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 The Cleansing Begins...

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Dark Match Wrestler
Dark Match Wrestler

Male Number of posts : 147
Age : 34
Location : Returning Some Videotapes
Registration date : 2009-08-30
Points : 662

The Cleansing Begins... Empty
PostSubject: The Cleansing Begins...   The Cleansing Begins... Icon_minitimeFri Oct 23, 2009 3:54 pm

sXe==========THE CLEANSING BEGINS==========sXe
(PART ONE: The Formation)

-The following events take place BEFORE the CGS debut of The Straight-Edge Army as depicted in RKO93‘s RP-

*It is a cool, sunny morning in Ocala, Florida. The October breeze has finally kicked in, swiftly and silently surging throughout the city streets. As it is a Sunday morning, many people are already in attendance of their church of choice, if they haven’t left already. However, this doesn’t mean that the stores and eateries of the city are dead. Far from it, as a matter of fact. Cars are seen coming to and fro across the roads that lead to their destination. All in all…..It’s perfectly calm and peaceful…However, that serenity doesn’t last real long as the faint sounds of music shatter the tranquility. It doesn’t take long at all before the source of the rock music makes itself known; A 2009 Cadillac Escalade with the sun shining off it’s jet-black paint. It’s silver, thirty-inch rims reflect the light as well, almost to the point where they could blind a driver and send him or her swerving straight into a ditch. The Escalade turns a corner, and while getting closer to it’s desired location, the sounds of Adema can be heard blaring through the open front windows*

“I wanted to know who you really are,
I needed the chance to stitch up my scars.
I’m closer to you then I was at the start,
Come down right in an tear me apart….

I’m trapped,
And we can’t along,
I thought that I was strong,
We are so unstable!”

*Suddenly, the music is turned down considerably as it finds an empty space in the parking lot. Then the music cuts off altogether as the vehicle is then shut off. Both the front doors swing open simultaneously and the first person, Derek Levy, steps out of the passenger’s side. He is wearing a white dress shirt with dark blue jeans and Adidas shoes, and also a dark gray blazer with light gray pinstripes. His piercing hazel eyes are shrouded by his dark sunglasses. Out from the driver’s side steps out Ryan Evans. Ryan has on the usual black blazer, with the red t-shirt, ratty denim jeans, and the black Vans shoes. Ryan looks up at the sign of their location; It was the local “Cracker Barrel” restaurant*


So……Tell me, bro, just why are we here again?

*Derek adjusts his shades as he looks at Ryan*


To meet up with Hector Zavaglia and Zachary, of course. You knew that…


That’s not what I meant. I meant why we’re here at this place? Why couldn’t we have met them at someplace more…formal and up to our standards? Like Burger King?

*Derek then completely turns his body around and cocks a brow at his friend*


That’s tempting……But, seriously, Ryan? Have you NEVER eaten at a place like this? These guys serve great traditional food and, the way I see it, there’s no better way to indulge oneself in conversations with associates over a good breakfast. And, besides, we needed to discuss plans somewhere…I couldn’t have it at my house; that would’ve been too predictable. And if The Brotherhood knew where I lived, I couldn’t afford to have everyone be ambushed in plain sight and watch my home be turned into their next crack-house. What’s the time?

*Ryan lazily pulls back his left sleeve and looks upon his watch, which happened to be a rather sharp-looking gold watch. A Rolex, to be precise*


…..Ten-thirty, sharp…


We’re just in time….Let’s wait out here for a while..


Sounds fine…I need the fresh air, anyway..



*Derek then spots a newspaper stand by the doors. He causally walks over to it and stops right in front of it. Pulling out his wallet, Derek quickly rummages through it and pulls out two quarters. He inserts them into the small contraption that unlocked the door. Derek takes a couple copies of The Star Banner and lets the door fall back down into place. Derek walks back to the front of the Escalade*


….One for you….

