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 Does Randy Orton Suck ?

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Mr. Tambourine Man
DJ Hipp
Ex-Mattitude Follower
15 posters

Does Orton Suck?
Does Randy Orton Suck ? Vote_lcap14%Does Randy Orton Suck ? Vote_rcap
 14% [ 2 ]
Does Randy Orton Suck ? Vote_lcap86%Does Randy Orton Suck ? Vote_rcap
 86% [ 12 ]
Total Votes : 14

WWE Superstar
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 03, 2008 11:56 pm

Me and Steffie were in a debate about this on MSN , Does Randy Orton suck?.

My answer was no , he does not.

Steffies answer was yes , he does.

To me Orton is the best thing on Raw.

He cuts good promo's and has an insane gimmick at the mintue whic is bringing out the best in him. He is also about to be given his own stable of next gen superstars that he will more than likely hone into great single competitors , just the same as Evolution did for him.
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IC/US Champion
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 04, 2008 12:20 am

My position is that yes, he does suck. Randy Orton won his first world title at a very young age, and has done little to nothing entertaining or interesting since then. Basically he stopped caring, and thus stopped trying. His ring skills are sub-standard and predictable in their genericness. Rope, rope, headlock, rope, clothesline, rope, headlock, headlock, punt to the head for the win. OMG, wow, riveting!

His promo skills are laughable as well. He has used the same, dry, dull, montone and uninterested voice for far too long. He sounds like he's reciting a shopping list rather than challenging an opponent, or whatever else he may be about. On a side note, to hear the world's most accurate (and hilarious) Orton to Kelevra aka Oldboy aka Rated R aka has way too many names Very Happy

His gen superstars, god I hope not. Lispy McLisperton who really has little to offer in the ring as well, or on the mic for that matter. And DiBiase who if he keeps being called the next Orton, may begin to believe that's a good thing and go that route and be just as hopeless. And who is the other guy again? He's so unimportant that I can't even remember his name.

Orton couldn't be called the best superstar on RAW by a long long long long shot. That implies he is better than the likes of Y2J and HBK, which is just hilarious in its idiocy it really is. But he about the norm as far as "talent" in WWE is going these days, so maybe I should be surprised that fans are beginning to consider less that mediocrity to be greatness.
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Ex-Mattitude Follower
Egotistical Maniac
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 04, 2008 8:36 am

Randy Orton's a good addition to Raw. Chris Jericho, CM Punk and Shawn Michaels are more entertaining in-ring performers and all-round wrestlers but Orton still has his place. He's got the WWE look and the pedigree which automatically qualifies him for a spot in Vinces eyes.

Sure, he can be kinda dull but most of WWE's wrestlers are. They use the same moves in the same order and then mix it up for the finish. Pretty much every wrestler in WWE does that, some worse than others. It's what WWE want from their wrestlers anyway. So you can't really blame Orton for that as it's well-known that WWE likes to keep a limit moveset so the manouvres become established with the fans or some other crap.

His mic skills are okay. The tone and style he uses is part of the gimmick. He's supposed to be a hard ice man kinda guy and his quietness draws you in. People diss Batista's mic skills but the character isn't supposed to be all flashy like Jericho. I've heard Orton cut some great promos, especially around his fueds with Shawn Michaels and Rob Van Dam.

I don't like the second generation stable to be honest. Orton suits being alone. But he's still an entertaining addition to Raw. He's a guy who has the reaction and ability to headline shows and not seem out of place. He rarely has a bad match and is just generally a good prescence to have on the show due to his superstar aura.

Last edited by Mattitude Follower on Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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DJ Hipp
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 04, 2008 5:01 pm

Nobody in the WWE sucks.
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Wrestling Veteran
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 04, 2008 5:37 pm

The Bandit wrote:
Nobody in the WWE sucks.

So Hornswaggle doesn't suck, I find that hard to believe. He has really done nothing but disgrace wrestling and the wrestlers. I mean no wrestler deserved to job to Hornswaggle. Back to the point Randy Orton doesn't suck and MF explain it better then I ever could or better word care enough to.
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DJ Hipp
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 04, 2008 5:43 pm

Y2J X wrote:
The Bandit wrote:
Nobody in the WWE sucks.

