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 Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25?

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Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25? Empty
PostSubject: Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25?   Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2010 1:02 am

Hey guys,

Here's a question for all of you:

Now, last year @ Wrestlemania 25, Randy Orton took on his archrival Triple H for the WWE Heavyweight Championship

But here's a question for you:

Now, suppose if Randy Orton took on Edge @ Wrestlemania 25th Anniversary for the World Heavyweight Championship

Would Randy Orton vs. Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship have sold out?

That's the Question!

Please share your thoughts on this.

Last edited by tnalockdownfan on Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25?   Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2010 1:23 am

Clearly would sell but I don't think that's the road we're headed down. Their matches in the past have been amazing and the history of it all would draw fans in on it's own. I'd pay to see it, definitely. Most wrestling fans would really.
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FnF Up!
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Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25?   Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2010 12:06 pm

It's Wrestlemania, it's going to sell out even regardless of what 1 of the matches are. They could have Viscera vs Hornswoggle for the WHC and it would still sell out based on the strength of the rest of the card and the heavy promotion WWE is sure to give any WM event.
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Concrete Jesus
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Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25?   Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2010 5:21 pm

Unless you know how to go back in time, no, because WM 25 was last year. Smile

Yes, that match would sell for any PPV.
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Main Eventer
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Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25?   Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2010 5:33 pm

I don't see it happening, but I'd love if it did. I'd definitely pay to see it.. but I reackon it'll be Sheamus going in to WM as the Champ still.
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Concrete Jesus
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Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25?   Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2010 5:44 pm

They had a great match on Raw, when Rated RKO went their seperate ways.
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Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25?   Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25? Icon_minitime

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Would Randy Orton vs. Edge sell tickets @ WrestleMania 25?
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