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 Edge/Randy Orton Feud sometime in the future?

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5 posters
Wrestling Veteran
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Edge/Randy Orton Feud sometime in the future? Empty
PostSubject: Edge/Randy Orton Feud sometime in the future?   Edge/Randy Orton Feud sometime in the future? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2009 9:26 am

Hey guys, here's an interesting question for all of you:

Now, Edge is on SD! and Randy Orton is on RAW, but Vickie Guerrero is on RAW as the GM along with her nephew Chavo and Edge is Vickie's on-screen husband.

But, Randy Orton has to condone with Vickie, and it seems like Vickie is the face

But here's the real question:

Will we see an Edge/Randy Orton sometime in the future?

That's the Question!

You be the Judge!
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Main Eventer
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Edge/Randy Orton Feud sometime in the future? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Edge/Randy Orton Feud sometime in the future?   Edge/Randy Orton Feud sometime in the future? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2009 1:06 pm

Wow, that would be one hell of a feud. I was actually hoping for this at WM, so yeah, I real hope it does happen.
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Wrestling Veteran
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Edge/Randy Orton Feud sometime in the future? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Edge/Randy Orton Feud sometime in the future?   Edge/Randy Orton Feud sometime in the future? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2009 2:27 pm

Yea, it would make a great feud.
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Concrete Jesus
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Edge/Randy Orton Feud sometime in the future? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Edge/Randy Orton Feud sometime in the future?   Edge/Randy Orton Feud sometime in the future? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2009 2:31 pm

They are 2 young guys that are going to be on top of the WWE for long time. Orton and Edge had a great match on Raw, in 2007.
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FnF Up!
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Edge/Randy Orton Feud sometime in the future? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Edge/Randy Orton Feud sometime in the future?   Edge/Randy Orton Feud sometime in the future? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2009 6:31 pm

Tiff wrote:
Wow, that would be one hell of a feud. I was actually hoping for this at WM, so yeah, I real hope it does happen.
I was hoping when they were first Rated RKO...that didn't work out that well.
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Edge/Randy Orton Feud sometime in the future? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Edge/Randy Orton Feud sometime in the future?   Edge/Randy Orton Feud sometime in the future? Icon_minitime

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Edge/Randy Orton Feud sometime in the future?
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