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 Michael Cash RP Thread Vs Kenny Orton

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Michael Cash RP Thread Vs Kenny Orton Empty
PostSubject: Michael Cash RP Thread Vs Kenny Orton   Michael Cash RP Thread Vs Kenny Orton Icon_minitimeSun Nov 09, 2008 5:08 am

The fans have just heard from Kenny Orton. They were sure to here from Michael Cash soon. They have yet been disappointed by Michael Cash. although they were not very pleased by the fact that Bandit won the triple threat, due to none other then Ghost. It didn't seem to matter however, Cash had one more golden shot. One more oppertunity to make it to right up the ladder, one step from the top. It was a sure fact that Michael Cash wanted this and was prepared to do it. The only thing standing in his way was Kenny Orton. Both have techincally never been beaten, although they weren't undefeated. Both however have yet to tap or be pinned. Something was going to give. The fans were expecting "I Dare You" by Shinedown to play with Michael Cash's titantron but, the were thrown off gaurd by a familiar voice.

Michael Cash
Hello Ladies and gentlemen, please direct your attention to the titantron.

The fans definitaly hadn't expected this. They turned to see Michael Cash on the titantron. Thats it though, they only see Michael Cash. Everything else is pitch black. The expression on Michael Cash's face is hard to describe. Serious, determined and, maybe even anger shows on his face. His eyes can not be clearly seen.

Michael Cash
I ask you, to try and remain silent during this promo.

The fans were confused, as Cash enjoyed feeding off the fans. Although they understood he probably wasn't around and he probably thought they would agree, so it was best that they try best and reamain silent, as not to miss anything.

Michael Cash

I'm sorry, I haven't quite been myself lately. It's just the anniversary of...lets just's coming up and I'm not particulary thrilled. It's one of those things that know...kinda...stick with you...on the worse way.

Michael Cash bent his head down and his hand covered his eyes. It's very possible that he mouthed, "Oh god," but not certain. He did mouth something though. The fans were confused but, honestly most are use to be confused by Michael Cash at times. It's becoming rather common. Hopefully though, everything gets cleared up before too long. Cash straightens up and the crowd leaves their thoughts and return to givening Cash their full attention.

Michael Cash

Sorry. Onto the subject, Kenny Orton when I first faced you, you knew what you were talking about, you had confidence and the right comebacks. Now, here we are facing off again and here you are grabbing to thin strings. First you complain about never having a fair chance. You say that weak people always lose for you and you know what, thats one of the farthest things from the truth. You didn't do your part to stop them. Guess what, Kenny you want to know when it;s alright to complain, when you lose because of Somebody who's not even in the Damn match. I wouldn't be facing you if it wasn't for Ghost getting invovled and that is a fact!

Let's see next, you mock the person I decided to emulate. Shawn Michaels, the Heart Break Kid and one of the greates wreslters of all time. You decide to emulate your brother Randy Orton, who you say is inferior to you. I mean you took a finisher from him, you come out to the ring like him, hell you even share a theme song. Well, you both are 3rd generation superstars so I guess it makes some sense.

Finally, you call me a homosexual. Kenny, nobody wants to hear about your sexual fanatasies about me and myself, I like the girls, you may like to ramble on about guys playing the other field but, I'm not into that. Kenny, the fact of the matter is, your not going to win. You can try but, you won't suceed. You can dream but, thats all it will ever be a dream. You can hope but, thats all your going to have. You're doing this for the sole fact that you want to be World Heavyweight Champion to satisfy your needs. I'm not going to lie of course I want the fame and recogizition as the top superstar. I'd love that. I'd, I no don't mean I didn't...I want it more then you can ever imagine. I'm not just doing it for me though, I'm doing it for the fans who desereve to see someone like me as World Champion, and most importantly...

After this the screen just goes black. The fans were extremely perplexed. After a few seconds Cash's voice is heard once more, in a sad tone.

Michael Cash
...for him

End RP.
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Michael Cash RP Thread Vs Kenny Orton Empty
PostSubject: Re: Michael Cash RP Thread Vs Kenny Orton   Michael Cash RP Thread Vs Kenny Orton Icon_minitimeSun Nov 09, 2008 6:19 pm

The fans were absolutly shocked at what just happened. They had not expected a response from Kenny Orton and definitaly nto one with such impact. The appearance of Shawn Michaels was definitaly the biggest surpise. Well, not to say that Cash not coming to help Michaels was probably a bigger surpise. Thoughts were spinning in the minds of most fans. This was something that typically wouldn't happen at a wrestling show. It was not common that fans had to wonder if they were cheering for the wrong person. It was very clear to them that they were sure as hell not going to cheer for Kenny Orton but, what about their supposed hero Michael Cash? Was he truly a coward. Peices of the puzzle were starting to put together. As a fan of anything, you could expect, whether or not it made complete sense, that their was always doubt in the fans mind. This time, and the first since Cash's debut, the fans were once again split on their thoughts on Cash. Most of them accepted the fact that they would most likely be hearing from him again. It was something that they just knew. Yet, half believed he would prove absolutly nothing but, Kenny's point. The other half thought the exact opposite, that he would prove Kenny wrong. Only a matter of time will tell. Then they heard a very familiar song play on the PA system.