So Hornswaggle doesn't suck, I find that hard to believe. He has really done nothing but disgrace wrestling and the wrestlers. I mean no wrestler deserved to job to Hornswaggle. Back to the point Randy Orton doesn't suck and MF explain it better then I ever could or better word care enough to.

Hornswaggle doesnt suck. He did a good job at doing his job. He plays his part very well.
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Slim Shady
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 04, 2008 5:47 pm

Talking about wrestling on MSN = epic fail Razz
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Wrestling Veteran
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 04, 2008 5:53 pm

The Bandit wrote:
Y2J X wrote:
The Bandit wrote:
Nobody in the WWE sucks.

So Hornswaggle doesn't suck, I find that hard to believe. He has really done nothing but disgrace wrestling and the wrestlers. I mean no wrestler deserved to job to Hornswaggle. Back to the point Randy Orton doesn't suck and MF explain it better then I ever could or better word care enough to.

Hornswaggle doesnt suck. He did a good job at doing his job. He plays his part very well.

In a sense he doesn't suck, to be fair in a sense nothing sucks and everything sucks. I guess it depends on the point of view and how you rationalise it. All I know is I don't blame Carlito for wanting to leave WWE, he was going nowhere and was jobbing to Hornswaggle (well I think it was only once but, that was one of the points he brought up). Point is Hornswaggle is a disgrace but, it doesn't matter they don't use him in any major storylines now so I don't really care.
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IC/US Champion
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 05, 2008 8:59 pm

steffiebaby140 wrote:
My position is that yes, he does suck. Randy Orton won his first world title at a very young age, and has done little to nothing entertaining or interesting since then. Basically he stopped caring, and thus stopped trying. His ring skills are sub-standard and predictable in their genericness. Rope, rope, headlock, rope, clothesline, rope, headlock, headlock, punt to the head for the win. OMG, wow, riveting!

His promo skills are laughable as well. He has used the same, dry, dull, montone and uninterested voice for far too long. He sounds like he's reciting a shopping list rather than challenging an opponent, or whatever else he may be about. On a side note, to hear the world's most accurate (and hilarious) Orton to Kelevra aka Oldboy aka Rated R aka has way too many names Very Happy

His gen superstars, god I hope not. Lispy McLisperton who really has little to offer in the ring as well, or on the mic for that matter. And DiBiase who if he keeps being called the next Orton, may begin to believe that's a good thing and go that route and be just as hopeless. And who is the other guy again? He's so unimportant that I can't even remember his name.

Orton couldn't be called the best superstar on RAW by a long long long long shot. That implies he is better than the likes of Y2J and HBK, which is just hilarious in its idiocy it really is. But he about the norm as far as "talent" in WWE is going these days, so maybe I should be surprised that fans are beginning to consider less that mediocrity to be greatness.

I would have to agree with most of what you have said, but I cannot say that he sucks. He was an amazing wrestler back when he was with Triple H, Rick Flair, and Batista in Evolution. Thats when he had the hard gimmick and would do anything to win. Even later when he was with Edge in Rated RKO was his in-ring at his top. now he has died down to in my option a mid-card wrestler. His promo's are now getting dry. He is going on week after week blaming other people for things. I would lkie to see Randy now after is return go as baby face for a bit, give that a try. After the punt on Monday I think we might see a turn in that direction.
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Mr. Tambourine Man

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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 06, 2008 4:49 pm

He's above solid. His bad qualities are obviously that he can be quite dull in and out of the ring(chin-locks and monotone promos), but in a way that's sort of his appeal. He's very good at playing the kind of heel that you don't see a lot these days. A very vicious, calculating heel. So many guys are trying to be "funny" or "bad ass" which is making them beloved by today's audience. Orton is such a cold character that nobody wants to get behind him.

