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 Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ?

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Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Empty
PostSubject: Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ?   Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Icon_minitimeMon Jan 28, 2008 9:51 am

Now last I checked , 30 Men enter the Royal Rumble and compete for a Heavyweight Title Match at Wrestlemania. Now correct me if im wrong but doesnt that meen that the Three Heavyweight Champions of Raw , Smackdown & ECW arnt allowed to compete in the Rumble.

Last Night Chavo Guerrero , The ECW World Heavyweight Champion , was in the Rumble. I actually didnt notice at first until Joey Stylez said that he was the recently crowned Champion.

Now I think i no why he was in the Rumble , WWE Champion Randy Orton & World Heavyweight Champion Edge were both in matches defending their titles. But Chavo wasnt. This could possibly be why they used him.
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The Legend
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PostSubject: Re: Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ?   Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Icon_minitimeMon Jan 28, 2008 10:05 am

I think it was a waste of time to put Chavo in the Rumble. He was already champion, so you knew he wasn't going to win. His spot should have gone to someone else.
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Heat Wrestler
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Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ?   Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Icon_minitimeMon Jan 28, 2008 11:14 am

Think he had already qualified before he won the belt...In that case they could have given that spot to someone else he was taking up space . Unless he thought he was going to try and be the next RVD to show up with two belts...

Sorry I don't believe Chavo should have ever gotten the ECW title....He wouldn't have without Edge help...He just isn't Championship material
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FnF Up!
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Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ?   Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Icon_minitimeMon Jan 28, 2008 11:21 am

His title run is a joke anyways and WWE probably realizes it and don't even look to him as a real champion. Won't matter, either he gets tossed over or some other jobber gets tossed over.
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Ex-Mattitude Follower
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Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ?   Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Icon_minitimeMon Jan 28, 2008 1:38 pm

Chavo was in the Royal Rumble as filler. He's a decent wrestler which could provide some nice spots. He wasn't going to win and everyone knew that. He wasn't in another match that night so I see no problem with him competing.
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Raw/Smackdown Jobber
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Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ?   Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Icon_minitimeMon Jan 28, 2008 7:02 pm

Oh, I just remembered that. Well I guess history has been made that a champion competed in the Rumble. Since the older days, unless this was the first. Wasn't there a Rumble for the WWE championship at one time? Well perhaps Chavo was already qualified and he won the titled on the Road to the Royal Rumble. Very Happy
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The Legend
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Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ?   Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Icon_minitimeMon Jan 28, 2008 7:26 pm

Bumi wrote:
Wasn't there a Rumble for the WWE championship at one time?
Ric Flair won the WWF Championship in 1992 by winning the Rumble.

There seemed to have been a lot of weird things about the Rumble this year with Hornswoggle leaving with Finlay without being eliminated, Chavo being in the Rumble match, and Cena's surprise return.
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Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ?   Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Icon_minitimeMon Jan 28, 2008 7:34 pm

he is was in the rumble due to mark henrys absense to perform well but they should of used murdoch or something

Last edited by on Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:24 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Omega VIP
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Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ?   Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Icon_minitimeMon Jan 28, 2008 7:40 pm

traveler wrote:
Think he had already qualified before he won the belt...In that case they could have given that spot to someone else he was taking up space . Unless he thought he was going to try and be the next RVD to show up with two belts...

Sorry I don't believe Chavo should have ever gotten the ECW title....He wouldn't have without Edge help...He just isn't Championship material

That is correct, he was qualified for the rumble before he won the title, personally I would of rather seen Kevin Thorn and Kofi Kingston in it.
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Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ?   Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Icon_minitimeMon Jan 28, 2008 7:49 pm

The Instant Classic wrote:
he is was in the rumble due to mark henrys absense but they should of used murdoch or something

Mark Henry was in the Rumble ???

There were alot of other guys they could have used.....Trevor Murdoch.....DH Smith....

Matt Hardy was even backstage to fill in a spot if needed.
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IC/US Champion
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Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ?   Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Icon_minitimeTue Jan 29, 2008 12:19 am

stl311 wrote:
traveler wrote:
Think he had already qualified before he won the belt...In that case they could have given that spot to someone else he was taking up space . Unless he thought he was going to try and be the next RVD to show up with two belts...

Sorry I don't believe Chavo should have ever gotten the ECW title....He wouldn't have without Edge help...He just isn't Championship material

That is correct, he was qualified for the rumble before he won the title, personally I would of rather seen Kevin Thorn and Kofi Kingston in it.

Is Thorn still being repackaged? I hope they just settle on something decent and let him go at it.
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Wrestling Veteran
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Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ?   Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Icon_minitimeTue Jan 29, 2008 1:09 am

TheWittyTwit wrote:
Is Thorn still being repackaged? I hope they just settle on something decent and let him go at it.

Yeah I still hear that he is being repackaged as a babyface.
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FnF Up!
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Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ?   Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Icon_minitimeTue Jan 29, 2008 1:12 am

Thorn would've owned in a faction with Edge and Gangrel.

Gangrel = past
Edge = present
Thorn = future
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IC/US Champion
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Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ?   Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Icon_minitimeTue Jan 29, 2008 11:31 am

If Chavo had won it what was to stop him going for the WWE championship or World Heavywieght championship. Title holders can enter the rumble and in my opinion should. It would have been a good storyline for a champions of Champions 1-on-1 match again. ANyways, Chavo's reign IS a joke! No question about that.
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Raw/Smackdown Jobber
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Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ?   Why Was Chavo In The Royal Rumble ? Icon_minitimeWed Jan 30, 2008 7:25 pm

Why does it really matter, what done is done and we all know it is going to be Chavo Guerrero vs CM Punk for the ECW championship at WrestleMania XXIV.
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