*Without looking, Derek hands one of the newspapers to Ryan, who takes it likewise before reading the cover article that was entitled “GUESS WHO’S PREGNANT AGAIN?!”*


Thank you, bro…


And one for me…

*Derek then proceeds to look at the table of contents of the newspaper and flips through the pages to get to the movies section, so he could look at the showtimes.*


*Inside the Cracker Barrel, the sounds of laughter and country music echo throughout the building like a tornado in the middle of New York City. The smell of coffee and food being cooked wafts in the air. The place has a very plain, homely look; wooden walls and floors with a brown carpet. Old western posters and other various merchandise hung on the walls as decoration, and it even had a novelty gift shop inside the building. Inside this whirlwind of smells, sights, and sounds sat two men across from each other at a fairly large table in the right side area. One man, “The Prospect” Hector Zavaglia, was a Cuban in his twenties with black, spiky hair. He was wearing a black “Escape The Fate” t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and faded blue South Pole jeans and Nikes. Judging by his physical appearance, it looked as if his physique had been chiseled out of granite. The second man, “The Eliminator” Zachary, was a genuine brute of a man. He was at least six-foot-five and over 250 pounds of solid muscle. He had blonde, semi-spiky hair with the sides buzzed into a fade. He had a blue, unzipped hoodie over a white Affliction t-shirt with an image of the Grim Reaper, black jeans, and brown Vans with a tan design and laces. Hector had a calm look on his face as he was gnawing on a toothpick and had his feet propped up on the table as if he owned the place. Zachary was leaning back in his seat with his arms crossed. He acted mellow, but the slowly-forming look on his face showed that this man was starting to get anxious. He uncrossed his arms and reached into the right pocket of his hoodie and pulled out a black iPhone. He faintly grimaced as he read the time. It was eleven on the dot, now. He looks up at Hector*


…Hey, Hector…


*without looking* …Yeah?


Just when did Derek and Ryan say they were gonna be here?




It’s eleven, now…




It just annoys me when someone says they’ll meet you at a specific time and they don’t even show up..


Don’t worry, they’ll be here…

*Just then, Hector’s cell-phone rings. He reaches in his pocket and pulls it out. He takes a look at it as it shows that he had just received a text message. He flipped it open and saw that it came from Derek Levy*


Who is it?


….A cousin of mine.

*Hector clicks a button to read the text. It says “We’re still by the car. How’s Zach holding up?”, to which Hector types “Z’s gettin antsy. Actin like he’s gonna leave soon”. Hector then clicks ‘send’ and flips the phone shut. Hector places the phone, a G-1, on the table and rests his hands behind his head. He faintly looks over at Zachary, who is surfing the net through his phone. Suspecting that Zach is going to call Derek, Hector talks to Zachary *


What are you doing, Zach?


I’m checking out the scoops. Wrestling, MMA, you know? Important stuff…

*Hector silently goes “Oooohhh….” and hears his phone go off again. He picks it up and flips it back open. Another message from Derek that reads, “Okay, we’re coming in”. Hector quickly texts back “K”, and flips the phone shut. Once again, the annoyed look on Zachary’s face betrays him. He puts his phone back into his pockets and sits up. Hector pays no attention*


This is getting ridiculous, man…They should’ve been here by now!


They’ll be here, man. Just be patient…


But what if they don’t--



*Zachary’s knuckles tighten in frustration. He then gets up and looks down at “The Prospect”*


I’ve been patient enough! Give me one, just one, reason I shouldn’t turn and walk right out the door!

*Hector is about to say something until they both hear a voice*


If you left, you would fail the test..

*Hector and Zachary look over to see Derek Levy and Ryan Evans standing next to them. Zachary stares at Derek with a confused look on his face*


Test? What test, man?

*Derek looks at Zachary as he proceeds to take off his shades and slips them in one of the chest pockets off his blazer*


Is it not obvious to you, Zachary? I and Ryan didn’t know you that well, so I decided to test your commitment. We both waited outside and had Hector play dumb to keep you from getting suspicious. I’d say you were just drastically close to failing, but according to Hector, you were showing concern for one reason or another….To show concern for the leader is to show that one is loyal….So, yes, Zachary, you have passed your test…..*looks at Hector and smiles*…Hector, how are you!

*Hector smiles as he gets up to shake Derek’s hand*


It’s all good, my friend! I’m just waiting for the time to pry those Tag Titles out of The Brotherhood’s filthy clutches!


*laughs* I know what you mean, man. I‘m sure you know my brother, Ryan Evans?

*Ryan then steps up and firmly shakes Hector’s hand*


A pleasure to meet you, Hector Zavaglia. I’ve seen your work in the Indies, you’re a fantastic competitor!


