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 Matches Confirmed for TNA's iMPACT Special on August 12

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Matches Confirmed for TNA's iMPACT Special on August 12 Empty
PostSubject: Matches Confirmed for TNA's iMPACT Special on August 12   Matches Confirmed for TNA's iMPACT Special on August 12 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 30, 2010 11:25 pm

- The following matches are confirmed for TNA's iMPACT special, The Whole F'N Show, on August 12th. The show will be taped the night after Hardcore Justice and reports are that it will feature no promos and just in-ring action.

* Rob Van Dam vs. Abyss. Abyss' nail board Janice will be suspended above the ring. Eric Bischoff will be the special referee.

* Beer Money vs. The Motor City Machineguns

* Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles

* Jeff Hardy vs. whoever accepts his challenge

* Mr. Anderson vs. The Pope
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Concrete Jesus
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Matches Confirmed for TNA's iMPACT Special on August 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Matches Confirmed for TNA's iMPACT Special on August 12   Matches Confirmed for TNA's iMPACT Special on August 12 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 12:24 am

Some of these look great on paper, but TNA always finds a way to disapoint me and I am sure that I will come away from ths disapointed. Where the hell is Joe? Why isn't he on this card? That is why Sheamus is ranked hire then Joe, Edgehead. Sheamus has been on almost every card in the past 12 months and Joe has been buried.
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Wrestling Veteran
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Matches Confirmed for TNA's iMPACT Special on August 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Matches Confirmed for TNA's iMPACT Special on August 12   Matches Confirmed for TNA's iMPACT Special on August 12 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 01, 2010 11:33 pm

Oh, I know of course why Sheamus is ranked higher than Joe and that's why I'm so appalled. At least, if Joe was let's say touring extensively in Japan instead of not appearing on TV, I could understand Joe and Sheamus' rankings. It shouldn't be that way, though.
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PostSubject: Re: Matches Confirmed for TNA's iMPACT Special on August 12   Matches Confirmed for TNA's iMPACT Special on August 12 Icon_minitime

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Matches Confirmed for TNA's iMPACT Special on August 12
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