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 Why doesn't Cena sell an injury?

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Mr. Tambourine Man
The Wicked One
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The Wicked One
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The Wicked One

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Why doesn't Cena sell an injury? Empty
PostSubject: Why doesn't Cena sell an injury?   Why doesn't Cena sell an injury? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 04, 2008 2:05 am

He gets "hurt" in a match(like when Kennedy used a DDT on the ring edge) and then after the match he just acts like it never happened. Most wrestlers sell the injury all the way up the ramp but not Cena.
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Mr. Tambourine Man

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Why doesn't Cena sell an injury? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why doesn't Cena sell an injury?   Why doesn't Cena sell an injury? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 04, 2008 2:50 am

The Wicked One wrote:
He gets "hurt" in a match(like when Kennedy used a DDT on the ring edge) and then after the match he just acts like it never happened. Most wrestlers sell the injury all the way up the ramp but not Cena.

I think what you want to say is "most wrestlers should sell the injury all the way up the ramp."

Which most don't.

Don't kid yourself into thinking John doesn't sell. Just like most wrestlers, he only sells when it pertains to something. If he's just had a tough match or the injury is going to tie into his next match, he sells the hell out of it. When he takes a rough move in the middle of a match, he doesn't sell it. Ideally this shouldn't happen, but it's not like all the internet darlings don't do this themselves.
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The Omega VIP
The Omega VIP

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Why doesn't Cena sell an injury? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why doesn't Cena sell an injury?   Why doesn't Cena sell an injury? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 04, 2008 3:11 am

you know how hard it is to sell a move for a whole 10-15 minute match...

pretty damn hard
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FnF Up!
FnF Up!

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Why doesn't Cena sell an injury? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why doesn't Cena sell an injury?   Why doesn't Cena sell an injury? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 04, 2008 12:22 pm

Selling is actually one of I think Cena's strengths. He's pretty consistant compared to many other wrestlers, probably because he gets so much practice. What with being beat down for 20 minutes and then getting his few moves in for the win Very Happy
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WWE Superstar
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Why doesn't Cena sell an injury? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why doesn't Cena sell an injury?   Why doesn't Cena sell an injury? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 04, 2008 12:28 pm

^ Ha
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IC/US Champion
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Why doesn't Cena sell an injury? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why doesn't Cena sell an injury?   Why doesn't Cena sell an injury? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 04, 2008 3:06 pm

Why doesn't Cena sell an injury...

Pretty simple...

He fuckin' sucks.
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WWE Superstar
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Why doesn't Cena sell an injury? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why doesn't Cena sell an injury?   Why doesn't Cena sell an injury? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 04, 2008 3:13 pm

Have you never seen Superman.

He begins the fight well , begins to loose in the middle before prevailing above all to win the battle
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Slim Shady
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Why doesn't Cena sell an injury? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why doesn't Cena sell an injury?   Why doesn't Cena sell an injury? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 04, 2008 3:36 pm

That is Cena's character. He is not supposed to sell moves. In fact I would be surprised if he ever took a suplex and five seconds later he was still selling it. They want you to look at him, like Cal always, "Superman" pretty much the same thing they did with Hogan.
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Why doesn't Cena sell an injury? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why doesn't Cena sell an injury?   Why doesn't Cena sell an injury? Icon_minitime

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Why doesn't Cena sell an injury?
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