Some of the fans erupt into cheers instantly, without even thinking. The others remained silent. Michael Cash walks out onto the entrance ramp, recieving a louder receiption from the fans. Still, their were those who choose to remain silent. That didn't seem to bother Michael Cash at all. He relealized that a lot of fans were probably swayed away from him by Kenny Orton but, if we know anything about Cash he was going to have a hell of a time trying to get them back. If he seceeds then he will have all the support in the world. Of course, this sounds quite vain but, all wrestlers, in some way are. After Michael Cash did all he did to get the biggest reaction from the fans he returned to the middles of the entrance ramp and "I Dare You" by Shinedown stopped playing, as well as his titantron. Michael Cash waited a minute or two for the "Michael Cash" chants to die down. Then he brings the microphone to his lips.

Michael Cash
Now we all just heard from Kenny Orton an...

The fans burst into "He sucks" chants. The all may not be certain with Cash but, they were with Kenny. Cash simply smilied and even chuckled.

Michael Cash
Ok, Everbody to avoid me from keep on getting inerupted I need you all to scream out, right now, how much you hate KennyOrton!

He raised up his microphone to help the sound but, it was not needed. The fans screamed their lungs out in boos directed to Cash's opponent Kenny Orton. It lasted about two or three minutes. Within each minute the sound lessened. Those fans who cheered for three minutes, well their just determined to hate Kenny Orton. That only shows how good Kenny Orton is on the mic. Michael Cash was most likely relieved to be able to put his hand down and return it to his lips.

Michael Cash

Wow. I didn't expect that. Now, honestly with Shawn Michaels and the whole gaurd thing, I know what all you must be thinking. How in gods name can I, Michael Cash, not come out to the rescue. I don't think their is a good enough answer for that to be honest. I know with the anniversary of....well I've been dealing with some personal stuff recently and I haven't quite been myself at all times. Lookjing back, the best option would have been to come out, help Shawn Michaels and go and kick the living hell out of Kenny Orton!

Despite the three minutes of screaming, their was no way that Cash could have honestly made them not react to this. Cash may not have wanted to be interrupted but, the grin on his face tells a different story. The fans were done not before to long and allowed Michael Cash to continue.

Michael Cash[/center]
But, the reality is I didn't do either of them, yet. Now, whether or not, I'm going to be able to get another chance to help out Shawn but, I will have the chance to kick the living crap out of Kenny Orton! Your as so called Wrestling God, well come Adrenaline the Wrestling God will become nothing more then an afterthought. Don't worry Kenny, up untill recently you were barely even a worthy wrestler to think of. Now, I know you all or most of you think I'm a coward but, I'm ready to prove you wrong. Cameraman, follow me. Their is no reason why you have to wait to see a fight.

Before now, the fans were able to control them selves but, the couldn't anymore. From what they heard Michael Cash was going to find Kenny Orton and fight him. Michael Cash went backstage and the cameraman followed. The fans were now watching him through the titantron. The see Kenny Orton's lockerroom and they are insantly filled with excitement, however Michael Cash just walks by it. Now the fans are filled with confusion. Michael Cash leaves the building and enters his care, the cameraman while confused does the same. Cash starts to drive. The fans are confused but, once again Cash stops at a bar. The only difference is this is a different bar then before and the cameraman was going by his orders. Cash and the cameraman both exit the car.

Michael Cash
My friend, showed me this place. I don't go here often though.

The cameraman was appearrantly fed up with Michael Cash.

Ok, what are we doing here?

Michael Cash
You'll knoww soon enough.

Michael Cash and the cameraman then procides to entering the bar. Their are a lot of differences beween this bar and the other. Most noticable is the people. All with big muscles, tattos, and bandanas. Michael Cash walks up to one of them. The guy, who is probably the most muscler turns to face Michael Cash. Cash looks at him and then gets a pretty good hit on him with a left hook. The big mans singlasses fall of, revealing the anger in his face. He punches and knocks down Michael Cash in one blow. The cameraman is terrified, backing away and the fans are simply astionished one Cash gets back up and punches the big guy again. This time the big guy was not so easy on Michael Cash. He grabs a beer bottle and breaks it on Cash's head. Cash falls down and begins to bleed. Yet, he still gets up and attempts to fight. The big man, obviously irrated, grabs a pitcher and smashes it on Michael Cash's head. The blood is a lot worse and Michael Cash is lying almost unconscience on the ground. He tries with all his might to stand up but, it is not going so well. He does manage to get up and he for some dunmb reason tries a superkick which hits the guy making him almost fall down. The cameraman grabs Michael Cash and tries to force him away but, Cahs refusess, and breaks free. He runs to the guy only to get another beer bottle cracked against his already bleeding head. That was it pretty much, Cash was unconscience. The cameraman dropped the cameraman and starts pulling Cash away. He decides it best to turn the camera off. The fans sat their in amazement, obviously Cash was not coward but, did he go too far to prove one point? The biggest problem from what just occurred is if Cash would even be able to beat Kenny Orton now, would he be able to recover in time for his match agaisnt Kenny Orton? If so, some fans doubt he'll be able to get the job done but, most important, to Cash anyway, was that he had definitaly won his fans back.

End RP
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Michael Cash RP Thread Vs Kenny Orton
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