Orton's got a lot of good little quirks to him, like the way he stalks his opponents before the RKO. Or the facials he makes after kicking someone in the head. His best quality is probably his selling though. It's not of much use as a heel, but when Orton played babyface against Triple H at Royal Rumble 2005, he did an amazing job selling the concussion that night. It was Benoit-scary how well he did.
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 06, 2008 11:17 pm

Every wrestler has there ups and downs some do suck but i dont think randy sucks he does good promos he has good matches he plays the heel good
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WWE Superstar
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeFri Nov 07, 2008 6:47 am

Randy can have his good weeks and bad weeks. I dont think he sux just that he isnt the best on WWE right now.
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Heat Wrestler
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 2:01 pm

Good and bad weeks? When you are in WWE you shouldnt have good and bad weeks. You are in the main event for a reason, not because we might get lucky this week and Orton might not suck. Anyway I do think Orton sucks, I don't rate him at all. I liked him back in 2004, when he was in Evolution and doing the whole Legend Killer angle. I thought that was fantastic, and even when Evolution booted him out I thought this is a chance for him to break through the glass ceiling.

But then it happened Triple H buried him, and killed the push of Orton. But its not all Triple H's fault, I put some blame on WWE for pushing him to much before he had a chance to properly develop his skills as a wrestler and an entertainer. And it clearly shows within his performance lately.

I imagine there are a few people who just go crazy over Orton, but my main problem with him is his facial expressions. In acting which basically is a lot like wrestling the facial expressions show what emotion the wrestler is feeling at that moment. But with Randy Orton its like he only feels one emotion thats his limit.

When he wins emotion number 1, when he loses same emotion, when he gets a near fall same emotion. When someone disses his bland personality same emotion, when he has got one over his enemy, yep you guessed it same emotion. He was being taught by Ric Flair you would have thought he would have picked up on Flairs facial expressions which to me are great.

I also find his wrestling to be very subpar, like I said the facial expressions make him seem very bland and boring and I find his matches very boring, they don't tell a story to me. Don't get me wrong I don't want a story told every single match, some matches are there, they happen just because. But a high profiled wrestler should at least be able to tell a story on PPV's through there matches, prime examples of good storytellers in todays wrestling to me are people like Chris Jericho, Shawen Michaels, John Cena and Triple H (on occasion).
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The Watcher
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 2:14 pm

I think Randy Orton is ok, I wouldn't say I hate him but I wouldn't consider myself a fan either. He was very impressive during 2007, I really enjoyed the build up and eventual title win. Before that I kind of thought he was a lost cause in WWE, much like how Carlito is now. But he really impressed me in 2007, I felt his title loss to Triple H at No Mercy 2007 was pointless and no one came out of that looking better.
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Main Eventer
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 2:33 pm

Randy Orton does not suck.

Okay, he might be an idiot, but there is no way that he sucks.

He's a fantastic wrestler, he cuts great promos.. just because he's an asshole doesn't change the fact that he's one of the best damn wrestlers they have nowadays.
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The Omega VIP
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 3:15 pm

Randy Orton doesn't suck compared to some other wrestlers, John Cena, Batista, etc...I do wish he was the one to end Flair's career as I feel that would of been perfect...

Flair going for the title...Orton trying to kill the ultimate legend...

then you could of had Batista and Orton feud...and instead of Jericho you could of thrown in HHH to make it like a mini evolution thing.
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WWE Superstar
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeFri Nov 21, 2008 6:21 am

In my opinion Randy is not as good as Batista or Cena and HBK was the best one to end flairs carrer. If not HBK than HHH.
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WWE Superstar
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeSat Nov 22, 2008 10:14 pm

Dude love the Tupac flix. Oh and ur right about Orton
C-Makaveli wrote:
Me and Steffie were in a debate about this on MSN , Does Randy Orton suck?.

My answer was no , he does not.

Steffies answer was yes , he does.

To me Orton is the best thing on Raw.

