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 Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto

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The Wicked One
Concrete Jesus
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Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto   Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 13, 2008 11:16 am

Babaganoosh needs to brush up on his history. There are many reasons why America rebelled. Number one being the taxes and control that Britain was trying to put on America. When colonists first came to America they governed themselves without much interference from England. That changed after the French and Indian war. Britain felt that America should have to pay for their protection, enter the Stamp Act, Tea Act, Townshend Act, Quartering Act of 1774 and every other law and tax Britain put on America. They tried to forbid pioneers from going across the Appalachians which didn't fly. American leaders became pissed because they asked for representation in the Parliament and didn't get it (even though they would be out voted by the majority.) So its a matter of principal that America rebelled. When American Militia met the British at The Battles of Lexington and Concord there was no turning back.

Quote :
Violence isn't the answer you naughty Americans.
Sometimes its the only way, if you think you Canadians can talk to Iran and Al Queda, and Hezbollah for us go ahead. We'll watch as you fail miserable. Canada only got its independence by asking because Britain didn't want to deal with another colonial rebellion.
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FnF Up!
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Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto   Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 13, 2008 5:26 pm

Slash wrote:
Babaganoosh needs to brush up on his history. There are many reasons why America rebelled. Number one being the taxes and control that Britain was trying to put on America. When colonists first came to America they governed themselves without much interference from England. That changed after the French and Indian war. Britain felt that America should have to pay for their protection, enter the Stamp Act, Tea Act, Townshend Act, Quartering Act of 1774 and every other law and tax Britain put on America. They tried to forbid pioneers from going across the Appalachians which didn't fly. American leaders became pissed because they asked for representation in the Parliament and didn't get it (even though they would be out voted by the majority.) So its a matter of principal that America rebelled. When American Militia met the British at The Battles of Lexington and Concord there was no turning back.
Brush up on history? I never scratched the surface before, I wouldn't know what to brush. The world doesn't revolve around America, we learn about our own history, not yours.

Slash wrote:
Quote :
Violence isn't the answer you naughty Americans.
Sometimes its the only way, if you think you Canadians can talk to Iran and Al Queda, and Hezbollah for us go ahead. We'll watch as you fail miserable. Canada only got its independence by asking because Britain didn't want to deal with another colonial rebellion.
Canadians don't have to take to them because nobody fucks with us Very Happy

And rebellion, I mean I'm a proud Canadian and all, but what the hell are Canadians going to do? Run our army of pitchforks into their guns?
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Amateur Wrestler
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Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto   Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 13, 2008 6:24 pm

Quote :
Brush up on history? I never scratched the surface before, I wouldn't know what to brush. The world doesn't revolve around America, we learn about our own history, not yours.
Let me re-phrase, scratch the surface of WORLD history. We learn about France, Britain, Russia and all sorts of shit. I never said the world revolves around America, i just said brush up. albino
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Concrete Jesus
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Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto   Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed May 14, 2008 2:54 pm

babaganoosh wrote:
We just had to ask and we become a free nation Razz Violence isn't the answer you naughty Americans.

You go and try to hug it out with the Taliban and see what happens...I am not a fan of war, but sometimes Canada, you have to fight to keep your freedoms, fight for your people, and fight for humanity...USA USA USA..Are you telling me that you would rather live under a genocidal dictator like Suddam? No fuckin way, you would want the chance to be free and you wouldn't you? Violence isn't always the answer and I wish that we could could settle our problem with terrorism another way, but you can't reason with these people because they will kill you... If a attack ever happens on our soil, you will understand and America will be right behind you in the fight...
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Wrestling Veteran
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Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto   Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed May 14, 2008 3:23 pm

I agree!
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Concrete Jesus
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Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto   Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed May 14, 2008 4:01 pm

tnalockdownfan wrote:
I agree!

I hope that something like 9/11 ever happens to Canada, but America will stand beside them in the fight against terrorism and religious fanaticism.
I don't like the fact that so many Americans have died in Iraq, but they have given their lives for freedom.
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Amateur Wrestler
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Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto   Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed May 14, 2008 6:44 pm

Quote :
I agree!
With who TNALD?

America fights for its freedom. There's no talking with extremists. If anybody has any questions i suggest they take a look at the movie Obsession, spent fifteen bucks on it and it will forever change the way i look at the use of propaganda and especially the Middle East.

And I'd like to add that if America ever turns into some Socialist or Communist or anything other then a democracy (which it isn't close but i question some candidates) i will go underground. Swear to God, i will. Yes, I know i just came out of way left field with that.
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Concrete Jesus
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Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto   Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 15, 2008 2:11 pm

Slash wrote:
Quote :
I agree!
With who TNALD?

America fights for its freedom. There's no talking with extremists. If anybody has any questions i suggest they take a look at the movie Obsession, spent fifteen bucks on it and it will forever change the way i look at the use of propaganda and especially the Middle East.

And I'd like to add that if America ever turns into some Socialist or Communist or anything other then a democracy (which it isn't close but i question some candidates) i will go underground. Swear to God, i will. Yes, I know i just came out of way left field with that.

You are right Slash but hippies and countries that haven't had to worry about Islamo-Terrorism don't understand that....Violence isn't the first option, but with those fuckers, it is the only option because it is the option they have chosen.
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Amateur Wrestler
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Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto   Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 18, 2008 10:56 pm

Quote :
You are right Slash but hippies and countries that haven't had to worry about Islamo-Terrorism don't understand that....Violence isn't the first option, but with those fuckers, it is the only option because it is the option they have chosen.
Well put. Until Americans and the World as a whole realize this, the war will be twice as long as it already is. Take it from my cousin, who is a veteran and a Navy SEAL (my whole family is basically military or ex-military) says there is no talking to the extremists and Iran, North Korea, and China.
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Wrestling Veteran
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Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto   Tonight's RAW in Trish's Hometown of Toronto - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 19, 2008 12:20 am


Topic got really off-topic.
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