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 Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ???

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The Wicked One
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Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Empty
PostSubject: Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ???   Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Icon_minitimeThu Jan 31, 2008 7:07 pm

Now just before we start I wish to make this clear. I Dont hate John Cena. He is a decent wrestler but the WWE does not let him compete at his best level , let alone do more than Five moves. I Dislike Cena because he is always champion and beats everybody.

Now thats out of the way let me begin..........

John Cena was injured in October by Mr Kennedy during a match on WWE Raw , or was he ?

The WWE reported that Cena had suffered a torn pectoral muscle. When the surgery took place the Doctors said that the muscle was completely torn from the muscle , and would at least take 7 months to heal. Here we are 4 months later and Superman has returned from injury and has been shot straight back into the Title picture. The fans as ever booed him into the ground on Monday Night Raw which i personally liked Smile , but is it possibly that the WWE and Cena fixed this injury ???

First of all , World Heavyweight Champion Edge suffered the same injury as cena and actually returned in 4 months. This is what makes it difficult to actually answer the question of if the injury was fake. Alot of people believe Cena was given time off to film the new WWE film 12 Rounds....aka The Marine 2. But filming doesnt start until febuary.

But then again it seemed the perfect thing for the WWE to do. Cena at the time was hated by all WWE fans over 10 and had been WWE Champion for over a was a slap in the face to wrestling. With the WWE loosing Cena due o ''injury'' they managed to bring back Chris Jericho , JBL & The Big Show.

Now Cena has returned we have seen him win thr Royal Rumble and now challenging for the Title at No Way Out instead of Wrestlemania 24. And this is what i can see happening.

Triple H will win the Elimination Chamber , Randy Orton will Loose to Cena and we will have Cena vs Triple H at WM. It was suposed to be last years Main Event but Triple H was out with injury.

The best thing the WWE can do is keep that goddamn Title off of Cena.
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Dark Match Wrestler
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Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ???   Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Icon_minitimeThu Jan 31, 2008 7:31 pm

Well, I heard of Big Show returning but I await..

Also, it could be true..or maybe they told the doctor to add a couple of months, but he would have returned sooner, like he did..
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Slim Shady
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PostSubject: Re: Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ???   Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Icon_minitimeThu Jan 31, 2008 8:18 pm

This is my theory. The WWE got the doctor to lie about the severity of his Injury. He probably did have a tear beacause let's face it no one can sell an injury that good. So when the WWE found out that he had a tear that would take about four months to heel they extended to 6-8 months so when he was healed he can look like Superman coming back and repairing even faster. Personally I do not think the WWE would cost that match they had all the hype for (Orton vs Cena) on some fake inury.
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IC/US Champion
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Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ???   Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Icon_minitimeThu Jan 31, 2008 9:16 pm

how can cena fake a injury and hve a scar to prove it.thats a rumor.
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IC/US Champion
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Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ???   Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Icon_minitimeThu Jan 31, 2008 9:52 pm

Cena´s Injury is not fake. It may not be as bad as they said, but not fake. Aslo I am a huge cena fan but I dont see him getting the title back with that movie comming up. Rember when he was doing marine and he was ```stabed`` in a bar. I see no title run for him now because you know he will be missing some shows.
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Heat Wrestler
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Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ???   Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Icon_minitimeThu Jan 31, 2008 9:55 pm

Fake an injury of John's is impossible to do ...Come on wipe the egg off your face and wake up No ...They covered the surgery from the OR they covered his recovery and therapy rehab...

John Cena has been a body builder since he was what 11-12yrs old on the weights...Comeon the man being a body builder and such a power house in the ring. He was lucky he knew what he could do when he had too and made it back in 4 months....I'm a nurse okay...Dr's give an estimate of recovery for an injury like that...But know way can say hey its going to take a year...John takes care of his body and with the healthy body its possible to recover even sooner then even Dr's can say....
The Dr in Alabama and the trainers have said over and over that John's rehab is progressing faster then even they thought it would be weeks ago. The Dr said he had never delt with an athlete with this kind of injury before,,,,,

But to say they would have faked his injury leaves you with egg on your face on this one...
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The Wicked One
Heat Wrestler
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Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ???   Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Icon_minitimeThu Jan 31, 2008 11:21 pm

He was hurt but not as bad as they said.
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Dark Match Wrestler
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Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ???   Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Icon_minitimeThu Jan 31, 2008 11:45 pm

I heard 4-6 months. He came back 4 months. Nothing irregular to me.
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IC/US Champion
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Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ???   Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 01, 2008 12:07 am

No, they did not fake the injury. They either lied about the severity to make it easy to "re-injure" him to go film his movie, or he actually is a super stud (which, although I don't like his character right now, he is rather studly) and recovered quickly. I think both sound about right.
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The Legend
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PostSubject: Re: Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ???   Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 01, 2008 12:21 am

TheWittyTwit wrote:
No, they did not fake the injury. They either lied about the severity to make it easy to "re-injure" him to go film his movie.
That's exactly what I was thinking. That would be a perfect way for him to win the title at No Way Out and keep it while filming. He can be kayfabe injured by Orton and be out for the 4 weeks or however long he's shooting and then boom he'll be back.
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The Omega VIP
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Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ???   Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 01, 2008 12:28 am

I think the injury was fake and here is why. the first thing I heard was 8-12 months. He was back in 4. The second reason is they were "filming" his new movie during this time frame. Finally if you think about it they wanted to give other guys the belt and then have Cena come back around wrestlemania to boost ratings. Not the first time an injury was faked, one time Dreamer "blinded" Sandman and he wasn't seen for a month, during his "retirement" angle he came in and nailed Dreamer with the cane. Also note these are the same people who faked a death and made a midget someone's son.
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Wrestling Fan
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Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ???   Did The WWE / Cena Fake The Injury ??? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 01, 2008 1:23 am

Well what I understand WWE can't even do the movie yet so I think your wrong there, and you never know cena could have pushed himself to come back sooner.
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