He cuts good promo's and has an insane gimmick at the mintue whic is bringing out the best in him. He is also about to be given his own stable of next gen superstars that he will more than likely hone into great single competitors , just the same as Evolution did for him.
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WWE Superstar
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeSat Nov 22, 2008 10:21 pm

Cool CGS Rules rock n' roll No Orton is perfect and primed to be the next face of the WWE right after Cena is done. He has so far been the only next generation super star to actually succeed in living off of his own name. His fued with anyone is worth sticking around for. I didn't at first think that he should of been the one to end Flairs career and though I still say HBK was the best man for the job. It wouldn't have been bad if it was RKO because of who he is and what he stands for. And Who better then to kill a legend than a legend Killer. But Shawn Michaels The Heart Break Kid did exactly that. He broke hearts. And I was so happy to see him go. Just like I was happy to Hulk Hogan go. When ever you can no longer keep pace then its time. But Orton doesn't suck at all.
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Wrestling Veteran
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeSat Nov 22, 2008 10:29 pm

BEAST wrote:
Dude love the Tupac flix. Oh and ur right about Orton
C-Makaveli wrote:
Me and Steffie were in a debate about this on MSN , Does Randy Orton suck?.

My answer was no , he does not.

Steffies answer was yes , he does.

To me Orton is the best thing on Raw.

He cuts good promo's and has an insane gimmick at the mintue whic is bringing out the best in him. He is also about to be given his own stable of next gen superstars that he will more than likely hone into great single competitors , just the same as Evolution did for him.

BEAST wrote:
Cool CGS Rules rock n' roll No Orton is perfect and primed to be the next face of the WWE right after Cena is done. He has so far been the only next generation super star to actually succeed in living off of his own name. His fued with anyone is worth sticking around for. I didn't at first think that he should of been the one to end Flairs career and though I still say HBK was the best man for the job. It wouldn't have been bad if it was RKO because of who he is and what he stands for. And Who better then to kill a legend than a legend Killer. But Shawn Michaels The Heart Break Kid did exactly that. He broke hearts. And I was so happy to see him go. Just like I was happy to Hulk Hogan go. When ever you can no longer keep pace then its time. But Orton doesn't suck at all.

For the love of... stop the double posting! Anyway, Randy Orton doesn't suck and I don't plan on continuing on this. Now, I agree that HBK was the perfect choice for the job but, STL's idea was probably the best storyline option. Yet, a Jericho and HBK rivarly wouldn't have most likely came, which I wouldn't like, and of course half way through HHH would leave the rivalry due to be drafted to Smackdown (it'd be doubtful they'd keep bringing HHH over to Raw to continue the fued when the resoned he was moved to Smackdown was to be able to spend more time with Steph at home) then we'd be left with Batista and Orton for the next few months, possibly, which I wouldn't like.
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WWE Superstar
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeSat Nov 22, 2008 10:39 pm

By double posting I thought u meant that I was posting the same comment twice. My bad dude. But no the Y2J / HBK rivalry would of still happened. The point is that Y2J is the new HBK. get it? Jericho has admitted that HBK was his idol and that he copied his style. Watch old WCW footage to see for yourself. Even took HBK's student as his own (even though hes gone now). Has dawned the serious HBK attitude that he took right before he took the spotlight as the face of the WWF. Has excelled at Michaels favorite match a match which he himself brought to the WWF. The point is that the only person that HBK couldn't beat was himself.
Y2J X wrote:
BEAST wrote:
Dude love the Tupac flix. Oh and ur right about Orton
C-Makaveli wrote:
Me and Steffie were in a debate about this on MSN , Does Randy Orton suck?.

My answer was no , he does not.

Steffies answer was yes , he does.

To me Orton is the best thing on Raw.

He cuts good promo's and has an insane gimmick at the mintue whic is bringing out the best in him. He is also about to be given his own stable of next gen superstars that he will more than likely hone into great single competitors , just the same as Evolution did for him.

BEAST wrote:
Cool CGS Rules rock n' roll No Orton is perfect and primed to be the next face of the WWE right after Cena is done. He has so far been the only next generation super star to actually succeed in living off of his own name. His fued with anyone is worth sticking around for. I didn't at first think that he should of been the one to end Flairs career and though I still say HBK was the best man for the job. It wouldn't have been bad if it was RKO because of who he is and what he stands for. And Who better then to kill a legend than a legend Killer. But Shawn Michaels The Heart Break Kid did exactly that. He broke hearts. And I was so happy to see him go. Just like I was happy to Hulk Hogan go. When ever you can no longer keep pace then its time. But Orton doesn't suck at all.