*smiles* Coming from you, man, that’s a huge compliment! You’re not too shabby yourself, Evans!


I try not to.

*Ryan then notices Zachary and goes to shake his hand. “The Eliminator” accepts the gesture*


Straight Edge Zach, eh? I’ve heard a lot about you as well. You seem to be on a meteoric rise just like Hector here.


Thanks, man.


Alright, then….Let’s be seated so we can get down to business.

*Derek remains standing where he is as he pulls out a chair and sits. Hector and Zachary sit back down in their seats whilst Ryan goes around Zachary and finds himself a chair. Derek waits until Ryan sits down and then proceeds to speak as rests his elbows on the table and clasps his hands together like a maniacal, comic book villain*


Now…With all the introductions out of the way, let us get to the reason why I’ve called upon all of you…..Hector and I are challenging Steve Storme and Kyle Evers for the Tag-Team Championships on Fusion, and we need to discuss a game-plan regarding….Both before and during the match.

*Derek lets that comment hang in the air a bit, waiting for suggestions. A couple moments pass, and Zachary is the first to speak up*


We could always attack them before the match? With them being unable to compete, they would have no choice but to forfeit the belts.


Sounds like a plan….But, it’s one that would backfire. The Brotherhood are able to exercise the “Freebird Rule”, and if something were to happen to them, they could have those goons Kyle Deathlocke and Garret King replace them at the last second and we would’ve used up energy for nothing..

*It is now Ryan’s turn to speak*


And if that’s the case, Derek, we could jump all four of them to be safe. And, if any combination of them decide to go through with the match, Zachary could interfere and annihilate them when the ref isn’t looking.

*Derek rubs his chin*


That could work too….But, what if the ref spots Zachary at the wrong time? And besides, that, along with the proposed attacking, would cause Jimmy DeMarco to have more reasons to try sabotaging our careers…

*While both Ryan and Zachary are trying to think of more ideas, a light-bulb goes off inside the head of “The Prospect”. He then slightly raises his hand with a smirk as if he were a student. Derek notices this and turns his attention to Hector*


I’m assuming you have in idea?


That I do, Derek, that I do…




Instead of focusing on trying to hurt them physically, why don’t we just take a page out of your book and try focusing on their mental state? Drive either one of them up the walls and The Brotherhood will be in no state to compete. Both Storme and Evers are at their most dangerous when they’re calm and confident. How so, given their constant drug abuse, is beyond me…But regardless, let’s take that confidence away from them somehow. Turn them into the paranoid, delusional shells that they really are, and they will make irrational decisions and fumble the ball.

*Derek thinks about it for a minute, then he nods his head with an impressed look on his face*


I like the sounds of that, Hector. When all else fails, resort to the power of the mind….

*Derek closes his eyes as he begins drifting onto a deep train of thought. He knew that stirring up The Brotherhood would be no easy task by any stretch of the imagination, but it was also far from impossible. Ryan then speaks whilst his brother pauses*


Well, for one, Steve Storme is a manipulator. Always clinging onto others whenever he wants something out of them…He feeds off of them to give himself fuel for his ego. We could think of ways of severing those connections and force him out of his comfort zone…


…..Yeah, but Kyle Evers, however, is completely different. He’s far brasher and louder, but he’s just an irrational pawn unaware of his boundaries. Giving him drugs would be like giving a terrorist a fully-loaded rocket launcher. He’s just the lackey and Storme’s pulling the strings. We could find a way to create tension and distrust between them? Storme would have no one to leech off of and Evers would be an aimless Albatross flying in a circle…


We could break into one of their houses and wreck stuff? Smash in some junk and make look like a robbery?


But what would be there to destroy that wasn’t already ruined, though, Hector? Hell, chances are that their so-called “houses” have tin-foil roofing and bubble gum and Elmer’s glue holding the foundations together..


That is if either one of them even have houses at all…


That’s a good point…

*Suddenly, Derek opens his eyes and his smirk contorts into a toothy grin*


I’ve got it….I know what we can do to rattle the cage…

*The remaining members of the Straight-Edge Army look at Derek*


What do you suggest, bro?


It’s very simple, my friends….All we need to do is---

*Just then, a voice cuts through the conversation*


Hello, welcome to the Cracker Barrel!



