punk vs. JTG is probably just going to be a squash match, but if it's not, it could be a very entertaining bout. Honestly, if it's not a squash, match of the night, easily.
Show vs. Gallows, nothing slightly interesting in this at all. Gallows isn't that good (preferred him as Festus), Show is bad, and so is Serena, but she isn't wrestling, not that it matters.
Alberto Del Rio in action, sqaush match.
Swagger vs. MVP could very well be a great match, but it doesn't interest me. Especially since we've seen this feud before. At least they are booking this much better than last time, so it might garner my interest.