For the love of... stop the double posting! Anyway, Randy Orton doesn't suck and I don't plan on continuing on this. Now, I agree that HBK was the perfect choice for the job but, STL's idea was probably the best storyline option. Yet, a Jericho and HBK rivarly wouldn't have most likely came, which I wouldn't like, and of course half way through HHH would leave the rivalry due to be drafted to Smackdown (it'd be doubtful they'd keep bringing HHH over to Raw to continue the fued when the resoned he was moved to Smackdown was to be able to spend more time with Steph at home) then we'd be left with Batista and Orton for the next few months, possibly, which I wouldn't like.
rock n' roll Chris Jericho
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Wrestling Veteran
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeSat Nov 22, 2008 10:52 pm

BEAST wrote:
By double posting I thought u meant that I was posting the same comment twice. My bad dude. But no the Y2J / HBK rivalry would of still happened. The point is that Y2J is the new HBK. get it? Jericho has admitted that HBK was his idol and that he copied his style. Watch old WCW footage to see for yourself. Even took HBK's student as his own (even though hes gone now). Has dawned the serious HBK attitude that he took right before he took the spotlight as the face of the WWF. Has excelled at Michaels favorite match a match which he himself brought to the WWF. The point is that the only person that HBK couldn't beat was himself.

Yeah, I know that was the point of the rivalry, everyone did. That rivalry all came from the fact of HBK retiring Flair. Batista was pissed off about that and the fact that HBK cheated to get to the top. Jericho intervined himself into the rivarly and eventually Batista was taking out of that rivarly and then the Jericho/Michaels rivalry took that turn. Yet, of Randy Orton took out Flair all Batista, HHH, and HBK, would be angery at Orton. Sure, for the most part it would just be the Evolution rivalry but, you got to assume that at one point Shawn Michaels would interject himself in there. Maybe after losing that the whole Jericho rivalry could come up by Jericho causing Shawn to lose the match with Orton but, honestly I'd rather keep it the way it happened. Plus, with the whole Evolution fued the Jericho/Michaels one would be overlooked (at least by WWE) and Jericho will most likely not end up with the World Heavyweight Championship.
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WWE Superstar
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Does Randy Orton Suck ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Randy Orton Suck ?   Does Randy Orton Suck ? Icon_minitimeSat Nov 22, 2008 11:03 pm

couldn't have put it better myself
Y2J X wrote:
BEAST wrote:
By double posting I thought u meant that I was posting the same comment twice. My bad dude. But no the Y2J / HBK rivalry would of still happened. The point is that Y2J is the new HBK. get it? Jericho has admitted that HBK was his idol and that he copied his style. Watch old WCW footage to see for yourself. Even took HBK's student as his own (even though hes gone now). Has dawned the serious HBK attitude that he took right before he took the spotlight as the face of the WWF. Has excelled at Michaels favorite match a match which he himself brought to the WWF. The point is that the only person that HBK couldn't beat was himself.

Yeah, I know that was the point of the rivalry, everyone did. That rivalry all came from the fact of HBK retiring Flair. Batista was pissed off about that and the fact that HBK cheated to get to the top. Jericho intervined himself into the rivarly and eventually Batista was taking out of that rivarly and then the Jericho/Michaels rivalry took that turn. Yet, of Randy Orton took out Flair all Batista, HHH, and HBK, would be angery at Orton. Sure, for the most part it would just be the Evolution rivalry but, you got to assume that at one point Shawn Michaels would interject himself in there. Maybe after losing that the whole Jericho rivalry could come up by Jericho causing Shawn to lose the match with Orton but, honestly I'd rather keep it the way it happened. Plus, with the whole Evolution fued the Jericho/Michaels one would be overlooked (at least by WWE) and Jericho will most likely not end up with the World Heavyweight Championship.
rock n' roll
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