*Derek nearly jumps out of his seat in surprise. He turns around and glares daggers into the waitress. She appeared to be no less then eighteen years old. A Latina girl with an hourglass figure who was holding a few menus close to her. She looks confused as Derek looked like he wanted to strangle her, out of fear their plan may have just been exposed*


How long were you standing there, may I ask…?


I just walked over here, sir…..




*blinks*….Well….I’m Rosy and I’ll be serving you all today!

*She hands out a menu to each men. She then pulls out a small notepad and a pencil from out of her apron*


What can I get you all to drink?


I’ll take a Mountain Dew..


A Root Beer for me..


A Pepsi, please..


A Pepsi will be fine for me as well…



*Rosy then jolts the orders down into the notepad*


So…..A Mountain Dew…*points her pencil at Hector*….A Root Beer…*points the pencil at Derek*….and two Pepsis? *points her pencil at Ryan and Zachary*


*nods head* Yeah, that’s it..


‘Kay, then! I’ll be back with your drinks in a couple minutes!

*Rosy then puts her notepad and pencil back into a pocket in her apron and walks off. Derek waits until the young waitress is not of sight until he turns his head towards his head towards his comrades once more*


Okay….With that out of the way…At least momentarily….Here’s the plan….

(PART TWO: The Warning)

-The following events take place AFTER the CGS debut of The Straight-Edge Army as depicted in RKO93‘s RP-

*The screen fades back from a commercial break to show the Crowd in attendance of CGS still buzzing over what had just transpired*


Welcome back to CGS Fusion! In case you’re just joining us tonight, several minutes ago, the newly dubbed “Straight-Edge Army” addressed everyone here in the arena! They explained how being Straight-Edge meant they were in fact better then everyone else here! …..And yes, folks, it was just as egotistical as it sounds!


That’s true, Aaron! They did nothing but shove anti-drug lectures down our throats and acted like their lifestyle was the greatest thing since Elvis Presley!


They also talked about why they were Straight-Edge in the first place, and how they would ensure that they would become the next CGS Tag-Team Champions…


Do you think we should show the folks at home a clip?


…I’d rather not, Ted….The sooner we stop mentioning them, the better..


Agreed….Let’s take it backstage for our interim backstage interviewer, Sally! Fire away, girl!

*The camera then cuts backstage. A lady in her mid-to-late twenties with blonde hair and a black dress can be seen as she receives cheers and whistles from the fans. She smiles brightly as she raises a mic to her mouth*


Thanks, guys! Now, if you don’t already know, I---

*She then stops and tenses up as she sees something to my right, much to everyone’s confusion. Suddenly, Derek Levy and Hector Zavaglia are seen walking over in her direction to a massive wave of boos from the Crowd. They both stop mere inches from her with stoic expressions on their faces*


Oh no….


Not them again! What do they want now?


Who are you?


I…I’m Sally Batcher…I’m new here--

*Just then, Derek swiftly interrupts her*


Tell me something, Sally….Are you Straight-Edge?


Ah…What do you--


Yes or no?

*Sally hesitates and gulps as then she goes to answer the question*


…N-No, not really…..

*Then Derek reaches over and snatches the mic from right out of Sally’s hand*


Then get lost…We will not allow ourselves to be interviewed by some potential lung cancer patient!

*The Crowd boos loudly as a stunned Sally skulks away with tears in her eyes. Derek then shakes his head in annoyance as he proceeds to speak*


Steve Storme…..Kyle Evers…..You’ve been sponging off each other at the top long enough! You’ve done absolutely nothing to contribute to professional wrestling other than posting meaningless blogs and boring audiences to death worldwide by practically repeating them word for word! Chasing them away with pot-smoke blasting out of your nostrils as if you both were dragons! That all changes when I and Hector win those Tag Titles in the name of The Straight-Edge Army! We will kill both of your undefeated streaks in their tracks and force Jimmy DeMarco to implement a complete overhaul to the rules! The way we see it, Jimmy Boy’s been way too lenient with you and your Brotherhood… There should be weekly drug tests and locker room raids to keep The Brotherhood and every other crackhead that haunts CGS in check! We are going to crack down on and erase the filth and perversion that has made CGS such a laughing stock in this business, whether DeMarco likes it or not! BUT…But, that is not why I’m speaking, now. You see, boys, we have a plan that concerns one of you….Which one, you ask? Well…..That’s for us good, clean, and honest men to know for now. Believe you me, Storme and Evers….You’ll find out, too….

