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 Proof The WWE Faked Cena's Pec Injury ??

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WWE Superstar
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Proof The WWE Faked Cena's Pec Injury ?? Empty
PostSubject: Proof The WWE Faked Cena's Pec Injury ??   Proof The WWE Faked Cena's Pec Injury ?? Icon_minitimeFri Dec 12, 2008 11:03 pm

You may recall back in 2007 that John Cena wrestled a match against Mr Kennedy prior to No Way Out, during the match Cena tore his Right Pec muscle.

He was out for around Four months, he dropped the Title and it went to Orton after Triple H decided he wanted a 30 minute title reign.

When Cena returned from injury, On Raw he pointed out his scar from the operation. I've tried to find a picture of it but I cant, anyway the scar to me always looked fake. In last weeks match against Kane on Raw I kept looking to see if this ''Scar'' was still there, and I couldnt see it.

Now at the time Cena was injured he was hated by the 15 year old + fans. they were booing him so much you couldnt hear the kids screaming for him.

At the time Cena was still beating everyone that challenged him for the damn title.

Now look at my theory from this point of view. Cena is the biggest thing in your company, but the fans hate him. How do you stop them from hating him, take him off tv. He had worked like 3 years straight without a break, he was due some time off. And him dropping the title through injury makes him look good because he didnt loose the title in a match.

Now the following pictures are all from 2008, Cena injured his arm in 2007. To back this up you can go on on his profile and look in the 2008 pictures.

Proof The WWE Faked Cena's Pec Injury ?? Cena03

The operation was performed on his Right Pec, yet there is no scar?

Proof The WWE Faked Cena's Pec Injury ?? Cena02

Sure scars fade over time but they dont disappear completely.

Proof The WWE Faked Cena's Pec Injury ?? Cena01

So, Was this injury real or fake ?
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WWE Superstar
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Proof The WWE Faked Cena's Pec Injury ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Proof The WWE Faked Cena's Pec Injury ??   Proof The WWE Faked Cena's Pec Injury ?? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 13, 2008 2:41 pm

This isn't proof as your title suggested. but I will say i wouldn't put it past the WWE to fake an injury for the reasons you stated but nope not buying it. The scar may just not be showing up well or being covered properly. In any case when things like this happen and its gimmick. A report usually follows in the not to far off future. I'm sure that clown Prichard would of expose this also just to expose more of the WWE secrets. But truthfully it doesn't matter because if that was their stratergy, it work well and who ever came up with it need a raise because it was brilliant. Plus if you check they have groups to join. John Cena has the largest amount of groups and the highest fan count. Almost 90% are over 18. Myself included. Check for yourself.
Anybody else here over 15 and like Cena?
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Wrestling Fan
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Proof The WWE Faked Cena's Pec Injury ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Proof The WWE Faked Cena's Pec Injury ??   Proof The WWE Faked Cena's Pec Injury ?? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 13, 2008 2:48 pm

Interesting post although i have to agree with BEAST.

Scars fade with time and it wasnt that noticeable to start with, it could be the light etc. there are a whole host of reasons the scar cannot be seen.

As i seem to remember they had videos on of the operation so i doubt it was faked.

However, i wouldnt put it past the 'E to come up with this stroke of genius a top face being boo'd take him out for a few months and try to rebuild his credibility.
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PostSubject: Re: Proof The WWE Faked Cena's Pec Injury ??   Proof The WWE Faked Cena's Pec Injury ?? Icon_minitime

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