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 Brooklyn vs LA:The War Begins

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Brooklyn vs LA:The War Begins Empty
PostSubject: Brooklyn vs LA:The War Begins   Brooklyn vs LA:The War Begins Icon_minitimeWed Oct 28, 2009 9:45 pm

OOC: The Pitbull stint was lulz between me and alex...i just didn't put it there out of randomness.I also got permission to use Storme so don't be replying to RP. lool yh kk. Good luck JC...

Brooklyn vs LA:The War Begins

Jay Brooks after an amazing win over former Carnage World Champion, Zachary, Jay Brooks is shown celebrating his win backstage. He has a bottle of boos and a ciagrette in hand. He then begins to talk to himself. People walk by looking puzzled and they quickly walk off. He then tells them to fuck off he then begins to celebrate some more by taking a smoke and drink. Then we see him begin to talk into the microphone.

Jay Brooks
Oh boy isn't it great to be me? Not many people think I could have beaten that trash Zach but man did I prove every one of them fuckers wrong. They aint got shit on me now I mean look at me...everyone would kill just to be in my shoes. Then I get word backstage I'm facing some West side cronie, Ryan Black man he doesn't even know what I have in store for him. You see where I come from anyone who reps LA...must I don't take it that extreme. In this case Black after Saturday your gonna look at your homies and they gonna give you one big slap in the face. Hell I'm pretty sure your own Momma gonna slap you in the face.

Jay Brooks then throws his cigarette at the camera and then lands on the ground. Brooks then leaves the building ending the first scene.The next scene begins when Jay Brooks is shown driving in his red mustang. The camera then zooms in on a sign saying we are now entering Los Angeles. Jay Brooks then puts on a pair of expensive sun glasses and then begins to talk...

Jay Brooks
And it looks like were here! None of you probably never expected me...someone from the east side going over to the west side. It's criminal but yet I must prove a point here today. I'm here to show you why Ryan Black's You know it's all about Brooklyn baby you know what I'm saying?

We see Brooks then enter the LA and it is shown to be a ghetto and rundown place. Brooks then looks into the camera with horror and dismay he then begins to speak again.

Jay Brooks
Ryan...are you fucking kidding me? The city of angels...more like the city of fucking losers. Oh look over here it's a hobo you wouldn't find him in Brooklyn. Let's see what this guys deal is he's really killing the mood here to be honest.

Brooks gets out of the car and goes toward the homeless guy who is sitting there in tattered clothes drinking a bottle of whiskey. Brooks goes over to him and then stares at him for a bit. He then taks off his sunglasses and then places them in his pocket. The homeless guy looks up and then puts a smile on his face. Brooks sees the man hasn't brushed his teeth and he looks away...the homeless guy begins to talk.

Homeless Guy
Spare some change sir...

Brooks then gets out his wallot and then gets out a twenty dollar bill.

Jay Brooks
Here you go...

The homeless man gets up and his eyes start to glitter once he sees the twenty dollar bill. Right when is about to get it he pulls it back and the homeless man falls down. Brooks then puts a wide girn on his face and then begins to talk...

Jay Brooks
Sike! Look my brother get your lazy ass up this sidewalk and get your ass a job. God all of you make me pathetic waste of life. GO...GO...GO! You think I'm messing around drop that godamn bottle and get your ass a job. GET OUT!

The homeless guy then drops his alcohol and then gets up and runs away. Jay then begins to chase him but then stops when he sees the guy turn the street. Jay then gets his sunglasses from his pocket and slowly puts it on and puts a smirk on his face. He then walks on and then begins to talk to the camera....

Jay Brooks
See that's an example of how LA is nothing compared to Brooklyn. They had Tupac...we had Biggie they had gay marriage legalized and we didn't. There are so many differences but yet we always seem to be the better side.

Then we see Brooks walking along minding his own buisness and these two guys follow him. One is wearing baggy jeans and no shirt and the other one is wearing overalls. Brooks then hears them say "Sup nigga" and Brooks turns around. He takes his glasses off and then sees the two men he then begins to laugh. Brooks then begins to speak...

Jay Brooks
Oh wow I don't think I've ever seen one of you before...

Both thugs look at eachother and then say "What the fuck a few times". Then we see one of them begin to talk to Brooks.

Thug #1
What the hell you talking bout nigga?

Brooks then get close to them and then talks in a low voice.

Jay Brooks couple....

Both the men back up and then put a pissed off look in there face. Brooks is shown with a smirk on his face. Then we see both men grab a hand gun and put it to Brooks face he is still shown with a smirk on his face. Brooks then begins to talk...

Jay Brooks
I just think it's so nice how you two work together...

Both the thugs look at eachother and then they drop there guns and then run away. Brooks then looks at the guns that dropped down. He then goes and picks one up he then chuckles and then begins to talk and it looks like he is going to crack a joke about it.He then acts like he is about to talk and he decides not he just puts the gun in his pocked and then walks on.It then gets darker and Brooks is still walking around pointing out the lameness of LA. Then we see the same two thugs from earlier and then we see out of nowhere...the rapper Pitbull. He seems to be the head of the gang and he shakes his head and then begins to talk.

Jay Brooks
MANNNNNNNNN...It's fucking Pitbull. Wait aren't you from Miami? What the fuck.

MANNNNN how bout you shut your fucking face up.

Jay Brooks

Would you shut the fuck up already...

Jay Brooks

...Is whay Pitbull likes up his ass...

Jay Brooks then laughs and then kicks one of the thugs in the nuts and then escapes. He then runs toward his red mustang and then quickly puts it in drive. He quickly drives off and Pitbull chases after him. Jay then talks into the camera...

Jay Brooks
Looks like I won't be coming here anytime soon but why would I want to?

Scene ends with Brooks laughing and driving home back to Brooklyn. The next scene begins with Brooks backstage at Fusion. He is shown running in place and throwing punches in the air. Suddenly we see a girl walk up and Brooks stops and then goes over and gives her a kiss. She then begins to talk...

Hi baby you didn't expect me to be here now didn't you?

Brooks smiles and then gives her a hug. She then puts a wide grin on her face and then looks like she has some big news. Jay looks puuzzled as he has no idea why she is so happy. She then begins to address why...

Well I got some very big wrestling career is back on track. You'll never guess where I'm wrestling next...they offered me a contract and everything!

Jay smilies and then begins to talk...

Jay Brooks
Baby that's awesome but where did you get signed?

There is a long pause then out of nowhere she bursts out...


Jay Brooks
For real? That's fucking awesome well I'm real happy for you but I got a match next. I taking on this goon from the west side shouldn't be to hard. See you later babe tonight we gonna celebrate big you know it.

Jay is shown walking down the hallway when he meets Steve Storme. Jay looks impatient but Storme looks like he wants to chat. Jay then begins to talk to Steve...

Jay Brooks
Look what the hell do you want?

Storme is shown staring at Lauren's ass and Brooks notices and then starts to get angry. Storme then notices his anger and then tries to back it up. Jay is shown really impatient.

Steve Storme
Damn Jay sorry but are you tapping that?

Jay quickly replies when Storme begins to talk...

Jay Brooks
Look Storme you better get the hell out of my sight you dig?

Storme then starts to act hood when he begins to talk next...

Steve Storme
No offense Brooks but she is way out of your league...

Storme then leaves and Brooks is shown breathing heavy and the scene ends with Brooks throwing shit around.

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Brooklyn vs LA:The War Begins
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