*Derek then flashes a sadistic smile as the Crowd boos*


….But only when it’s too late…… And when there isn’t a damn thing either one of you can do about it…It’s actually kinda sad, really…I mean, it could be anything and it could happen at anytime…And it could be executed by anyone, guys. It must be a strange feeling for you both. To know nothing in the face of danger….Or, to not even know what the face of danger even looks like…You guys like to compete with clear minds and that gives you the edge; because you both can see what’s coming and thus know what to expect….Not now. This is one game of Chess that you have no clue what to do…..And before either one of you know it, your pawns are gone, the horses are sent to the glue factory, the bishops are excommunicated, the queen is face down, and the king has been cornered and beheaded.

And speaking of kings….Once again, this brings me to you, Kyle Evers. It’s funny how you keep calling yourself “The God King of the Universe”…What’s even funnier is that you can’t seem to come up with a clear explanation, yet alone a comprehensible answer, to anything I have said. You talked to a skull prop as you somehow thought my using multi-syllable words meant I was like William Shakespeare. At first, I was confused by the irrelevant comparison, but then it dawned on me: You were just typically stoned out of your mind. You were clearly too stupid to know any better, Evers…..As usual. Then, you tried to switch issues around and put words into my mouth whenever I compared you to “God” after you named yourself the “God King” after Xerxes, remember?……*slowly shakes head*…No, Evers, that isn‘t why I spoke about it. I knew what you named yourself after; I was in fact addressing a comment that you made in one of your incoherent blogs that in which you compared yourself to the religious deity! The next time you feel like addressing me, make damn sure that your material writer checks his info a little more carefully next time.

And, while I’m still talking about you, be honest…..Just HOW did your parents die, Evers? An accident? A fire? Did they snort up your heroin by mistake? Or, did they kill themselves out of shame, Kyle? Did they realize one day that you were just too much of an embarrassment to handle? That you weren’t worth the hassle? They probably thought you would grow up and be a good man. One that would know the difference between right and wrong. I mean, what parent wouldn’t? …..And imagine the looks on their faces when they finally woke up and saw you for what you truly are, Evers…..A spineless, empty-headed, friendless, WORTHLESS, little bastard spawn that even Angelina Jolie would disown in a matter of seconds! I bet that’s why you joined up with Storme and his gang of coke-snorting gang-bangers! I bet that’s why you prance around like a sissy and proclaim yourself as a “God King”! It wasn’t out of admiration of historical figures, Evers, oh no; it was because you wanted to try to make yourself finally seem relevant! You wanted to finally wake up one day and look at your reflection in the mirror without wanting to tear the skin right off your face! Hell, I’ll go as far to say that you probably killed your parents in their sleep because they threatened to send you off to boot camp!

*The Crowd is booing feverishly as Derek further brings Kyle’s personal life into the fray*


Yeah, Evers….I’ll let you sink that in for a bit…Give you time to reevaluate your pathetic mockery of an existence…

Now, onto you, Steve Storme….Quite frankly, what have I said that hasn’t been said about you, already? You’re a symbiotic little cretin, Storme……A parasite, if you didn’t get what exactly “symbiotic” means. You just sit there and try typing people to death instead of simply going down the ramp and speaking to an opponent face-to-face, man-to-man. A REAL wrestler would’ve done that, like both Hector and I have done in the past. We don’t resort to MySpace and Twitter. As we are the best in the world at what we do, we simply don’t have time for that purposeless nonsense! You can deny it all you want, you can blog about it all you want, you can steal from gas stations all you want, but the truth is just that, Storme! THE TRUTH! You’re probably typing away a dumbfounding, unrelated retort as I speak, but you can only hide behind a computer for so long….Before the truth finds you and clamps it’s jaws right around your throat! Oh, well….It will sooner than you think…Believe me, Storme, it will…When The Straight-Edge Army breaks The Brotherhood down like a wall..

*Just then, Hector casually takes the mic and smirks*


Straight-Edge Army…..OUT!

*The jeers of the Crowd are almost deafening as Hector continues smirking and Derek crosses his arms into an ‘X’. The screen goes to black and heads to a commercial break*


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