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 Rob Van Dam or Sabu

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Ex-Mattitude Follower
Straight-Edge Zach
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14 posters

RVD or Sabu
Whole F'n Show all the way
Rob Van Dam or Sabu Vote_lcap76%Rob Van Dam or Sabu Vote_rcap
 76% [ 13 ]
Going with the Death-Defying Maniac, Sabu
Rob Van Dam or Sabu Vote_lcap24%Rob Van Dam or Sabu Vote_rcap
 24% [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 17

Straight-Edge Superstar
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Rob Van Dam or Sabu Empty
PostSubject: Rob Van Dam or Sabu   Rob Van Dam or Sabu Icon_minitimeSun Dec 23, 2007 7:03 pm

Which is better in your opinion RVD or Sabu.

Sabu- Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal. Sabu botches a lot of moves, but he is innovative the way he can do moves. Arabian Facebuster, Atomic Arabian Facebuster, Camel Clutch, Air Sabu, SabuSault (the way he puts his legs on the ropes), Flying Legdrop.

RVD-While F'n Show, Mr. Pay Per View, Mr. Money In the Bank, Mr. Monday Night, Mr. Thursday Night, Mr. Tuesday Night. RVD is a great performer the way he can move his legs, from Van Daminator to Van Terminator to the Five Star Frog Splash, he is an amazing athlete and the difference between him and Sabu is that he doesn't botch moves like Sabu and he can actually do the wrestling part.

So RVD gets my vote
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FnF Up!
FnF Up!

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PostSubject: Re: Rob Van Dam or Sabu   Rob Van Dam or Sabu Icon_minitimeSun Dec 23, 2007 7:32 pm

I'm takin RVD. He's just more consistent of a performer. Sabu takes a lot of risks, and in turns botches quite a bit too.
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Slim Shady
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PostSubject: Re: Rob Van Dam or Sabu   Rob Van Dam or Sabu Icon_minitimeSun Dec 23, 2007 9:41 pm

While I have to go with RVD only because he can perform great moves, extremely charismatic, and a better wrestler. Sabu has his goodpoints. Sabu matches are great because you get interested but he is nearly killing himself and others in his matches with his botches. That is what is great about Sabu he goes for crazy moves regardless if he performs them right you still get drawn into the match.
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Heat Wrestler
Heat Wrestler

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Rob Van Dam or Sabu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rob Van Dam or Sabu   Rob Van Dam or Sabu Icon_minitimeSun Dec 23, 2007 9:54 pm

RVD definitely, RVD may use to much high flying moves I know thats his whole thing but I don't really like it when wrestlers over use it. Anyway at least RVD can hit his moves Sabu just seems like he doesn't give a crap, and botches to many moves up.
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IC/US Champion
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Rob Van Dam or Sabu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rob Van Dam or Sabu   Rob Van Dam or Sabu Icon_minitimeSun Dec 23, 2007 11:45 pm

RVD he's very acro batic.
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Dark Match Wrestler
Dark Match Wrestler

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Rob Van Dam or Sabu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rob Van Dam or Sabu   Rob Van Dam or Sabu Icon_minitimeSun Dec 23, 2007 11:57 pm

i go with RVD ive never really liked him but thinking about them both just makes ma choose him so "the whole F'N show
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Straight-Edge Zach
The Enforcer
The Enforcer
Straight-Edge Zach

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Rob Van Dam or Sabu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rob Van Dam or Sabu   Rob Van Dam or Sabu Icon_minitimeMon Dec 24, 2007 2:07 am

RVD all the way. Not only can he go to the air like Sabu but he can fight way better and his overall wrestling skill is better. The only time I can really get into a Sabu match is if it's a hardcore match or a tag team match where RVD has great matchs wether they're normal or harcore.
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Rob Van Dam or Sabu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rob Van Dam or Sabu   Rob Van Dam or Sabu Icon_minitimeMon Dec 24, 2007 2:46 am

ok this should be caled RVD or the botch maker like when sabus wrestling and he uses a chair he has to drop it.Hes injured many wrestlers with botches and he has also can not wrestle as well as the whole fn show rob van dam
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Ex-Mattitude Follower
Egotistical Maniac
Egotistical Maniac
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Rob Van Dam or Sabu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rob Van Dam or Sabu   Rob Van Dam or Sabu Icon_minitimeMon Dec 24, 2007 7:07 am

They're both really entertaining wrestlers but Rob Van Dam has acheived so much more than Sabu, botches less moves and is a better promo guy. Yes, Sabu is more hardcore but overall RVD's the better wrestler.
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Raw/Smackdown Jobber
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Rob Van Dam or Sabu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rob Van Dam or Sabu   Rob Van Dam or Sabu Icon_minitimeFri Dec 28, 2007 5:27 am's just me
i prefer Sabu on RVD!
i think he's more entertaining even if he doesn't have much charisma as RVD has.
maybe Sabu can't wrestle in a normal match but when he does wrestle in a hardcore match, he takes a lots of risks just to make the match more intersting and entertaining.
i'm not saying that RVD isn't a good wrestle! he's an amazing athlete! i just like Sabu's matches better! =)
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Wrestling Veteran
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Rob Van Dam or Sabu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rob Van Dam or Sabu   Rob Van Dam or Sabu Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 2:57 am

rvd . Better wrestling. Better risks. Like when he was on the turnbuckle jump off flied past the gaurdrail into the crowd knocking down Bam Bam. 23 month title reign had to vacte it due to injury. Came back from having a peice of table stuck hit into his eye. Created and prefected the training stlye where he has his legs split across elevated benchs seperated must bend down pick up the weight and lift it up. Means he has great strengh, balance and of course algility. That is why he is the whole fn show.
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IC/US Champion
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Rob Van Dam or Sabu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rob Van Dam or Sabu   Rob Van Dam or Sabu Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 3:02 am

I am going with Sabu. Even though he botches more often when the move goes great and as planed it is great. Any Wrestler who is a high flyer, gets my vote because they go out and do things that can end there career and even life's every night.
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Head Bitch In Charge
Head Bitch In Charge

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Rob Van Dam or Sabu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rob Van Dam or Sabu   Rob Van Dam or Sabu Icon_minitimeSun Dec 30, 2007 10:07 pm

Whole f'n show all the way! I know Sabu takes more risks than RVD does, but what's the point in taking a hell lot of risks when you botch most of them? RVD is more charismatic, has better mic skills and he is a way better wrestler than Sabu.
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Dark Match Wrestler
Dark Match Wrestler

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Rob Van Dam or Sabu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rob Van Dam or Sabu   Rob Van Dam or Sabu Icon_minitimeFri Feb 01, 2008 3:45 am


He earns my vote,both men made their names known in ECW,and thats the only place that they had huge success in,and Sabu was the more hardcore of the 2,and in ECW hardcore was where it was at.
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PostSubject: Re: Rob Van Dam or Sabu   Rob Van Dam or Sabu Icon_minitime

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Rob Van Dam or Sabu
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